A Th aainCapoTedy oebr15, 2005________ . .- . . . . .F . .7 ý T E reports may j. n6,-7 become 1 67 mandatory By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion A bylaw that would make tl mandatory for ail Halton restaurants to have their health depariment inspection reports avail able lfor the publie to sec came one step dloser to realiiy last sseek. Ai is meeting lasi Tuesday, the Region's bealth and social services commitnee sup- poried directing staff to prepare the bylaw --- _____________________________________________ that svould make 'Dinewîse' -Halton 206FESYES Th al e 200 FUI O s He e!* curreni programn whcre restaurants volun- I.O V6 IV Trnmsin IfC iNPl.Scarily disclose the resulis of their inspection -oto ip.rIrrr.as ci"ncnrl reports -compulsory for local food estab- 448 Month Purchase limiled Surner offee See dealer foro;R r delubs f irec T17he document is to be based on a draft bylaw staff previously drew up and cîrcu- laîed for comments fromn ail restaurant owner in Haltoni, It's proposed to become effective July 1, 21(X16 A report firo Halton Medical Officer of Healih Dr. Bob Nosal explains staff mailed oui surscys ssitb the draft in September to the region's approximaiely 900 restaurants. Abouî 1401 responses were sent back and it %vas found thai overaîl more than 76 per cent ssere in favour of the mandatory con- cepti- 83 per cent of the curreni partici- pants and 72 per cent of non-participants. These numbers pleased Halton Hilîs Councillor Clark Somerville. wbo noied be tiiîks i's greai ibai the local restaurant and bospîialtty industry ls embracîng the idea. "'m'i absolutely ibrtlled by thai." be said. "1 iîik ti is sucb a great prograil ibat we're rollîng oui." Those surveyed supporf move Haltoit resicdenis were surveyed by the Reg-ion on the topîc lat year wbicb found 78 per cent wanted io see Dinesvîse becoine mandatory aîîd 81 per cent said makîng information about f ood safeîy inspections available svould influence lheir decision about wbere îo eal. Oakville Couîîcîllor Mike Lansdown saîd he tbinks making Dinewise mandato- ry would create a greai opportuniîy for tourism. meaning the Region could pro- mote and advertise I-lton as a safe place îo dine. But Regional Chaîrmnan Joyce Savoline dîsagreed. sayiiig il should be tîp to the restaurantt oss iers to advertîse their partici- pationî iii the programn. "h 's flot up to us to proniote ibis:' sîse said. Tfîe conititee also endoi sed impie- nîentino tlie iiîaîdaiory disclosure pro- grain, subjeci to the approval of addiiional public health inspector's necessary to carry tl out iii the 21106 budget. lIt addition iii ftttalizing the bylass, Dr. Nosals report calîs for staff to develop a Diitevse bylass inîplementaion strategy by December 3 1. That would include a potential six-tnonth phase-in period during svhîch svaming notices would be issued to A Traidition of Value & Trust since 1967 D . ,However, îcduoîsîîoî copyng wiin b mn- ta;nd thvit discem tation s w e ai Imm_*.eP_ 9VAJUATIQN 9f.Roig?, A3, 599 PLUS 0% 4ý6 V8 auo, !C.P w pd.. p u onrchastltep 37rrp.moro, hetdsas fdeaninbgs chrome~~~~~u tavees 48ahe il6 is Clh FORD LINCOLN 655 MAIN STREET EAST. MILTON