A20 -The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, October 25, 2005 *0 skebanc@hatonsearch.com z " Senior Royals demolish M.,M. Robinson By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Exactly five weeks ago Joe Jurus said bis senior Royals would be '100 times better than last year'. If ibat clatm badn't already been proxcu befitre iheir trip to Burlington L-nday aftemiiin. a 5 1 -0 slaughter of M.M. Robinsoin certainly stlenced atîy lintierînt diiuhts abiuî lusi hou% tar Bîslîp Reding has cote. Injuries tii the Rains'matît rusher and quartet- back nto dîutuh tacttired it thie lopsided scotre, but the bottoni tue is that thte vasîly îtîprtixed Royats put tbemselxes in puositioun to \viii btg xx tb a tutîdatnitally tiecrce perfomnce. "This is n hai Iappetîs xvhen everymne cutrnes iii play:' said Junis. xxhîise team was oit the tîther end oif ihis type ti blowxiut mitre tîfîcî iban ntît Twisters off to strongr start North Halions 'B' peexvees ceflaînty haxen't been charitabte wîîb ibeir teague uopposition recentiy. The Txvisiers bave gîven tip one measty gîtai in ibeir firsi tbree regular-season gamnes. xvîîh that iatiy cîîming in a t-i statemate xviîb tbe Hamilton Hawks. Emma Brîdgwater îîed ihiugs up ltitin tbe thîrd xxîîth beip front Sbauna Cîîsîeltîî- xvbite Terrilyn Digmut stîîîd tait betîxeet the pipes us keep Nortb Hatttn in the bunt. Befître ibat. Dîgîuî xxas tlaxvtess ini back iii- back 2-0i sbutîîuts tif Hamiltoin and tbe Niagara Faits Rapids. Costeitti anmd Hîîtty Keîîdrîck potted one apiece in bîîîb wins. 'Fhi Rii\ais îiîteicepted the luisis hall a-do,'eî tinties oni the \%a: Ioi thcir tlîird shuitont s îctury iii the y car andtici au ex\ceptiiýi effort tri n iheir offtensiv e tune -x hich atffirded returntng quar- tut bauk Craig t towse ail sorts if tine to n îrk litie speciai teatus kicks and iackies. -The deleuse nas spectacular. and that's ail] (detensive cii-ordinatuti Jim Harp)er. He«s done a greai joîb xx iih them.- said Jurus. Noxv sitting thtrd ai 3-2 witb just one toss in lis last totir gaines. Reding finishes up the retiular naîh. season in Burlîngion Frîday agaînsî the Anîd %%hile the runtuîtg, gante nasusnt 4-I Nelson Lords. exacily clickîîîg eaîrN titi BR's pass- A %v in would pusb the Royals to tmg mitre thati carrieti the iîiad. second place and give îhem at Hiîxxse cîîmîecîeul tit twii toîîch- 4-1 improbable bertb into Halion's t - diiixn sîrîkes tii prtniary target A ptayoffs. wvhite a toss nouid Marcas Gray and atîtther iii iikety drop ibem, to fiftb and utmto Mitchell Ciioke, xx imie a firay iii- the i AA playoff bracket Mati Chuchmacm pass jusi bettîre \vbicb woutd offer a much more baif tiîe preîty umucli puît aîîy hope legitimate shot ai a cbampionsbip tfti a comeback to resi. tâtle. But ibe Royats were tfti tront doue. Reding wtii need everv bit oif defen- Disamcîîg bîruseit fronmt ait iteftective firsi baif. îaîi-back Teit Fatr engineered twîî iengîby ttiuchdixn runs. mvbite Mike Rubitto added itîsuui ii iujury by pîckîng oîft Rtmbinsin's quar- terback and ruutiig it back N)1 yards for the lotie defensîxe majoir ofthe day. Captain Mîke Regti aiso stood out ithîî a pick titf and fumble recovery. xvhite Ryan Fentanîtes cotnpoundced tbe Rarns' trustratiouns xvîtb sontie sîve prîixess avaîtabte to containt the Lords. who are averagiug 44 poiînts a game ibis season and took top-seated Notre Daîme 10 overtime eartier tItis tnontb. Meannîmile. BR's Div ision 2 juniors xviii try to sîmap a tbree-game tosimg skîd ibis afiernoon in Buriîgîîî againsi Baten. Tbey feti tii 1-3 xx 1h a 7-6 hearibreaker agaitx cross-îoxvn rival Miltoni District last Tuesday. SUTO now providing ClS TOMF KNEE ORA CES Other high quality therapeutic braces and products also available: KE BRACES eby Omni & Ganerallon 2 a Alrsport ankie brace a EmbraceAir backrests e Useful in treating Osteoarthrittc Knees e Bandit tennis elbow strap a J-braces for patellofemoral problems & Knee Ligament Injuries * Mom-Ez maternity supports * Modiflowwater pillows a Fttted by Registered Physiotherapists *Ahei aîgSple 3006 Drry Rd. W, Ste. 203, Milton <acmss frm the Mlton Hospital) (905> 878-9293 Grounded P4; ~.i. Bishop Reding improves to 3-2 with biggest victory at Division i ranks