The Canadian Champion, Friday Novamber 18, 2005 -29 M GeialHeIp Gerl Hep 8 Garerait jIHelp M era Hep Geneal fie H~j ~ ep 9*1Ofe HeaMeBal ental AROIJR ir Ar-rîni' atrç- _________________ ilqtSi i ,i i. P roIuctittn WNorkers $1t4.11 hr. tfi) -tart ine-reuising tir $16.f20 h r. atler 6r iii bhs rI , 111Ni anrd i ss 5kciii lriiiîi iri r w N tir lu l'O-C 14 lt> r.-RN (>01 R 40100 t//JIR 1 ) R. 'v ui,-siii , kn runr unr \, i i 1i >riiitilil is il , s l,iiiL ,iVaid d dý'1,r ,nti i \L ns p l i s lis i,r iiii ILIi ivii r, iii i-si'. I is,- - i 'un ~t i Sur -r il r , i -r' - k r r t iii - \rili i -r r i -- siC I r s i -i. ~'5 s nE f r s i. ii i IItt 1 t1t0\S- rl il ý i ' Dynamic Persan ruteîesteo ruI generai curk arocua fiue home and me ofv lice. Caties inroe somne cieunrng. raun- dry, rronîng. fiîug and doîng the mail lot a medîcul office, 20-30 Coursiweex Contact Diane Oy fao Fax: 9054637-7850 or drop off short resumne ut Suite 409, 3155 Harvester Rd, Burt. Pull & Part-rime. M-F commenoixgaio 3:3opm. Own tranuportation required. $8.50- $11 SOdîhr JOBS AVAILABLE Production wo rk ru the MILTON orna. $12 53h AIl shifis uxaîlubie Fax: 905-878 4090 or Tet: 905-876-4661 310 Matn St. E. Ste. 205, Milttan ael hMlýf ivq Canadian Tire Appteby Line Bartington (Milttroft Plaza) MATURE HELP NEEDED We are ivokrng for mature peuple who are custom- er service tocused for work p art-lime, exenîngo and weekends in the foiiowing departments: ICS -AUTO PARTS *SPORTING GOQOS -SEASOINAL We oSfer competîtîxe vilages, employee dîscunt benrefrt package ana profrit sftaring abler probation- ary perîod i empivyment Please fax resume ta: 905-335-9724 or drap off in persan ta Julie Wiltiams, Human Resources Manager i I du ln &Spa Hep M on&Spa Hep ipagcu(s. CRI A&xCAecFOR E> NOWHRN Hairtylsts/ Mnagmen Opening Soon In MILTON Prem. Goanantexa houri pay c comm. bonuses Annvai Pay lucreave DUbeatabie benehito Eguîpment prouved No lieutei Please contact Jenn @905-220-0613, 1-877-700-0062 or fax resume: 905-875-3897 Il iii ii utîte, ii n,,ini i li, uni ri NI il 1 1 . 't r- lo k r !i q ýI ai. ;c i) or DZ Liceie, Cuperieuce Wittr rrîrnrug Heasy Ecquipinent an asset Cait 905-878-6258 or tax 905-878-9493 Need a Job? Are you 16-24 yeara aId? We can help Cal JOB CONNECT at Sheridan 905-878-4956 ROOFI ILABOURERSI requred muer 1 îhe next year CALI, 1-888-260-222 S.UPERCUT Prem hOi Pay upe bemm is bon u Super ncto 5cra Tons of Traininrg Free pair of 5JIer or cash gign-vrr bonus avail. nowi Cati 905-815-3217 jjchniat Help AUTO BODY PERSON F71 peosiion wrth 5 yearo exp Ruot and fibergiaoo repaîr koedge an aooet. Excellent vilages and benelu Cali 905-689-9812 or aller 7 pm CatI 905-961-2014 Offic He j ACCOUNTING If you are good witIt numberu, orgunîzed and you are inter- esled ru u variety of geanerai medîcal office work, grue us v cvii. 20-30 Couru ceek Accountrng and meor- cal office experlenîce au ussel Contact Diane Fax 905-637-7850 ,rccountiug experience, go o compluter cnow ouge, benefit management knowiedge, excellent oerbai wrrttxn communication oeills ynd the abiity to tive ru a fast-paced, moiti-faceted enoîrooment. We offer a chviienging & reatding work enorrooment. Please send resume tai: Burlingtan Post, 5040 Mainway Dr., Unit #1, Burlingtan, Lit 7G5, Ban #2077. D utres iniclode Shipping & receieing Invenlory, Must have experrence with Excel & Word. Entry level position, $12/hr. To apply, fax resume alti Jolie ta 905-825-2163 Onuisisag memoi c'i n se Company orfra eýar coniac Responoibiltes inckde pfcsig orde & mainainin inentort iexo experie eg ed Enia! iobops4g egooOcor-t IlP/ pe3rm * REIquired to woark MVust hive excellIEInt co3-mn-sicatuorin skiffs. VViII tralin. Co-Mpe-tivIe \V.-IagE*- bor-sustes & 13lrsEýfits C-ati: 905-491 -7373 515-313-4392 Local Manufacturer requires For day shift Will train on job. Ica ll etween 730 am -4:00 p . Prosperitydo Is a fll service tînancraliînstituion wiilr 4 branchies vn Milton, Acton, Georgetown & Burlingion semvirg ove, 10,000 members Wie are ourrentx acceina appications lo, PART TIME TELLER Milton Branch lapprax 15 hnursweekl Thrs cuIry rever position perlrîrms routine Oraucir and meurSer service dulies Apuircauts recuire tirs abrity In proceus firancrialtrn 1 ns i ru i rIcirrate ana enficient ririnuer ana ,iristi C , qv ilu cmpoter',lis Orrarrîrcît iripird r. 1 ri I hul cr resuris... t, cal' tOnrsI On(vOr ril irit ra y,4075 e0i 4-Maril 1-ivrsirt . ACCOUNTING CLERK e Month Contraci Postion Administration (Milton) Thrs erlry leve porsition indcldes the airectiorn ana coutrol ufthOe clearing ana FFT processes Applîcants reqvire au accountîng background, exceptionai vrgauizatrona aira communicaive skilis, a suia udeîsiandîng of Excel ami a Cîgli lea i ofcitimrirrint so rialiSu service Qualîtrea appiricanis shvuld lorward lhir resumes 1o Denise Messemney Prosperty Que Credît Union Fax 95875-2465 E-Mail: The successivi candidates lor both positions wîii Cave a Grade 12 dîpioma. t-2 years relatea expenrence aud/or training or equrvaleni cumbi- nation of education ana ennerience 'excellent cvmmunication & customer service skills trll fhacI ail applîcants but ver5 thxsx seixctesl for an inere iii Ire cxrrlacied No lelepevire catis pleai GEORGETOWN COMPANY * Permanent Part- 'T, ime Admin. Assistant Certrîruri 4-ruirai Platiner recirers; d10 inr clienit im irv i In arrrrser Miii r.ý tiqiey rqapnizuerf, îrri iii taski ss iîî.i il ei. ,ali 1 ioll, Ir ir viii, r- (i iiiL IIIJ rîî î i iI .t Pii Ii liiit i l iii , i i;ii i i [1, Cop ri s urt, , rl: i, iir i Off, i i ip f"'l oiar i i1r ii.ii-.rO.îrIr, emvii resumne lu: - t --Ihumpsunui bicktinancru.Irvm - SufetyCure nc. ru an international compuuy wOrch prodaces and drotrsiu lus own range of Safety Training Videotapeu and Mauais We are looking to Irrv an addotoua al es r so ThC PooIo incivs sel ing cLir prouI,,t tom eici -usoir 55 o,' deir pijg .5 i '-5s A thi,, ruiV Is doi- oî-.1 to- To discuss the position taîther. please contavct Ed Aasmiýn at 1905) 831-5070 Manday ta Frîday 9an ac pi * ICTAM OFFICETEAM. a division of Robert Hall International Inc. (NYSE RH) ru the wuridos leader ru specaized administrative staffing. We haee an opportu- niIy lot a STAFFING MANAGER wCo wîii markret la prospective clients build on exrstîng client relationoliip. and recroît and place top administra- tive candidates in temporary asoîgomenîs. If Cou are fleeible and houe the ablily 10 wvrk poslîvely wrth ail levels of management weil give Cou the taxis yao need to be ouccesfof. You'Il ixarn Che formula that Cas heiped OFFICETEAM'S Slafting Managers become the moot hîghly compensated, reopecled prolessionals in the înduotry. Sales recraîlment backiground prefferred wrth otrong problem saleîng skills plus wiritten and oral communicatin skîlls. OFFICETEAM'S compensaion and benetito program rewards you wîth the indastry's best combînation af base pay, lucrative incenlîves and benefito. Contact as toiay 5515 North Service Raad Burtingtan, ON L71 6G4 Entai resumes tai: Fan: 905-319-2095 Vis/t us North Amnericas fastest growing health and wellness company is now Iooking for: Managers and ~ Management Trainees MTEUAL'TI Opportunît of a lîfetîme. Remuneration fromn $22K for Trainees to over $55K for qualified Managers. Please send resumne toi: cenerob @tuetahe .coa Manua tuerapy courvework aria experience au asse, but not necessary Great iearnîng experievue. uori witli Pari A & Pant B therapîiss Competitve package Ph. 905-878-1515 Fax 905-876-3737 tnto@hcrc.ea An organîoed peroon intereoted in a varîety of Geanerai Medical Office Work: Cleaning, laundry, Otodsing rooms, t îling obarts, mail and oiber errands. 20-30 Cxurs/week. Contact Dianne Fax 905-637-7850 Dental Office Requires bright individual for P/T office help, eve/wknd. Il train. Fax 905-864-3031