A1O-The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 18, 2005 r t.. Whaî Are You Looking For? (DI'le ';"' ttir ds that tly AIFer iClsCrt ,iFCds. AVA i A C iF st.irk coFttrist FA iti cadi Athei tiy tiutti tttîttgbiîds aîîd grCat F ultures. 'l'li ,reat vultitres. FF tît iuitstrCichtCî FAFings, ttake thCir siict i FAF COiti sAidi. Utiti i tjIc> pout theC riitttimp caFFiF s F soniFF dCici aimtal and riF lîCiFA IIAFFA FF o IlFAtA . As tttC\ scati the ruggicd teCF rain (ili the F dst AICsCFt. the î1ilCit Carcass is ail tlicv soC. 'Flic titis ltuitîtîttgibirds. (îin tre Ftte r h,îîîî. t]> FiAr t~he saite roCiterrFii AF itlIiit eC Ct ic îîîg tlle pitrid c.irca. :iss e hoICA tIFF CFîCaîcl.i antd sps ttCe titi> piitk hi Fssiti erîiptittP trfi FaFFF i ti.thiirti. i'liC5 Ilit iti atni Fipear ai FlFFF r CFFii Flt IFFF bill, i tcFFCtii netar Iriii ttC dCsCrt hloinîît. CHURCH 0F CHRIST 1412 Brîtannia Rd. West, Milton, On L9T 2X8 905-875-2939 Sunday School Classes 10:00 arn Worship & Communion 11:00 arn Thursday Bible Study 7:00 pm Mînîster Steve Corbet The M ilton Dawn Chri stadelphian s viarnily invite yott to al 1resentationt SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20111 2:00 pm (God Willing) Hugh F-ester Hall 55 Brown Street, Milton tee s! to Town Hall> Xv \V\.nilten.hiblelight.ert -ltli F tuis sC onlty titCe carcasses MVitllC tle litiitîttîîtîghtrd. sCC Aittire thChissîiî-. Bîth cACa- turFcs are ahlc to ii nîd wviît tlîCv are liîîîkg tot. Ilhis cittitast CAiuid hC FCCF as aF par.ihC oFît i . Fc u ý Fis.d a huîîtît hCîttg, Fs find FAiliat FAC ArC iiiikitig tfor. Ilý Fa e FloCîk iiig forAFl tiet CCFFFF' it file, FAC FF i fiit tireur.FF ILw FeACh FCtor Air l AF itiF CF. tltCy FF il hcF.FFFF CF idCtt 'llie poilAS Cf' pCFFpCCctFFC Fi file FF Fitrsl WIC tiF a FF IFF.ice Iii iII o tii FF ii F0 SC i.i tiki Fhrg ofi OCF Fli iCstinis antiA i FFF IF fritureC FF ti lioFFFFFC failli or FFFCFCiF FcFceit thlide iltCl piF hCtîîFC is. Iliti iloci. Fni itiipl> cF>. ii Ille. huit Faîth iiii belli ius bc. si.Ctiii iipti F sCCFFiFFCi> itutpiiss icle l Flti hcliic s tfo tlie hCsî an Ftlook,,îks (l tic trcstt FA in l'coFpieo ill ti looik Fi tlie hcsi t ri thersî Lot ofAii hiughis ahbout liaith aind îptîtnîsî. .. tii litd olut moreFC Visit otC iititu sftntt ciitrches tits FFCk . SCi-viie Cuinets antd lotcattions are pub- i islied iii tire Roiigiius J)irectoty hciiw tIi heip yiiu 1. Stîbrniited by Re. Dja, Rogge, Pasior of Milton', New Lieè (ltîrci,. t -w, llalking ggiant leaps fiirward! Ouiili i CAFF\ F IFF e% li iiCFF l utr ai Gel r ii for aionF & Fi, orF il yîîîî haFve anii qutA Fion,,s abuii s Ia CFCFFFhCFF McCFFFF CFFFiF ailFi FAICaC iFrIiyCrfAIy cisderatnig i7:00< P.M. onuesday Nî>vemhur 22 M Niltîn siports ('entre. 605 I)errv Roîad. Ail ar[C weCICFF!C1 l'i liC r IA i ci %\ cnvIl a gCFCCd Inii uI In CFilFF ilFF toiFF.F P i tiiY Godî iith IF. iii, AlF oAi FA\t ýC looîk F IIFii IAliIiii li î on u to t~ uFF /lC i i. " FFLT .. _____ I o i it cýe i In ýet.ill il (FAFm ai inuFF FIA il cÎFaî iNF FI II, coninu I-o inF i infor atio CA IFFFFFI a JI.Fi ii A h 90 A78 7 i or î(h) FFfiFliFI r F F IFA i l î îil,, Fîîîîh ,de IFt F FA7iti« Goà. 1i Finî I<ItrapU. 200 Main Street Worship Service - Sunday ait 9:00 arn and 11:00 arn Coffee and Conversation - 10:30 arn 905-876-3586 Serior Pastor - Jim DeMarsh -Youth Pastor - Mark Strickland SAnlwclù11-1 SUNDAT, NOV. 20 "Randomg Acts of Kidness Are Not Enough » www.ithesanctuary.calmilton ~ 905.257.3987 60511ý Sat Mai i lto<Dn, pr ente lw MILTON Ilugli Ftert, glat ti Btrown St. %itu,, tEF 1111e111 GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CI-UR('H ('Ierg3: 317 Main St. E WVEIX'ONES YOUJ MILTON GOSPEL HALL Rev. D>r. Mark the Church on thre Hill 1 70 Main St. L- Miltiin 90 5 57N5 (066 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3873 McI)ertmott 905-878-2411 IiîrmMîciîîRcI IliFFA S il 1:0an heLrsSpe Re%. C'arole 1'anglîît, AIC 1L,FliA \11IFi1iIi oiii hi ,l iC IlIcI 11:45 arn. - Theund Sool Fatht-r MIark (urus% DAîc,î i iii Fhîsuple lipi&I îi LA1111V \1. il~ 11 6:30 p.m. Gspela Service Sunday Services 6:0Im ose evc 8:00) arn - HoIy Communion Sunday Worship 10:30) a.m. Wednesdlay 7:30 p.m. 10:00 amn - Sung Eucbarist, follosved b) Youth SuiaiI Group Prayer and Bible Study coffee hour. Service includes (Grades 7- 12) 9:15 arn "Kids' Spirit" Children's Worship For t/te Sont of rn<n <- onte Cail the church office I Age -3 -Grade 6) 1(0:30 ani~ c bsv Ar AFAFI www.gracechurchmilton.com NurseryIosean oav UC gele in th, <'aé,fj' <.ili" thuit uvhichl cis losi. Wheelchair Access Fhruugh Parking Lot ~ Wheihi acsan ih(tii i F dCd ,o thKit Iliwww.gracechurohmltonico ernycre n orhp Acssiitt Miý StrFetC - Luke 19.10 ÇRACEWAY 'BAPTIST CHURCH 103 Martin Street 905-878-1629 Pastor Walter H. Isaak 10o:00 arn. - Sunday School 11:00 arn. Morning Worship 6:00 p.rn. - Evening Service Thursday 7:00 p.rn. Bible Study & Prayer Captainîs Crew for Children 4-12 ,Youll always find a friend a) Gracieway" www.gracewaybaptist.org tou tside C5 t a h urel, www.southsidemniIton.org 905-878-5664 1 AFated i Derty Rd, trtweet the Sports Centre and the HIospital PFFîAF Jack Nît.ubr Connections Cale (in the foyer) 10:00 arn Sunday Cellebration 10:30 arn Welcome back to our Ecuador and Papua Mission Teams! Safari (Grade 6-8) Tues. @ 6:30 pm te Epic (Grade 9-12) Wed. a) 7:00 pm gooFF piF(ii pose riiii Z:I m - th Ona - e -a e Seniorl Pastoria Rav.Dan ou "nY 1k outh Clno Kerugoad 9:30 osan i Aesi Suda SCanada 904 arn. - econd Worship Service SArvicA CaphioAed fAr Deaf/Hard Af Huarng ANS WERS FOR SKEPTICS' QUESTIONS: ONE WAY - ONEAY JESUS How do Christians respond to Universatism? 6:30 pmg - Sunday Night LIVE MASTER'S COMMISSION Yeuth Emphasîs Service Kids PaiseA Choir Practice FAF/flng Aervice Supervised Nursery & Dynarnic Chîldren s Propramns available ail services' DANNY BROOKS' CONCERT Friday, November 18 at 7 pmrg Nov 18-19, (:30) PM Phoenix Youtb Theatre presents 'Tales <rom the Storyteiler's House' The Stories ot Thornton W. Burgess Nov. 18, 5 & 6:30 pm Annual Turkey Supper with Dinner/Theater option - cali for tickets. Sun. November 20, 10:30 a.m. CELEBRATION 0F BAPTISM Worship in Graham Hall supported by music trom our Worship Band Worship in the Sanctuary supportent by music from the St. Pauls Choir Supervised Nursery Gare f rom 10: 15 ar. Church School at 10:45 arn Theme: Gift of Jesus Gospel Unit <or grades 6-8 Coftee & Conversation affer the services Advent 1 Communion Service -Sun. Nov. 27 Carols By Candlelight - Garai Service -7pm cA7 91)04 çA m