Fî e au es he vy da ag * ~The Canadan Champion, Friday, November 18, 201-A at oressed brick cnmninv *OUR1 READERSl WRiTE j i . i i c 1/mî ix .iim Mîiii (1J /ii/x '1 M imixl 'i ixli ir mxmil lii îxuîîm'x xm'/ imm' ( '/ixmîmq iiimx iîrl ir/o ilrl, blatmonx inm orxl Io liidmmr xi iinimi mmmlx !llil x fri t coj/irrî mxrxmmentrmî IN rrMmlliilsr' pr xi iem/ i pmlui lxx s/m imuaionmmî m in mml'il1t Aiigîst 1906 Orî iiicrsdas [ir011 bcetxx cci and 10ii mmi imck a frc brrrkc outiin mIrle emiile roi i li' FmxTronitoxii.s. Bm ick andi ici i a (imita (' \' xirks.Aý \s i'tuiisdil xx as NhilItiiii cmxIc liliia Ille xxxiik (s ail heem shi dxxxii m mmii xxxix mmmmil mm I ei llie huiler ,iiii dlilre xx ce liiieii iimm tlire das h: ami ~ent xcii k mit Instimaiicè cirrxpari\. Tiremîmxi tiri,,i f le fle s' a mm cmx, hut imus titigir tirai i ixax liasc beri caused kY spîxîtaxcxus comrmbustion. As surin as mixe lire xxas discocred tire xxhmsîic of tire xecrrks gaxe tire ,miarnx imriimxx'd by mmmi of rire Milton Pressed Brick ('i.. a short dixtance axxay. hut tire nlaines sorn shut off tire foruxer. Tire emplîxyecs of iruîi cmparxues, assîxted by a nuuxber ofi murer mnîcr dmid splendid xvcrk mn figixtinp rire fire. As tire force pump xxas mx tire nmds mmf tire ilaxes i was unavailairle. Tire pipe irixrn tire poxnd ici tire engmne roomr xxas eut and xxter xxýas carrred tir and thrcxxv min tire ire hy a buck- et birgade. By tremendirus exeriim tire fire xxas ccxnftced tir tire ecuumîe amni press ixîmîse hum unfirionareix mires xxere tire mmîrs importantrm otaill esp)ecizali tire press irouise. Ail tire hri'k-riîaiir ini'rrers x% ams enlier dextmmxed orr haîii, iiaiei Mxr. Smntxm ixl IToronto, u hom mxxx lils Ile h andimme miii mmx mi Ille inicii rei. xxii ihimiild ais na prissihie. mmi "Mr. i s lime leeec l nlii cipect tire planmrt Io h limm pericet xxiiik- n- rrder iim touh xiii iii Pusiari if mixe iimcliximer>. ceisimie iboumt xO)(i. %ii. x a mxxx ned ky Mr. i cxx ix. xxh mit n mire iist lexvi ycîirs ird repiaied aiimqii.tci machinres, xxitir tire nexesi anud rxxmmsît mmii cmn. Hîs insurance xxas $214Km. Mr. Sîxîrirhs xas S4.ihhi(i Tirîupir Mr. m xr îust lîrse ireax is' on iris rnacimery. firis lrss tirîugir tire sirurîmug dmxxxi nof tire xîmrks xxiii per- haps ire ireavier. Tis m tire irusmes seasmt mn hrtck-making flit mîniy hecause ofi tire ireavy demand. hum onf accixunt of' tire lavourahie xveather. Fimrtunamcly tire burix. mng of a xery large ixumirr oxi bricks irad heen cmîmpiered tire day heimire tire lire. 'l'ie iranding aîxd sippmrg xxiii kcep sîrme ofi tire empirryces husy fomr am siortr rime muid tirere xxiii ire îxmrk for mirmse emxrpiryed oii imncy terra irrita uxtîil thircr preparcl cax gmves orut, hum. exeepi rire abrixe. mirere xxiil bce uie omr mx i xrk foîr aborut 501 iands untîl tire ccxx uxaciery is insîaiicd. Tire mxii Mamin Street bridge. hirmx i becix remixved Imm icre rpiaccd by a strre ammxd ceuxent rue, am iemprrary lxxiii bridge irms bcent buit acrmxss rire creek jusi clemir of rixe xx amer. Tire descent is qutte steep aîxd stcpsý haie becix dug mn tire bamtiks. hiese xvcre slmppery alter last Sunday nigiris rmmmn mmrd rnist omi tire cîmîxpregatîrn mmof tire (;rmace Miltn ~s o~Halloween attack on young boys sîmply Time t ~dis grace fui; assaîlants should be ashamed C'lIricir. xx iii omlicrs xx [Ioi iad iii ciross uIc ccek. mxcli aiimuid hy th icllen Strect him la i iil lii taki' clIaiiîceso ail ici i Aget Fuiie ic l Ilic (' P R. 'aip aN i lc s irai thioe H i iti buisinecss ai that staionii s' mluch simmallet Iiiiuiiisiial tris scasonr, a shlmae omi sniiix last xx itr causimp il sirtage of' hps, (lie total recerpis are as large as cx cr. lice says that travelcrs hiavc as pimod accoimniitiîi as tirey had beurre local orptionr xxn ciii to fomrce, thc ternperartce intel hircic icil rxxanapcd. Rex. T.R. Lari. %%h liijust rcîmrrted iroîn Sait Francrscoî, C'ai. xxiii pie a stereiipti comn lecture, descriptive îmf the eartirquake and lire ai Sarit Franciscor min Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lr xxcre amngc the steicmrs of' tic disaster. xxich iixenorik tirai crîy. J l' Baic. ciiriractiir irîr tirc crcct ii ofi tire 'lexx stOnmc mimd cernent bridgecoit Main Street, ix usine x lx arge himv:ks of xtoiic In ixx isti.i ii jil pi rImm lisî ioi bc,. stii elotil imir liii fo 1,11L. e ll ilSl hi tecoi fooi h.siie'si uli i j xxitcd Iii.ke'sifIi. tiiIiîani ilwa dcesI git hîrý hsi'cm.'m pliiîcil ai cami n t.fIl iikiric- i sidiiciii csîaIiecrmis alteri mark. Mai peoplec pari.cuilaris olxi peo pic, arc shiv ahut takipg ai h.uitices x% mîh it. Rather than croiss i, riicy ex (o Prime Strect. txxi ohblocks, aias and crosxs miîerc. Mcssr. Scciprixc Matmexis, xxlhi hniuphr aird shmpped appies hcrc fast sca- son, are here apain ready tri boy tbis sca- suc's crmmp of ail grades. Thcy arc building art exaporamir min the (l.R. prixpcriy cr- ner ioi Main arrd Brute strecîs xx hmch ihcy haxe Icased. Tire exaprîrair xxii ire ofi the iargesr capaiciiy and latesit mmmdeli.%x iii par- ip. sliig and( cxxrmmm machiucry. mii hy a gasile eipiirc h xviii irc rcady tri nit xx mhmn a iexv days aird xxiii rn uni iabouitm Dec. lxt imt cach ycar. r xxiii bc xxelciixrxed hy the lrcal appie grmrxscrs. as iirr is mmi iriier cx .iîiratrrr ixcarcr thax rirai ai Burirgtirr. Messrs. Smeiprxmsc & M'aimircxxs arc flit tnanimiacturiixp thixcr mxx i barrcis. as iicy did last yeai. hum htii ip tient i rîrir ( H. Ciarsimu. of Paieriro lime xxiii pack anrd siîp thc chixcc fruiii ai thc mxrchlards anrd brmrmp rie mmxx ci grades ixerc tri thc cx apiramir. J/i rli r un te ix îý onmlimrlmx lrclimll/ x t/me M/un His xlii ami Suritt mliv mx u Iillx. mr'hm cmaii /ic rmxlier! mm ili/ îmîm' n.xxi i)ear Itditor: On)m liai Irîecî iny i atxxmiy expert- ermiec yi mmmiitirer crrrscceriece of' i iimî i siic.ik tlrii îîmry lxoiii \\îI'lrl ontim i iisx li m c xi lxi c immi lîke a bail iisiaio ofi milrcr lier> xxeek car Ireits. vmirdmi isi., boumse hi eak-itîs antd siabirns arc repmrted mim ixcr publie irmmses. Wirmt îeict'm My commntxs areixi direeted ai tire nexvcmmxers tir Miltomn, as we xvelcmne irur treir frmecdly nerirh bîmurs. limwex'er. 1 teed ai rrd mmm express rry obhservatiomns. h loonk ai imur sitution mmnd comne tir the comnclusiomn ihat rmcr trmwn leaders and mdumnstrammrs mire morrre iimcused mmmx tummîrp mmxer ai fast dorlmir ru mmiimmxinp sucir raptd devel- impiment xxitirîur arry mdequate mîxrmstructure tir supxpomrt n d imatcir i)rx u'cmmciitir liweed mo re i ismirrce mfiimel mini Irle ,treci? Yesý lit i clîmîmix' lirix il i. "'lii tîmîmîs. thmex\ii ale amimi ' \%e siiiiiii m tîrrîcî tio l.iii al] of thei mIeatIc i'ciiliiils, iiim xxiii stiii'i conrtîe tir pass,,s mi ur sinamll mmmxxi eImmhries ail tiîmmsc smî .miied 'ciesîrmîbie' immîtomi sf mmig-cii5 lix, mime. MI> lxix. xiii> shal renianti rîmmaie- iess. sý a briglîr x \clli mmmmxtxrci aitd pixîie Yomung nrmiai ixm sts oii Mayomr Gomrdi Krmîîmî's yrrutir advt- srmry ermummeil Fie xxms wmti iris fiecd tricx mr-iremtirxp on Bell Street mmn Hmmiimxxeetx ixien iirey ixere mttacked. assauited mnd School board actions have been like a soap opera ik'ar Editrir: Vmmicirg tire suxahr operma tirmt irms timiterimmimd xx, iii tire prritmcmî lemac- ershipîx mxi me 1 imîlxî iîstruci Scimul Boamrd, m iin xxmndcr tire bummrd mx ii suci mi hisc, ii mmcx. Ail] iris spurmeci cebmuîe mîbout tcx ershes, severmrce paîckagecs ainci icmks mmi cx nridcenî mmm rinfrorma- lin cermitxy irms led trie tir bimhexm ilîmît revu Nuscnîer \%,lrein ix pur tri thc ballout br tIo imite fi urr trusics ie xii l ru uici cii tire wimrlc luit of tirenr. h thuink tic liursi îrersuin xvi sirucic be shumîr tlire dcirr mx Chirr Paul [mite. 'Thc iîs strmx imrr trie x s Mmx ien lie xxvas quoîxîcci mm Tire ('hmipioin mms smmying -1p "dmxx't nmeei ici be hcid tir a stmandarcd thmi xx'msm't fimlmiwed by mimybimdy cIsc." Has Mr. Tmate cmxi xxmmcieci tire receni evenîs mmx Ottmaxwm, Quecnr's Pmark orr Tomrconto?' hîmiiims are cmmnrrrcmmmihy i'ciîxp heici tri igier stmandamrds, mmcd mx nis cmase -ivitir ail tlie secrecy beirc tie selîles wivime ire cidut cii mmmyhîug iiegmul. tire perceptionm mx certmurrly mapparent xiemr ire mmîeîrpmed îmm keep îinrgs quiet. Of corurse mmx tire ccd tire ciidren maid temîciers irise oui becaume of this crmîey mess. Irerexs cxs iund- mng for mcxi boonks, cxxs tundmcg foîr specmîl educatin n md cxxs furmding for litermîcy. Iipef'uiiy ammxci siate cof îmustccs nrexi Nuivetirbr xxiii change tiîgs. Until dieuî. sîe'cr stuck vitir iris erexi. uts tni bmîci c Humitoî maid Miltonî. Joe Henry Lancaster Boulevard Braces for Children & Aduits Smiles that last a Lifeétime D)r.S/f; Jtthi A n invesîwmeni in yourçelforyourfamiy 3 11 Commercial SireeiSthle 2(19.Miltoc. TeI.905.875.2995 For that winning smile, please cati our office to arrange for a FREE Initial Consultation Tnmuxmi I Me DDS& M&., BS., FRCD(C) txxcggeci hy emirit mlder ymxutirx. 'i'iese ymcmmg tmxen smrmtclied thir ummiticy. ripped muy irîy's gimîsses mmii of' iris fmmce minci trrex tireu tir tire grxîi nmit trixi mentin tirmt iicy mieme pirsici andi kickemi xx ile ixcy ixere îirmîîr iNil mi (ilis l'or cimmxdy? iorrestiy. llie mxxix boy, s ere vcry irmiri- emicil hixîmmîrliaicil andi trmmîmrrxmimeî b> îis mîri mxmkec atmick, b ut tmoîre mm tlie poimnt. werc sirnmkeci hy irmw tris emmuic irappe i one mm ofx (mur iridcst, quîemcst and saiesi areas mmf'tmrxn. My sîncere thanks goes (rut to tire kînd citizen cru Bell Street who cmame mcm the aid of tire hbmys aud irad tire deccmrcy ti wivat until tire poilice aird myxeif arrmved cru tire scene. Kudîrs tir ymru, sir. Tir tire ciphi ymmutis reipnnihe forr tris attaek, ycmu must ire irard cmases - eai imugh nuis. Lnrcrk, ycmu irade tire lixadimnes. Ymmu ixake nie smck. and luxi total- 1> ciîsguscc. 1 wisir yrmu dîdut jivc mii ny mmmxvii and 1 isir ymrur par- cîis iî,îî rmmscc ymrc xxithi mmipier tmrmal stmmndard immxvmrd irtiers aird timeir prmpertvi x1 Nsu vmur mtrimhers xxmmu icihase tri gom irmmei mlire satirle pa îi and misi i'e mxi xu as mmxx ho\m 's îitixer clii mmmx lmllomîxccii Buti ntîrs ofi mii. 1 (l u irai mite esxI cii'mxi i lecisý ixe mci ur ililc m i hini Irmixtlerei ammxd alunie Yu ledl pmmxxriess tri lircp tireur My bnmy irmm tir pet mi\% trmnes mnd crises. Plus ire mmxi a day ofi scmmum ieauxe ire cmuicn'î dio iris sîndres wîtuiît iris giasses. Alsur, iris mcii iîmd tcm pet x-rays fomr injuries ire sustaiccd frcim tire attack. Tri tire p<mwers that ire, mx thîx sit- uaiomn acd umihers like i mo come piup tri ire tire iepmcy ofi cicr mince quiet. pemucelul uiîwn? Pcrsmnmuiy ymmu cati keep yumur Wml-Mart, i cmiraws, Zeliers anci ('mîadiax Tire supersuirres. Hmmx min cmiii cliii 1 nmape iihut ilicux ic iny 23i yemrs as i Miltnîxî resudeît? Lmsy. 1 scmppred sumîli. ring-truc esimiblisirec sitores tirai have mxxxi been srtaxpcci mmui by tic arrivai of' mixe bip coxrgliunermmîes. 1 ivîrrder if tic smuiery, sccriîy anmd xmy rit Ile mi umur tmxxxi mx rîng tic xvay mif tire smali shuipkceper. h can mmnhy inpe tirai tire peuple eiecîed and put into, office iry tire resîdenîx cof unis once fine town wii fmnalhy and puichy admiùt their shorteomningi, particuharhy irow tire prowtir and expansion of Milton hues been mismauraged. Had the Town aliocaîed the appropruate funds in a more con- stmective way, the people who antaeked my son and hix frieud mîght have irad somephace euse to go that nîght otirer tiran tire streets. Wirere ns a muivie îheaîre't Wirere mx mn boxwling mmey'i Nhere are imur x'muth cenxtres" Tirere's noc publie transportation tux peu îrcsc peuple mmct ihere dciug sumrnixrrmmm prodcuctixe. hustead tire> xxaik urur streets xaudmmiing per- sxiuiu pru pcriy. mxxupgîuig ininoentu kîdx, .andc stcaimîp irom rîcîgirbuurs ,mii ixr kicks. i lixue tri su hack andc xxýtc miî'r x xxi n,îd iny iamiy cry imier sertie- timc tirai ccmcd have been ascmided if tire Towxv cmi Miltomn ccmuld hraxe ticrupit about tire y'octir of ocr turwc. 1 sii hack and wîtcr as noirody rakes a stand againsr tirexe hulhies. Ahi i eau cal tirem i eoxvardx. Whon in iheir rîgiri mind steahs eamrdy from kids for kick'? Gary Metcalfe Milton