82-The canadian Champion, Frîday, November 18, 2005 Celtie music featured qt~l Il -,cr ,c, C li. tnittsic \l ti , f1Ile ailiîîî t iloit itîit , Nomite <t etc î,iki.s tu ie stilce o ii ltcrfit/ ittisfe iii titd l'lieîi C\ elinu iioit diiii ti 1Iiý. \ i.ttt. he iiin flic etitaIIIiîîecIV siotit fi S iIolIi 'ie:ketist si 45 cicli. Anî îlterttiiallv i-ccitttttze. simiter and ritt~î t ici Ms Cices. si> I es 0 c r irai fioia in c1teiipIr titi , i. tiieie cini îvt i i lilii \s iitt ICIL ltttiti Ill tt> Iitelatiti l keion titi 'iii d ii Lc e iti lo Itittsi tli i I" ul /fickets available for taping Faiher Mark Curtis is inîiting Mifitinians iii he pt tiftht.stu- dito audiece tfor the îapiîîg t' is upcîîring Christmas spcai 'Citiig Hlitie foir Chîristmas'. 'llic Cliristittas spcial xxili iakc placc Thursday ai Rt kxxoad Unitcd ('fîri.h. 119 Harris St., ini Rockwiitd ai 7:30t p.m Tickcts i.usi $15. Tfhc (hrisirnas showt xxiii bc tapecl to TV ('ogcos auinual (Christnmas iclcsisiott spcciai. %vhii.I \ill be - bttaufeasi ihrtiughiiut Ontarito diiritg liceioher. [t'ic shiowx wiil incîtîde spcîal guesis Elvis Sîîîjkî worid ehatmpiton figure skaicrjugglei anid coeti an Owent (Iuld and AM 74f)'s im Paukuiti. Thîtie îîîicrcsîd iii hcing pari otiihe studioi audiencec au call Elvis Father Dhonna Darby fri tickets ai 19)Q 856-900t3. Stojko Mark Curtis lboeow Dàçmél Punta Cana Suzlo Bao CauSbe $ 6 2 1 «k - I Inclusive N- 5 f2 t ~~e[AirTrvI -ý Go places... for lessi Puer'to Plate ^aelqo Playu Domà Varadero N"a ltuuadioa 1 wk -AIlulsiv N.,i 149' wk -AUInlusie N, _> ,7 ~ Cayo Coco 1 wk Ai Inclusive N.., Jamaica Houday hm Mayen Riviera Club El 14a.d"o 1 wk NI Inclusive N., 21 D, (5 ~7 29 1,'~, wk Ai Inclusive N., , 26 5 *NOV EMBER B OOKING BONANZA! Wlrnsers 7. GElr ai M lAT SERVIC C.. AND A GitATr CHANCE TO WINI Dallyl BokofCe to da at beLta v.om Local: 416-695-0838 Mtslsumga4 6200 Dlx. Road So"t #107 Caee ir Maritimes influence singer's music - trom STAV on page Bi Sîtîtî, sfic litpes fto gît bai.k ft lici ruits andtu stafi icaciît i anot les- t01 oc 2 if fîif homtie sti. Vai ici> s siiithittg Ms Ma.liii>te's careef hast fackcd. Sfic i.-îrî t in i flic ut,, prtigrai fi Humitber (tif cgc sciure ixing iii jii a tmutsii.al silo%%. Alter a stît perfttrwt ai flic i)cerhursît Resotî ii fiiiifsx îile. site frax\eli fto Ssî,î atdusic sfic fatuueuf a ci.îtîai.t petr fîriiiîîîîg at a Inafit itef efiatin Nuit she cati be fîîuîd petitirni- îîîg ai tiaîiy diffcreni venueis, be il ai nu>z restauranit tir a lical fuîîd- faf sîîg coniert. Li .dtg fier vîîi.c foîr [iriffeets ihat fîclp chtldrctt s.ý fîgh uin her fisi oli pioties. sfic satd, aidding she can ofticî bc- fîund ai Brîîîkvfie Puici Schittl tcaching kîds sîîîgs. If sfic tiever tîîîds hcî-scif cfîtiifi icgth cliansiý. Ms Macitîtyre satd fiai s fine xx îîh fier. "As îîîuch pleasure as i'd have iîîppîng flic charis. 1 gel jasi as îîîuch picasure ai the schatîl work- îîîg xviîi the priniary chotir," sfic saîd. Chrisiias iii Noîva Scîttia is available ai the CD Plus store ait Mîiltoti Mail, as will her ccxt CD, svhich shuud be relcased carl y fa flic fie year. Step/tttii Fhiesueit itît li tutti liii> ttt/fucf(eithtt u Le ts ",-,. the Flu g-oec yseif t s flot trio lte to vaccinate' The Hatton Region Heath Oepartmenti s offerîng free fis îmmunîzaion ta att Oniartans 6 tîtonîtîs of age and oider No appoînnients are neressarj Please wear a short-sieeved shînt If pou have a lever or do flot teet weii, posipotie your vîsît to a lter date. chîtdren under 9 years ot age needing a second dose are aiso invied Wednesday, November 23. 3:30 - 8 p.m. Bîshop Reding Secondary Schooi 1120 Main Street East Tuesday, December 6, 4 - 8 p.m. Milton District High Schoo 396 Williams Avenue Tuesday, December 13, 4 - 8 Haiton Regiona Centre, Auditorium 1151 Bronte Road, Oakvilife (North Orivewayi Tuesday, January 17, 2006, 4 - 8 p.m. Halon Regional Centre, Auditorium 1151 Bronte Road, Oakvi lie (North Drivewayf For more information on influenza and complete ciinic schedule cati the Haiton Region Heaith Department 905-825-6000 Toit freeý i 866-4HALT0N (1-866-442-5866) TTY: 905-827-9833 w wregion.haiton.on.ca/heaith Citizen's Roundtable Hosting Comnmunity Dialogues As part ai the Chaîrman's Citizen's Roundtable, Haltan Regian wttl be hosting a sertes ai Cammunity Dialogues ta engage the communîty in a discussion about the iunding and resaurce challenges factng aur non-prafit and valuntary arganîzatians. The first subject ta be explared wîll be valunteerism, with Dialogues beîng held across the Regian iram November 18th ta December 1sf Valunteers înterested ta cantrîbutîng their thaughts and ideas an valunteering ta Haltan are encauraged ta contact 905-825-6000 ext 7901 or 1-866-442-5866 ext 7901 ta reserve a spot. The schedule ai Cammunîty Dialogues is available on Haltan's web site at www.region.halton.on.ca and ciicking on news! media releases. November 23 9:30 a.m. Counicl Budget Inia Session 11 1 rent RoE -avfe nai 6 L JO