A6 - The Canadian Champion, Fiday, Novembe il, 2005 Comm e-nt The Canadian Champion Bo\s MNi N7' Nliii si i o 878-2341 Circuilationi )155 54 The~ Canaian Chaxmpionx lait Oliver Pithlisher Nu-il (fi er i xxxiii. ix/lxx %ieli uni % cNalr ix xux l Kar-ni 'miili ixx.' ( hariniai- hall lei aa il-i,.'-x e.x il/i. iiîxxîeui RECOONIZED FOR EXCELLENCE BY ý,ocn -ýCNA O., CCAB Audited THE CANADIAN CHAMPION IS A PROUD MEDIA SPONSOR FOR: /TV AUCTION UNITED WAY Halton's \Ve lfcar i duxaion i)irctorV Joudrie na: hax e hîicue offitmore l can chexx xx lien lie accepted file iloxi staff position ait the Haiton lDislric S Board. T\% o xnonths ago i i.xhen Joudrie oitl iuxok xixer the hi ard% toixp adniiii role. he anlnounceti touir ,oailx. itc a plan to hriiix unils hack to a hi dix xded hoard olf Irusiteex di ix i\ ap. axiixixnded etxxixsl a ssaxîli. Il Ilie iilringîx ox tue hiîxi-pîlit ' ie Iiiiiei anid flie xiixikixi esxiaiii caîtîion dire, Ir 1 lisis Papike \t -1L Ille lie%\ edxeaion filn e 'Iresh sitairl' xxi esîreiiieix i i%e flie irattixis andx x ixali le 11 lts hoard. Wihile lie xiias exist(e a Inice' attitude. ,ine truastées ajppeaj dj ofxsx Oi îdt-ie x apprxiat i. Rexpondîig io the direcixîr'. ren hoard Chair Pauli Taie said, -Uniy. my perspecive. is a dillîculi ixîlîc tink somte dissensioîn xsnlt hait- Added foîrmer chair Maiy ('hapux ihink (Joudrie) mîay fid he mighi x moxterale his exxpcraîiiîn in thai reg. sinking ship nasýile Iliai Iicie ix rioi xxix hl in hun cail exel In lie realix xx îrk as a unit - seior if seiis JoiLre lhose toi,-, iCore flexe cho îîîîîîîîîîtx fxan r o xnt ixxiio t fixe trustee.s ai the xiirex il'a oroiixxri piilical sliiflh icialIx Noîx Ilie educarîion tliretir ices flie ratlxe iiiut-lesi chai len-c (ilii, ubrîcl terître - 1ii îîiîc inferrnal leak iii uiiiiideiial infoirmiaitini. tIerîx iTle seiii iliiiii iiisiactiiii tii iix rll hý ii Ilie leik si eis lie li.ks xic iti lac helii . Ill e ptlui sn li xikîîî x.d .iiiix W iii Haliii lier sliiiiild e liiiiii iak. îîard oinsea Li hla(111iiiic le Ia riaI Irîîîî flicili ur- ýtligs l ]Ie reieIlijour bpî eisuini all p1ux i lu rghie eo'iiiaiîîîîdie to l re îIf Jdiha \\ 1liaiii Minsi fer urdi i. i Kenned tri al lo lie anoer d b lus hard lii lx sheriaiiigans hy intnieirg li xx hai ix nomx ird . a rapidiy disiriiexraingi situaioun. * Our Readers Write Town and Region need to acknowledge changes in the way peo pie do business I)ear I'ditor: lxxxI lexeil aiiiles li i'lie xxi lxxill L IIIl a li l IIiiiiistt ýllixiti i a tLxIiiied x, sa,xx iliai uIl c xex 51i,i'mi qlia qae lxxii Iciliix ixiiîi exelie nxx sieeds uixîî ali leaýsi 1012. W liai liappeIIs, ailei. i>eîiiaps file 'iîxnsiiiild hc con-i siirrereiitixii silice (lire htiirili xxiii he actequare lii iiIi- sexex cears, anti xx x xiid ajppeai- lx suig gesi ihai ilueir nieeds are expcied lxx change qiie tiraiiiaîieai y litIi s finie. Tule prixpiseti Halxun camîpus xxiil lie ap4iîxiiaiix x41.li sqal leel andxti xiii cxxxi s127 miion.xxx liie laiiIi xxiii Ilixixe file Reiiri. Iilixii RecxxIil lxii xIilie 1til (îixx.iliixIt schlîxx lixjit ,Iiix Ille ILalixîx ilxxi uL xxi lhixiti, ix ii sx es 'I ixl ii xxt ýlxx il'lie Re-ioiîi ci xiisx xx xii ii looxk ai htiyi ani iictciiu i ect B hramptoni xixChadiax aricle report ext fic eale ox ici Noxrte] Nexxiirks, Bilditing i Bramripton lxx Rogpers fuiiiiiix ahuis oir $x i Wi miiillxixn. Tue purchase inciiided 63 aceres of' lanîd anti a orne-îiiîxîîî stîuxre-loxii huildinrg renotixed xîrîy ai tuixx years ag). Wlixii s, iiiierexirr ahbout ihese prci, xx;ex il e lac k oxi ackixix iedce- ixlerî ahot lie changes ix flie xxix pueoplle (lIo hîîsxîess iliese dax s xx ilu iiiiix.a x mlxiii tii\ x x itre ouic 1xxxIixi appiN lxor ai buiilx.ing permxit xxxex tlt! Interniet or pxý y x iiaxes, xxixlit. xx or %hexe eiiipIiy eestxiiiitt dtix lexir xxxrk lxxiii homîîe xIi es, 11-iii xc \l ixîx iixri ciliceris aind husîiesýse s ctxîîd herietl Ini hixi speet. Interne erici tes xiiioss Hxiiiiii. Ai presci, Canaxda rxxks xxs olne oxx ile lixiilesi exîrsurîxers tuf* encrg. Imaxginie (lic etteci on Hitiirs air quilir>an xîrtleîcgy cxoi- Sunîptior il' more pueople xxtrked Remembrance Day and melons? Points to ponder Minm. xxxxirrenxei. Thcrc's iixihxig lîke îakxng ihai fursi juix.) hile and cxinuxig on îxxxvxrd the rînd, spirrxng the seedx as yxxu gox xvhich xx mxxxi l'in if yiu've gui siinexxxi as a ixirget)i Okay. foîr the sake of' erlîxcai jxurnalism I've gol lxx admit in iiloii a huge lxii of' the pîxpular t'rui. But ihuxi tixexiii affect my pintxî. Have yxxu ever xxxnched chlidrcn eal wxîiernîei un'? They hxîid finie regard l'or the mîess lhcy're maixing oxr the ever xncrexxxxng, tixckixiexs txîvering lîxeir laces xand tîrîgeix. its al sxghi lxx hld. Yex. iiimirrix lite xnxghi ixîler sxîneîhîrîg crnunimy lîke a raxny dxîy, oxr muxyhe evexi xiireihiig iragie. But chidreri diini xvirry ahout îhxxî. They're content lxx jivc for the mnumnt, and ihaixs ail ihai niailers. Why mentionr ihai scenarixi xîxw, on Remnembrance Day'? Becauxe ix' a vixuai image ihai xvas otTered hy an incredihiy wîxe war veler- xxn, Jixî Mottlai, xx lxxii i ixat rlixe prixiiege xxi xxriî xrîg abhout eiscxxterc ii luis paper. Mr. Moflai xxas xpexîking Wednesday lxi a pax.ked lecture hlxxi xf'siderîls xxi Bishxp Redxrrg Seciindary Selîxîxl. This is xxhxx he sxaid: i-Loxk ai Ilite like a chiid exxixrg xx xxlcxicxn. Yiiu knxîxxh ilooixxk on iheir lace asx tley'ie exxixng ax piece ofi xvxxricr rîi Thaixs liîxx yuîu shxîuld looxk xi lie. hecunuse il's Nxîxx ihere's soutxe gxrxxd advxcc. When liii in xîîy exghîxes xxx Mr. Mirlîxil s. xxiii h e able tlxoiok ai rny Ilite anti knoxv i'vc done iiixxi1 Il ax xvxr veeraxî xvhiix seeri thc very xvxrsî of the huixan conrdxixion can stli proclaim ihat fle xx goxxd. hoix could 1 nol doi lxkewxse'? Aller ail, 1 dxîuhî anylhing l'Il ever exîme up againsi can compare wih the deaîh and dextructionx Mr. Moftai experienced in war-tbm Europe. y car. i ihlith i1d pxxss aiiing xxi cxxxiii ot'exijix> xig - ruiy sxxvourxng --lite. Alîiiiugh Mr. Mîxft ixîs a Bramptxon residen. MIilion lxxi irxxxy of' it oxxi eqixaill tascîîxîîxnu ,r,ans, lrim xvixîe siories xxe ciii leani. Arlound This Sîxrxday stxxoxîxg xxi i:30 p.ni.. Miltoin xviii xîlte is scîcrarîs asx îiey xxl xin a pxarxade I'rîin (l.t i e licxcal Royxal ('xixxdian Legixin hrxîrch xxx ______________________________________________ Chaxrles Street lxxftue Vicîria Pxark ceiixitxph xii frontt xi-Fxxx x Haxll. As Renxenihraiice Day apprixaches ecdi year in shiieti. n prcaxi ylmn gel a bit exciteti. hecauxe i means i gel lui irire oti uî x hxe xabout sîxîe of'iftie lxîscxnxîing sixrmîex tuîd lxx nie A sersvtee xviii lake place ai 2 prx. dxrecîiy by veerans. Uinfiriunaieiy, thai xvxnît Mr. Mottai. ihanks luir reminding me hoxv pre- aiways he the case, because eveîîîuaiiy ihere clous xard ileeting file xx. xand for cncuragxrîg aii xvon'î be any Fiîsi and Second Womid Wxur scier- ofus 10 inake the inîxt ol each xard evcry day. ans lefi. i kntîx l'Il neyer look ai a piece of waiermeion Each yeam. 1 laite away wiîh me a iexxon. This the sanie xvay aginx.