AIO The Cariadian Champion, Friday, October 28, 200,5 -,,Rabid bat found here ,,Man stabbed in his home loin the tony people whoagreenoîlo drink uloholto beverages..and 10 drive everyone int heir grnnp home salely Restylane' is an exciting product that works by filmig out wrinkles or for lup augmentation. Botox- has been used safely for many years to reduce dynamic wrinkes, frown lines & crows feet. 25% OFF ;tRestylaneO or Botox" wrinkle injections Offer expires Nov. 30, 2005 Na tbeuw -1ttp,ti Il t hfie oeMississauga Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Clinic Dr. Michael 1. Weinberg BiSc MiSc MD, FRCS(î. Certifitîd Platsc & <s,,,tt Srgeon 247 Queensway West, Mississauga FREE 905-273-3045 CONSULTATION FREE PARKING lie filiint Regtitt I lealîli lepatitett released the local resulîs Monday, along with the positive results for another bat found in Oakville. These are Halins sect.nd and tird rahies-positive bais found ibis year. There ivas tit unproieeied hunian expo- sure lu the bais, su nu residents required treatment. TMe bealth departnnenti s advisîng ail Halton residents tsi avoici contact with bais and tu be very cautions if around ihem. A persun wbîî suspects ihey have cîtue into cotact îvith a bai shtnnld prsnmpîly report te inîcidet ii tbe healib depari- runti esen il he tir sbe wasnit bîtien. Bai rabies is ftal il a1 persitti s it ,lectetl andtl tit leaie. beltîre sylilptils bcgii syniiptoitis ait take t~îiti Illoe yeai iii appetr. lîtlectetl atiials carry flite virts iii iliemi SearstraveL,, Wl N ORT Two ANWHER w 1111 FR T WESJETFLIESI ti, riA lit RBC # ~ f7 1siI.t i~ s;ciîtg lîcavetu and saitheti n1ttuU h tî hy two intruders. According to Halton Regional Police, uniformed officiers responded t0 a 911 cali at 10:25 p.m. from, The Ranch on Bumnhamnthorpe Road West, just south of the Milton-Oakville bordier. The caller indicated that he had been confronted sn bis home by a pair of masked suspects, one of whom was anmed with a shotgun. He said that afler a struggle with the two men he was struck in the head with the shotgun and staibhed in his torno. Officers arrived and Iocated the vic- tint, who was ntabilized by paramedies before being transported tu Hamilton General Hospital. Halton Tactical officers and the K9 wîîuîtds. Trhe rabies virus can inftect any mamnimal. Those most coînmonly infecied are bais, skunks, fuses and raccotins. There are a nuinher of things ait individ- ual can do ti help identiy a rabid animal, belp preveni the spread of rabies and prit ledt himself or hersell' including: * Warn childreî tt sîay away trom wild, siray otr aggressîve anitais iii prteci thbemselves, * Don't tîuch dead ttr sîck animaIs. uîîless advised lto dit st. * Dit ieed tir uch ti, Ild aniriaIs. " Dîtt hi bits. skunîks. raccititts oii Itîxes tiry lIo keep Ileur as pets. * Make sure pets aîre s acciîaied agailisi rabtes. " Keep pets lied tit a ceash. * leai lto idetiil itesig s tii rabies i atitinals. IFotr details vssii Si 5î'iregititilal- * Repot ,î itittal btuesttr pîiicttil biles t lcîelili deltiiet * Stek ittttiii c îte îts ,tl atîttiin airet coiis I tt tîtt t ntacît t i t a tilt t î, i iii tîet - Cotaci,,t aî local îîtl an tîtcotrtl dîcnil- * \îîi t îîî,l t t pieî tits. > t. t ite ai- Untkîlî. sur iteliai anît hiles Ini \\tîls i e hltfokesltiindotrbe fI repott t sutspet.tet t .tbîl tîtîtital iii e\spi i sture. t.,l flic I laîltîî keetîtt lIca l)eparinteiti ut t i Slt t l 4 ti 00 SEETHE WoRLD UNDER i BOOFI Adiati Cirpnratiton Ai rîtî HVAC and ( ntîtl I id. Allas 1). Ptowell, Barristes & Snlictorî Attî Rcsd Sîsnhnase its. Barbara J. Micl md, Barrister & Solicitnr Brîrchin & I lulfftan, Barritters & Soilitcitors lluriingttt Central ionus Chlîb t bristuijîler G> lnii l,î, l'h itidia ta ent O ulligat tif Caaa t I l)atta Sîchi & Assntiates it. l)attiels Oaikiille o rpotratiotn l)aviîl Kittîberlen 11>8 llcalih lFaciliny ILi Ccutrgt Kîtuet Rs/Sîtsx Rsaltt Karent A. I honipsîont llKiîi ttl & sttli(sttr 1 iii Nlt%îîîlit,. 1Ion huttluit o'iii tIlIIlii, isititout sLtta.ess. The victiru was ini hospital in stable condition. The suspect, who was amned with the shotgun, is described as a white male with a medium to heavy buwld and weighed about 200 pounds. The second suspect, who was anmed with a four to five-inch knife, is descrihed as a white maIe, shorter than bis partrier, 160 to 180 pounds, with curiy light-brown hair and a black scruffy heard. Anyone with information is asked to contact the 20 Division Criminal Investigations Bureau Rohbery Team at (905) 825-4747, ext. 2218, or anony- mouniy through Crime Stoppers at I - 800-222-TIPS (8477). Tirearms seized by police A 56-year tîlt Militon liai laces charges iii suiniectitti îî it ait ailtert.ation îvîth a lýitiait andt aî sîbseqîtiisaîtliue ssla a11tel ion Ats aîboutt 3ii pol. itce t espîttdel Ito t Kelsu Roid tesutlence ti IitI t niai ilisitle i li s latitiel ti lits e ,îssess Io 11llîî kegitital Plicc's l'tcitil ResLc l 7tit andi a tteîiuttittr i etc called Ili. andt a tIlle tuu stanitttîl Itl erîtetl îî it tîllîsesis lIo t ltriibly apltcbettd Police Blotter thic resising. suspet. A nuinhr ofi firearnis îîere seized and the suspect \ as taken t Mi lton Diîstrict Hoispital lii be tbecked oui. Uuîinjured. tie I, as released a shtitînie latei and char-ed ith îîb SSait andi utiernîti adeath ihircat. [le ivas lield tii a bail bear- lis botîtse key sIs vetc itissinte 'llic stîdetît retunted biétur issuirs laier t iiilîd the bîtuse badi beeti eîîiered andt ait ACI:'R Traseltuiate lapttip com- pter î.,alned ut $1,2X)1 had beei sitîleti Alciol si as alsît takeir. Ci 1800-2) 2-8477 ii chtii i. îî M. Pigîîî (ntracting Ins. Net Au.esi Sysîcîtîs fic. Oakville Shrmne C lb Optintisi (nb of Oakville Optimum Sîrategis laLnintg lic. Reimer o nstruîction I id. oitary (mli of tiaksille West Rotary Clb il (iakvilc/(:hartalle'Irusi Rou'sa Batik. ll,îrîcîîîtc Rd trlîngîton Roya.l Batik, i iktiltiti Rd. (titi tlt Roîyal I ePage Burloak Real litait Sertices Royval tel'agc Bnîlîîak Real litait. Michael IlSulliau Rovasl I ti'agt Real i uale, i .tktîtîrt Rd., Real I'tit S 'untItitie 1 (Islt it « titis ftlir sti, Ilalitît Ret pitl liie seek te pub_ lI's bellîi [lit . ttîttitse tstut fra break ii eattet ibis. y eat. -Sltrly alter ntttti April 4. botuse keyýs isere sisîleIt hitn a (btlds l)rîse boite. 'lie t\ tsnel's sttt \\ aîs hontte Il, roi schlttl dutn litlis t(itich breaîk \\ Ilt a nitutuer ti' tîîistdii.As the teeli piepaied Itt le,îs ttt li btck tt scîntîtl. lie tîîtiîed Crm St,,'r of Halt ýChilds Dr. home broken into TRANSMONS FOR YOMJT SENDS A HEARTFELT TNANK YOU TO TH1E BURL-OAK THEATRE GROUP FOR Burl-Oak TH1E BENEFIT PERFORMANCE 0F "YOU'RE A GOOD MAN CHARLIE BROWN" THANI YOU, ON BEHALF 0F ALL TH1E KIOS, TO AU. 0F OUR GENEROIIS SUPPORTERS FOR YOIJR DONATIONS.