A2-The Canadian Champion, Frîday. November 18, 2005 se cars beoe secon naue *e s just a sample of over 250 vehicles we have in s )3 FORD PF-UCUS SE 2002 DODGE CARAVAN SE 2OUt TOYOTA IiGHILANDEiI V6 AWO $11,995 $11,995 $19,950 MAKE MODEL MILEAGE PRICE YEAR MAKE MODEL 1149,11 iSi..atheS M trlt Ur SPI, di t(1, Pea t5Si,,1,& SM î,.rîru i t, BUICK CHEVR 20034 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 DO003 2003 s 2003 200, 2002 2002 2002 2001 2003E 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 11ý 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 S 2003 2002 2003 2002 o 2002 2002 2001 2000 1996 2004 2004 t 2002 2002 2002 ý', 2000 2004 2000 2000 2003[ 2002 2002 2002 2003 2002 2002 2003 2002 2002 2002 2004 1.-4 ï, i sOi dOs9,, $16, 99à $22.995 $2a 995 $1 i 995 $1,2199. $21,995 $1a ý995 $19. 99a $1,2.5995 $21 .99", $25.995 $12.995 $10.995 $11.995 $14.995 $14,995 $1,9.495 $11.995 $22.995 $19.995 $24,995 $1 4,995 $11 995 $139 9 $1 3,995 $15,995 $18J995 $15 999 $189 190 $19.995 $9995 $1 1,995 $9.995 $6,995 $5.995 $25,995 $42.995 $24,950 $38.995 $21.995 $22.995 $22,995 $20,995 $13.995 $15.995 $16.995 $10.995 $8.995 $ 13,995 $16.995 $13.995 $186995 $186995 $22.55 $19.995 $12,995 $11,995 i Pontiac 2 iontiac 2002 Foi Ft 2002 Pootrat 2002 Ponti 2002 Pontiai 2002 Poniat 2 111l Pontiac .100 Pontiac tOit Pontiai SATURN mû;, Satu-n 002 Salari 90021 Sataro 2002 Satarn 2002 Satarn 2002 Salais 2002 Salais 200i. Satarn 2001 Satarn 2001 Satutrn 2001 SalLis i 2001 Salaisn 2000 Salais TOYOTA 2006 Tyota 2006 Toyota 2005 Toyota 200b Toyota 2005 Fayota 2005 Toyota 2005 Toyota titi o a r100,) Toyota M1 0,i loy 1, ?U05 Toyota 200b Fayota 2dOS Toyota 200S Toyota 2005 Fayota 200S Toyota 2005 Toyota 2005 Toyota 2005 Toyota 2005 Toyota 2005 Toyota 2005 Toyota 2005 Toyota 2005 Toyota 2005 Toyota 2005 Toyota 2005 Toyota 2005 Toyota 2005 Toyota 2005 Toyota 2005 Toyota 2004 Toyota 2004 Toyota 2004 Toyota 2003 Toyota 2003 Toyota 2003 Toyota 2003 Toyota 2002 Toyota 2002 Toyota 2002 Toyoaa 2002 Toyota 2002 Toyota 2002 Toyota 2002 Toyota 2001 Toyota 2001 Toyota 2001 Toyota 2001 Toyota 2000 Toyota 1999 Toyota 2010? FOPO F-150 XLT CR ur i. tIl .ht P m r MILEAGI Muplal titi il AM Ct i .Irîr Mîîî.ioi Ma1 .îi. GT Moulasý t Foi riltit GlranidAM SE ti, rix GI i1'trs & Moorrotf Grand FI GI i eatiînr & Moorroo Gand Prix Gi SaLntîre SI X Sanîre Sit X ire SIXO Grand AM SE Suîifire CT Sunfîre St 1 sit1 Oit Sil Sil Sti2 i1300 Sil Si 2 Sit1 Caniry i F B9 POtg Sotara SE Gonvertible 4Ranner V8 Lirrîied Camr8 i F VS Cainry 1 iF Carotta CF torota CF i rcuta (I Corota CE Go roula CF torolla CE t uroiia CF Goroia CF t oroita CF Carotta CF Fuira Echo Matrix Matrix Matrn Matrix Matrex Matrix Sienna CE Sienna CE Sienna CF Sienna XLF Lîmîted Sienna CE landra Doable Cab 4x4 TFID Pkg. Carotta CE C Pkgý Sienna XLE Limited AWD Sienna CE Echo Matrîx XRS Matria ORS Sienna CE Ceusca GI Coroita Highlander VG AWD Highlander VG AWD B Pkgý Sienna CE Sienna XLF Lîmîted Iandra XCabd4x4 iited dRusser Lîmîted Analon XtS Highlander VS AWD Highlander Camry Camrv 119 11 39.,519 5 11672 11,216 93,100 56,429 40,529 92,108 28,69 40,93 93,946 39,11 63.392 31003 t15,293 23,381 23.39 3111 38930 i3,042 49,889 15,141 13,161 30,30 23,33 23,399 43,045 49,567 20,771 23,161 42,450 64,533 64,663 12,5627 27,440 17,22 1 61.155 105,892 91,365 106,793 116,091 84A458 117,032 80,414 86,350 79,232 93,701 135,779 177.599 1 54,850 By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion tock. Ii1)c fait rI iit b-uil îlli.î bit il Mîltîîi hi-o EtA CAB '4X4 Lîîîtî s .Ille. date ,et liii Ilic iîoi, ohu t1 L ut air. apl at io l i, bîî ete til Il tl sc iL, $18.990 Ille titiL, guidancetih.i2 li itiider to desîtuiy $10 5995 prirperiy eci l îîr Witol.rta5 i. $12,1995 Niierear ni t ha, Ses i, as bîrettenli $152,99b $12?995 on cte \hand ple ltiv th maelidtor bullh $10.995 name ildn oco i otlaci,,o\[e $87995 5 $10.995 bt'rc $10,995 f .i ratheMtothotelih $1,9 onii tins ner uy yte nl ptb $8.s995tts $8,5i 1-oii., ovnet, Scarbîîrough residerit $795 Jackeltîte Pere/. as s\el1ilas her tiont. $9.995 Blaait, atnd ('astattî Pere, uune t the $10.995 ~ n tts isebctcîre îte $999 priîperty o\îî s i, he hre ne $9.995 .( section 5. I ii the i)îg Ont iers' I iability $89995 Act i XI folur taîIitîtg to use i-eastinahie $13995 1 OLET the iO tD", Ches Chev Chev Chev Cheo Chet Dodge Dodge Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Fo rd Ford Ford Ford Ford î3MC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMCd Honda Honda Houndai Hyundai Hyundai Hyna Mazda Mazda Mazda Nisa Nissan Nissan Nissan Nissan Pontiac GORRUD 'S l'ipali i S Il, We S t'Ir .a1 u lpai r, o Ss.tI,îruîrîo/ 44[ ioet.tle Vti 1 h ý tîripala 120 S 10 L S X-ta St,àpside ni8,0id Sioerado 1t O t 4Cb 4x.4 / 71 83,iOOU Tanoe LT 4x4, t eaftrer & Maîuur io 9,41,00t Ventaie tS Qaad Seato h9 ()(0 Ventare [ S Foîunad Sa 9"LiOO Avalanche Z-ns aSSOit) Imyala 4.0 Matîba l.u Sîtoorado it FOSUF Tiaiibiazei tLS lx,4 /a,.U- , Blazer 1 S 4x4 5 91 ilari SiT Crew tCtu 4n41 86.9/U Rais SLI Creas Cab 4o.4 566 7s Garanan SF 11,41111 Garaoan SF 809 i i G aravar SF 699810 Freestar SF 70,198 Escape XIS 93,1 Fstape XLO i oatner & Mitair ot 11. 761 Escape 9X0 aS b9411 Foiteditian XII T4s4 82 ý96 F 150 XLI X-Cab XTR /broa2 F 150 XLT Creas Cab 4x4 60.49 Focas 2IS '38J82 Focas SF a4,994 Lotus Wagon Z1W nS 0/9i W.ndstar Sport 74,272 Windstar Spart 33 327 Wîndstar SEL a 7>302 W ndstar Lte 7s a00 Fopiorer Eddip Fias.r t4 Îi 5 Fopiorer t umuited 4n4 918 81. Fxplorer XLI 4x4 63i,946 F1 50 XLI X-Cao 4x4 XiR 91,563 F150OXLT Crew Cab 4x4 113841 Focas SE b8,154 Taurus SF 94,956 Wîndstar Sport 96,568 Focas Wagon SF 88,210 Taurus 170,863 Ranger 149,159 Sierra SLE X-Cab Stepside 61,621 Yukon t3enai AWD 45,158 Sierra X-Cati 4x4 3/4 Ton 72,477 Yukon Denali XL AWD 79,000 Sierra SLE X-Cati 4x4 88,923 Sierra H.D. 112 Ion Crew Cab 12,013 Yakon SLT 4x4 96,672 Yakon XLI 4x4 116.386 Cîvîc L.X 52.251 CR-V EX-L 103,069 Odyssey EX 99,694 Elantra VE 70,090 Sonata OL 80,007 XG300 65,352 Trîbate LX 90.155 Protege 5 72,985 Trîbute ES AWD 108,640 Alima 2,5 S 91,178 F'atfiînder LF 81,182 PaiStînder Chikoot 91.534 Sentra XE 33,547 Maxima SE 112,039 $10.995 $9.995 $10.995 $6,995 $21.950 $34.990 $45.995 $23.995 $22.995 $16.790 $16.199 $15.199 $15.199 $16.799 $19.590 $119890 $16.995 $11.890 $171,995 $16.995 $11.890 $12.995 $14.995 $19&995 $19.995 $20,995 $19.995 $20.495 $19.995 $27.995 $27,995 $27,995 $43.995 $27,995 $38.995 $16.995 $39.990 $24.995 $12.995 $21.995 $19.895 $22,995 $16.995 $11.995 $23.995 $24.995 $1 7,995 $19.995 $27,995 $25.995 $22.995 $19.950 $16.995 $9.995 $10.995 Fines could be imposed lit aîddiiti tii the itîssthuiliy tii the du5 hein,, destriiyed. tlle Peîe/ tarniiy couid fatce files. At the coturt ap~pearane. a proposed .îitîeudtttett ir the ilîterînt order -tii ailiiss the do5 tii lease is proiperty tii go to obedi- e oce schlîî I mas rcjcied aller animal ciiti îl iiltiicî s frontî Elle (Ia il le Humntîe Soisîety îîhjecîed hased oîî cotteertis for the coitttttlty's s9îlety. 'llie Oaks lic Hotîtaîte Soîciety is con- tracied b> the Tîînsýr tof Milton to pros de animtîal cotîtrol sers tes, ('ia.', had heen svaiking hbtrne front a îîearhy friend's hîtuse when he was bâttent in frontt oi the dog's home ai the corner of Dixon Drive anîd Pearson Way. The dog hadn't been muzzied in accor- dance snith Miltoîts animial control byiaw, nor %vas it iicensed. After a couple tC isits front animai con- trol offleers, the hutîtane socicty took the unusuai position that the do5 shouid lie destroyed. Chai.' was ai the courthouse along svîtb hîs mnîn, Trudy. Ho heid Up hts right haîîd ho reveai a large scar running across the base ot thiiîuî. Ms Stessart saîd lies iîaving a loii oft ro9u- hie ns îth lits ltatinritîîîg ai school. despite usîîîg a nîblier gip on his pencl. lii addLitinto ithe charge laid utîdet D)01A. charges ns cie laid taîtter Multon's anttimal cntti ti ylans lor laiiîg toi muzzle a pît oui i andc Jteriiiing a dog 10 bite a per- illes 0t' $(-)iX) ns ete iitioised antd hase .îlteaoiy heI laid 'l'le lieariins \iil take pliace ai 10i:-30 attt,. ai Elte Miltonî cîîîîiiîoose tit Ntpîssing Road. Sîo'ptîii' Tltisseît cti lue usoit led aut stllies.oeî@iilîoncatnadicanchamnpion.comý /Pit bill heard in new year