-I The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - Al15 S orts Drury senior cagers advance to Halton final E.C. upstages Reding to reach charnpionship By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion E C. Drury's senior girls bas- ketball îearn has rediscox - ered its svinnins, ways -anid not a moment too soon. Reclassilicci lii ItaliiuIî AA\iiyiiil ic aui 08 tegular scasio IIi i a lotîci LI ast l)i\i i[Ii the Sratspul ccl i ti bac k liibac k \iîlîsla, iicek agaitisi t i tll rivis 10i cadi îîîcay s regîîînai clîînpiiîiships. VWhite spiîrtillg itll e starter trîîîî laist year's OFISAA cîîntiinî. C put itsd1l in lthe thalitii titals ýi îî Tbuisday 's 37-31 dcicsîîîî îîe te hîîst isbîîp Rcdîng Rîîyals îviîî isett 71 inii the Noirth iîîîp and noî ctîubt had tîspes ot li- Iiiii ithtu up îs tii a trip iii Sheridan ('tliege. Iiîîieier. the Spartaîts stîîîied a uitile tillei cîînpîîsîrc andc îs.serIisncîs ini the paîtl ii take a t tsi qiîailer ciii ant iiatlî Il it the cui-tio (11i te sýetîtîl ual claish. iltiîîk hic cîpl cse iî last seail bîiiitedlli o cu lli and11 IlîtîfD lie Icit ii tlis teii l. suiLail coach knîckci ti Mîltutî istrict 41-3-1 in flie \A Jn li- ail 32 îîîîîîîîic 'l'bîrsutîy. Sarah i recît cks --tue flou1e i etulliill- tic tndl trîtît last scsî icCLi ir yFHý \N it 1-4 I)OHItS Meatîsille. puiser tîîriard Asiiley Rutz b ack oii thc cort at'ter taking a year i Io iiienceittrate oit lacrosse andii hockey -delii ered a spiited iio- \%ay eftort and bied keep Redinges offense in check. -1laiig Asiiey hack ibis year is hugc»- said Iludrf.-h's liii nec essariiy a $ hasehal t.ae but she's incredibiy îî ninecaus. ihil BroeIlre cînti hutcd 101 poiînts MihlePacI sItide tlitîce bses iictdii, a i the fi iiiiiiilte bhat îÏ esentill'ýseald Itledeai. Wîiih toi giuners Caiîtlii O'Connor antd Li idscy Fîirik efctlsiy stiadowe d antd heid Ia cibiiieî it poîints, Redino Just couiilnt tuitr the tide attci fiiliitg bebiaci cariy (in despite scoria the oiy tiio tliiee pointers tifthe atteriîiiit anid eli;iyiîg îhrcc bieakasvay iay-up baskets t rit Carissa lenry. A sub-par shoîx iîg at the free tbriws hune was iisii a stuntbiing block for the Royals. sîho pîîiied tii wSithin tour points of ihrce separate occasions ii the second hait betore fittaliy beîng van- (ILI is le L. The Spartatis wtiil nosv take oin Oakviiie's St. i'hîîias Acuî îas Raiders ini tocday' s Haitoit AA finalsi \ýiii beîîî il 4 p.nt, ai Stherictaîn (ollete. Aluisý, beai tfradier tîandîiy iin botb h eîa scisili eîîc )Iilliter's andc liav c ouid littîicîts: hack (loin the teaîin tuat Iotîs toD-ii O ut()SAA q uai- if' îîg play last ail. -Fus is suppose iii be thiîcr y ci andc ttiey'l clefiiteiy be iîîîkîtiiî licicîg a gaîiîst ils.' if' able iii ettuttiiei ait liset ii iii îîîday. the Spartaîts wîiii iîîsî a ['ei Re.îîî i epiesentilie Friday attcrîiîîîî foîr berti t i OFSAA tui Prcscîîît text weekeîîd. w-,m nmpridnqCSTÀVKREBRCE ferhghquliythraeui bacs ndpodct as .oeabe xm m nowprowl CU TN KEE RACES Otierhug qaMythrapubcbrcesan prducs lsoavîlale " by Ornai & GaaaratiaNv 2 a AirsFefl ankie brace e EmhraceA4r backrests " Useful in treating Osteoarthritic Knees e EDavdil tennis elbow strap a J-baes for patellofemoral problems & Knee Ligament Injuries a MouD-Ez maternity supports e Madlflow water pillows " Fitted by Registered Physiotherapists e Athletic Taping Supplies wvX-0 i __MDeny Rd. W., SW. 203, Miltn (acm.. froen fh. MUIO, Hoepfta) (»5> 078-9293 sleblanc@haltonsearch.com w