A30 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesdav October 25. 2005i MUtscover the convenience, savlngs ý.and quaIity Island lnk.Jetm Systems ,1inc. can offer Wo Vtt gas prices soaning, as well as our hydro Ulls, constimers are lookmng for any way to save a ,few dollars in their pocketbooks. Weil now tde can. Think of how many households and businesses use a computer/printer on a daily basis? Our com- puter-oriented society relies on this technotogy as a form of communication, and to stay on the fore- front of the information highway. Now imagine how many ink cartridges and laser toners are thrown out every day. Not onty does tttat cost you mone, it costs sur environment. Island Ink-JetTM Systems I. makes it their mis- sion to offer an unprecedented savings up to 60 per cent for customers on their printing costs, as welI as directly benefit the environment. In 2004 atone, tsland lnk-JetTm Systems Inc. saved 1,636,806 cartridiges from Iandfitls. What started as a one-man operation in 1997 is now i 93-outiet franchise, spanning North Amenica with otier continents in current negotiation. loday, a growmng number of consumers and businesses _ - voe UOM the professional Island lnk-ietrm , * Systems mnc. because of the overaît savîngs. convenience, and because of their commitment to environmental Located in the Milton Mail, the Istand tnk-ietTM kiosk allows people to bring their empty ink-jet and laser printer cartridiges and have most of ttiem refilted on site. You just drop off your empty car- tridge and in the time it takes you to have a cup of coffee, it's refllled, tested and ready to do. »Drop n' stiop. No fuss, ns mess in an hour or less.» With over 150 ink formulations that are compat- ibte with almost every store brancL you can reuse the same cartnidge over and over agaîn - and for a fraction of the original price. lheir cartridges are compatible wllh mont malor models of inkjet print- ers, and the quality is as good as the OEM brands. Best of aIl, W"an lnk.JetM Systeros lnc. guarantees it. .We're often asked about thme quailty of our refifled cafftndges and how they compare to th. Any 1 Refi Valid ai Milton location only. Not valid with any other discount or offer. Expires Feb. 28/06 owner ot the - Milton Island Systems lnc. location. »I always explain to them that yes', the printer manufacturers have cre- ated products capable of ultra-high quatity. However, we guarantee our quatity is as gond as the original cartrtdge ink for a fraction of the cost. Whether you drop off your cartridge for our refl setylce, or purchase one of sur do-it-yoursetf refll kits, we use over 150 formulations of ink, so the inks are cartridge-specific. ihere is ns such ttiing as a quality 'universal' or 'one-for-att' ink, as ink prop- erties such as viscosity, particle size, pigment and opaqueness can vary greaty from printer to printer. lTe cont of printing stays low when you use Istand lnkJetTm Systems tnc. products, without sacrificing quality or voiding warranty For customer convenience, Istand tnk.JeTm Systems Inc. also carrnes an easy to use and dlean refllling system that coutd provide you with up to 90 per cent savings. You can refll at home or the office, anytime, day or night seven days a week. %b location retaits cartuidges and reflt kits for Cnn DetEpsonO, LexmarkO and Hewlett- raceara snr)w ponmersasi8 wel as a complete line of~ Mow laser toner cartridges, which are available in hundreds of modets at incredibte prices. »Our customers feel gond about choosing Island lnk-JetTm Systems Inc.,« says Beson. »Not onty doe it save money in their wallet but the are also making a positive impact on the environment he adds. By choosing Istand lnk.Jetm Systems tnc., you can save the environment from absorbing the plas- tic, metat and 1.5 quarts of oiltchat is used to make one laserftoner cartridge. Best of att, it can be done easily, quickty and efficiently at a location near you -Milton Mal (the kiosk is convenienty located jusi outside Shoppers Drugmart), 55 Ontario Street For forther information or for inquiries cati Istand tnk- JetTm Systems lnc. at 905-876-0011 or visit www.islandinkjet.com. Refll. .. not tandill. Get ready to watch your colours soar! ýpp Any Inkiet or Laser Cartridge or Any Ref 111 Kit Valid ai Milton location only. Not valid with any other discount i or offer. Exoires Feb. 28/06 iO u 4 We aïso dlo laser ton Lrsi RAIIIEMD BU«U8oIAMEE'TW 50 *WRNcIU M 150 m m oe«EuRMLOMM