Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Nov 2005, p. 4

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A4 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 8. 2005 THECOPOATO OF Milton Onfine EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY INTERESTED IN BEING A SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD? Schooi Crossing Guards are wonderfui citizens who are responsibie for safeiy crossing our chiidren at intersections near achools in the Town of Milton. Our Crassing Guards are reliabie and responsibie men and women who interact weii with chiidren and are cammitted ta their safey. Crassing Guards must be availabie for a minimum orf hait an hour in the marning befare schaai and a hait haur afler schooi, f ive days a week for the entire school year. These are paid part lime positions slarting at $11 .93/hour. Applicants must successfuly pass a police security check priar ta empioyment and must be capable of standing oulside for long periaida in ail wealher conditions. Crossing Guards must be 18 years of age or aider. No experience is necessary as ail training is provided. Crossing Guards muai be pleasant, caurleous and helpfui tawards ai members of the public aI ail limes. Ail weekends and schooi halidays are off, which makes this an ideai job for retired persans; or thase wanling part lime haurs. Parents, grandparents, relirees, neighbours and frienda ail make greal Crossing Guards. WHAT DO CROSSING GUARDS DO? *Create sale gaps in traffic ta enable chiidren and athers la cross safeiy *Report licence numbers of cars wha drive in an unsafe manner, or wha faillao stop for and abey the Crassing Guard *Report children who fail tai listen ta the direction of the Crossîng Guard and who are acting in an unsafe manner WHAT 15 AVAILABLE? Holly and Laurier: ai Sam Sherratt Schaoi 1/2 haur am shirt and 1/2 haur pm shift Bennett and Lee'a Gale: aI Guardian Angel's Schooi 1/2 hour am shift, 1 hour lunch shirt and 1/2 haur pm shift HOW DO i BECOME A CROSSING GUARD? lnterested applicants should submnit an application by November 16, 2005 to: Town of Milton, Departmenl of Corporate Services, 43 Brown St., Milton, Ontario L9T 5H2 Attention: Coordinator, Human Resources Fax: (905) 878-4231 E-mail: humanresources@milton.ca In accardance wth the Fr'eedom afiInformation and Pfivacy legislation applicant information ls collected under the authonity of the Municipal Adt and wrill be used atnicty for candidate selection. ~ NOTICE 0F PUBLIC IMIINIINFORMATION CNE 10 SIDE ROAD <PUSLINCH TOWN LIME TO 4TH LIME) AND 4TH LIME <10 SIDE ROAD TO 15 SUDE ROAD) RECONSTRUCTION The Town of Milton has prepared design plana for the reconstruction of 10 Side Road (Puslinch Town Line ta 41h Lune> and 4th Line (10 Side Road ta 15 Side Road). The design has reviewed vertical and horizontal allgnment issues (substandard his and curves mhat create safety issues), roadside drainage, substandard road width and structural requirements. The project la being designed in accordance with the Class Environmental Assessmerît, Schedule A, for Municipal Road Projecta. A Public Information centre has beean scheduled for: Date: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 Im: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Place: Nassagaweya Community Centre 11264 Guelph LUne, Brookville The purpose of the information Centre la to provide area residents, property owners and the general public wilth the opportulnlty to revlew the proposeld design plans, dlscuss Individuel Issues and provide commentai prlor ta flnalzln th. design. if you cannot attend and would 1ke toi provide commente, please forward themn by Decsr*eir 9, 200510 one of the followlng: Rick Tlpln, C.E.T. Emet Heinricli Projeot Co-ordîator Project Manager Town of Milton Totten Sîma Hubickl Associales 43 Brown Street 72 VictorIa St. South Milton, Ontario L9T 5H2 Suite 202 Phone: (905> 878-7252 ext. 2513 Kitchener, Ontario N2G 4Y9 Fax: (905) 876-5029 Phone: (519) 886-2180 ext. 248 ea-mail. ricI Ippung@milto.ca Fax: (519) 886-1697 e-mail: watedoo@teh.ca IHarper 's wife cornes to town By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion O)pporsirtion leader Stephen ilarper" X's yre Shas il ti \Vediesriay eventing tri stice lier suîppoirt ti Hatti ('rnservatrve canrdidate (iarth'ltrinrer. i .aurer Harper carne out tor al Iidri ser Mi. Turner hieid rît- lit arpagtat Rairie.,irake l'int Gorlf Clubh ýiviiirg a hitel, spcech to Irle dtierrs t oi .1('tirtoIser harie C 51îJ prtis ti atterdatrce. -We r call y rred tiiin î ia site erihs e. Gar tir iras rtretitrîrdLis prilirical esper terie. î le' s lnwr arrd frutrsed by nilion.ris rît (arradrarrs- Wire sire didrîrt rant tri naile rlt rrditscîissirg îvhaic ireue t.iuld ire Ilrr tieret electrirti Ms Harp)er drd rell Tire Chrarpnp she .tisti n arrted tr attend fie es erîr ti ralk rrr locai iainparigrrîn rkr "i irev're reati> rire irrrsurtî tiertres." -,ite satii. rrtirtî te>l Itle titres vio li iîîîrk iiis arrd îîee keids tir Inake 1 aiiarsr sic- ce ssiti t Sie r errttrked tirai tirer lief Ilis tti illi tiii ui hct wt do lii i, olit ittt)t iape itur llai iseCIIIIttt ec i dc 11 u11t1 hi ttd ,i hi i'iiL'l iti n t Photo by SARINA BYRNES Laureen Harper, wife of Opposition Leader Stephen Harper, speaks during Halton Conservative candidate Garth Turner's recent fundraiser ait Rattlesnake Point Golf Club. tîke Iiat lie i irsi tiet the (îrrtserî iti e l'ariy i ader's îî ie tot Ille litirriet. sîtîce tiey started ettrrespoiigtrei sie reild Irle %11)tîp1et tris Weh site. lile iielilei fi te îîtrk irai lires heeri ttrtieiliktiu ats par ti ifris i ttprei uili as kirirskrim- tit trittîsi, 7.Il lit irtîi ittîti îti tesoire Vîtiers Gjuide tî thitîsairds toi lirîuseirlds. He asirdMs Harper irai. -We ae Ioiig to i n rt tiis rtdrrre anrd ste arte IttireL itî \ iIi (ar.ii. titi ytîur atiiiil ti tiiii/rt tit tliiuit/ii E~3MILTON HYDRO qp PUBLIC NOTICE TREE TRIMMING IN THE SOUTH AREA Milton Hydro Distribution Inc. has awarded the Tree Trimming contract for the south Area of Milton to Quality Tree Service. The trimming of trees wiII commence NOVEMBER 7, 2005 and wiII be completed by FEBRUARY 28, 2006. Please eall our Engineering Department if you have any questions or concernis. Z 3S CAP LtR OsiDRAD M s j.P R i 55 Thmpo Rd.E South Mto 90-7-6 AI

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