OP change to protect land A. Regional Of1 icial Plan :îmend- Mient that %n Ittlî pmiteci land along the Ninth Lille tor flic tnire dIes el- oiptinent of, anl Iter r-eional transt fine n iii goi betitre Ilaiton i tiicil 'Fice aittendmnent diait fle Regtîn's Planningî aîîd punblic \\orks conîirtittee suppot ed Weîii,lnesda n ould saiegîiaid flic lsropertyý base needed iii teate file transit huie. n IIIct b cil be a rl( desiinated titi buses anid cier- ,encs \ cices niniittii pairaiel iii H\n . -407. lits desn-etted tii rtleci rcin-ii itendattîttis o)* fle N int Lintu Coirridoir Prottecion lindî I artd t sýe Stid .nhicli sets oit lind tise oiptionts iii the 871i ai. te tud\ ai-ea lraitîed bthN ît aý s 41.4. 4)7' anîd the Nîtitti lIltlc. libîtitie- fice (ils of lsîsaî, lItle sttIds 1" istdciiticse plo Evaluation - lrom REGION on page A2 bt. tl ti ti ploici;îi1, iii itît Ik-clitoI Illeît is lt iltt tiIi ~i liii. i li i tt ittt i. .~~tt IlaIll ecorridor -aI Britatinia Rttad,. sitb 44(1) parkintg spotis andc six bits bays. and Derry Riiad. n ,th S1lll parkting spoîts atnd lis\ e bits bhiys. [rhe iilntt)l((IRailI stationt ait hmgblway s 4011 antd 4(07 n tti d liase 2.1(1(1 piairking spis auJd lise bits bas s. [rle ciiiittee field a puiblic mieeting titi l iîc tîn tiltsse sîttît WednIesilas SIteaird t iti Nîti I ite On ier Asit ti tticitait Peter Skîra. \%hoi satd flic iriitp titani- ittittsIý passed a mtionîî ii stuppot flic Of Iictal lait attietidittett lit its recettt tîtectltte l)arti Ss balsk i. a plartîter n îbtue fli (its oi Mti.,istUi.i, alsit carnte ltis ai)tiwiice thec ittîtci- pal its s tîticet us nit tlie plani attteitdtineit luiorespctui Ilte ilseîiitt t itiiIik put iti *~iîtId i l o lelo tracks ailltwiîtg l'or hîgli dertstty desetupieit. "At pieselit, these lands lire dles- itenat(el iîr- 'trattsil reiated and sup- p~otie' tises. Becatise tif' litsvdeit yt îleseltiteit ii the Lisgar dis- ict, easi iii Niti bie ini m issi ssaiiga. tIts ilesignti tiis intit)tjtitti aie, lie sait). "A 'cotrridotr cttîttîîeitientary' landiltise ilesiiiiaitit îvhiclt dlits nt alittîs iîh îetsity île îp- mîenît is tmore apprtpite Itîr tIis aîrea. Parto'ilie staîl recttîntrreîdatiitî flie cotiîniiiee suppicî dealt i h ibis isue. saytitg tlic City's request nul beIfk aditresseul dîîrîîg the prîetia- ratiti oi tfelic usofficial plaît aiiteniudteit titi tl stil t itisý esttttiaied tile lc iini ient tnfic Niitti ill LoiiiIldo \111 hi e coitpletei his Ille end of i ne cIý I Iîî e Itiît In 1~ 11ý\ i î lîîi ihîtt ssii titi ti Ittît Ip IIý î1îîîî.î Ilo' tsilkitip taii ' cIlI;I idIii tii t 1 îîîi. ti iil Ik lo i,. he IIt ý illpet i i h ittitti ikl I l,( oftii li iti tit tLIiii lii, t , ali i / ii thtt t .I i It titi/lt 11tit l tutt lîîîî tîîî/îî ii t The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 15, 2005 A3 ký ----- . . . . . -U 2.8L SFI V6 ENGINE ONSTAR COMMUNICATION 6 SPI) AISIN MANUAL SYSTEM TRANSMISSION DUAL ZONE AIR 5 SPO AUTOMATIC CONDITIONING TRANSMISSION W/ SHIFT REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY CONTROL ( OPTIONAL) POWER WINDOWS / LOCKS ANTILOCK BRAKING SYSTEM DOORS TRACTION CONTROL CRUISE CONTROL FOG LAMPS HEATED FRONT SEATS. DRIVER 8 WAY POWER SEAT 4 YEAR / 80.OOOKM GM TOTAL DRIVER INFORMATION WARRANTY AND ROADSIDE CENTRE ASSISTANCE SALE PRICE FROM 1 la750/o LEASE RATE. DOWN PAYMENT $4,550 Wallace 1'()\ 1 Iý\(* 1;f RI, - (\I) 1 I'M 1 WALLAQ PONTW 9 055 - 8 7 8 - 2 3 .55. L FREE 1-888-878-2354 £ strategy also proposed 1