Aý2 - The Cainadian' Champion, TÙesday, October 25, 2005 )Golf club mRVWYSNX 2 00 6 HOSTED BV 2006 Corolla CE ESSIE P)( j ER MONT FOR48 MONIHS WIT $3 38 A AY 5 3111OUKM (53 MPG) $17,725.. SR, FOROW26A 00 WNFI H AND FSI INC USES CITY 11WO0KM (40 MFG) ALSO STARRING 2006 Matrix 2006 Camry LE $19,905 MSRP 24,990 MSRP PAMONTSIFOR 4 'IMONIS PERAIST FORO. 210 4 8 5526 R jA WITA $3.325555 DONFR660001 WT $ 8 DW.FRIH - W My 5 911100 KM /AR MPG) t HWY E 4UI 00 KM (44 MPG)1 CITA 1 91J100 KM (36 MAS) t CITY 10 OU100 KM (28 AFU)t Sienna CE Highlander V6S 4WD $30,800 MSRP $37,855 MSRP MITA 66327 SOMNW ARRIGAS UKASE W ISA $5,A5 DOMN. AREIA b. AI6110M(4MS M 010K 3 A)AND A.D.ER INCLUARA FOR ANS P.DE SA 161606 4 CITY 12,41100 KM (23 MPG) F CITYSA U0 M 2 P)W 210 KM(4MG 5W .11I00 KM (1 MPAS> i GREAT OFFERS AVAILABLE ON REMAINING 2005 MODELS 400 Steeles Avenue 1-800-721-9396 www.miltontoyota.com go- ahead A 27-hîîle gîîlf cîurse prîîposed for rural Miltoon was giveîî tloe prelîînary thumhs up NAedtesday aîid ill gîo tII regîîîol counicil tîor cîuîsîderatîîîn OUIiTUIITIIOO At Ets mbeetinog last vveck. Haltonîîs plan- ning anid public oîrks conîmttee suppoîrt- cd adîîpting a RegilîSal Off îcial Planî amendnîenA 01 inake svay foîr the course at the souîheast coIrner of Trafalgar and Brtannasu rîîads. While the aînendnîent wvîuld apply 011 a 211<)-atre piece o) land, an additisnal l(K) acres thai lias been zoîîed for a golf course for more ihan 211 yeiors ovill bc addcd To the develîimett to create ihe 27-hîîle facility. Official planî aîîd zoînîng bylaw amend- nients l'or the potential colurse aIsE) need to be aparîoved hy Milton cîounicil. A staff rec- îoînîondatioî oon thîs is expected 0Io cooule fîîrwsaîd shîortly, Tîîs I Maîxîgcî îîf l)es elîîpiiieîî Res cos Aimecl,îskîî tîîld the cooîîîînttee tlî,>t 0 tlîîs ploint, it looîks lîke the rccîînîîîeîîdtîîîî fîîoîîlî Ili staîff os If bc a onsîî e. 'lle goîlf CoouII P>Pe poos CII b efîorc tfîc planninîîg and pubhic \os nko coniniîtlee late lillîsmo îîîîll. hîîî Il \\î cîcîîclrrd hlack Io sLltï oslhetfîcî oppo osng ol rut ked-i \îosalI sîîpl plv I,0 Ilhfe 10ou1 ,I fîîfîfîIooîsc \\3 îdol cra ri ,îed the questot W.1Vcdîîes,îx sý« nieet- utc h staift îîîd hîîîî noe pecedeîît \o oîld bc set st îce ch ît i cîl l'laî] aîîîeîîdmeîîî sdelt 35 ith iil ils5 Il lîCrits Surface v, aier \\ 11l hc osedtf fr îîIrrIgalîon ,îîîîîîîd tfî ctîlîl Ail applîcatiîon 011 Ille laîî e cloUrle \\as iîîît,OII îtîade îîî _101, boît't sasput oîî hîîld due to th enîuî goîlf course sîody ad t)e Pro in il pla.îî /4 injured in seriou,,,.s car crash Poice are loUîklng for witniesses aloci too cars cîîllided Sunday, sending tour people to hospttal otmie ositli lite-threatening inurues. The incident happetied just before 6 p.m. ai the intersection of No. 20 Sideroad and Giuelph Line. Halton Regional Police said a Mazda 626 being driven by a 73-year-old was headtng eastbound oîs No. 20) Sideroad when it failed to stop for a stop sîgo. The Mazda then cîîllided with a Chrysler Neon travellîing souih oîn Guelph Line. Tliere oscre 0051 people ni each car. AIl fîur loccupanits had So be exticated by eiîiergetîcy persononel, police said. The driver oîf' the Mazda osas senît to Hlailton Jeîîeral Hospital osith le- tlîîeateîîîrîg injuries. The passenger oîf the Neori 55as alsî 025ken to Hamiilton General Hospital, os th sertous. non-lite ihreatetîing injuries. The driver ot the Neon suffered serious injuries and was taken to Miltoin District Hospital. The passenger froru the Mazda was treated ai Miltoîn District Hospital and released. Updaies oui the vîctimo' conditions and hotretoîwns overe unavailable ai press ime yesterday afiemoon. Witnesses arc asked to caîl Dci. Conot. Steve Martin ai (1X)5) 825-4747, ext. 5 69. FrM 1 LT ON (1 P)TOYOTA A[, t l AM M