Champion Country, Tuesday, October 25, 2005 - A13 I fl*9Ui.~L1UFPi(Pil ,Fait t' Traffie woes the hot topic at rural forum Wl runBy ROBIN DOWNTON-POIRIER fu n Special to The Champion lTaffi \ (iei tho tt tipic ai the Rutai ('trruntsIrini hieM bk Rcgîoiil ~ ~ n (harnan i s c 'ras iire andi Poirce Chiet i ar 1 \a asi lîresdaý Ileiri ni the I iearth Rîrîrti 01i tie ilaitoîn Regrîir Miseuin ai Keisir (rîtiset sationr tus aILdI(ICII' 01 r iriît N)1 irsirile pejiarrtcd tii lialiîrs i ixdis aýs s rtlr antd Ille farm I \s'h hr neighl ic h Seven-year-old deciec In lC> Illtie comui catittiomnti5 Kathryn Moka Iiroiitiiut tie turai arca. enjoys a beautiful Thre Irris are ieid tIo keep the fitres ori fai day whlle sit- comrmurnrcationr oîpern betîeen rural resi- tlng on a vintage dents anrd the Reg-irîi ori Haion regaýrdring Allis-Chalmers issues titat perrairi prrrtiariiy tri rural farm tractor In lalttttt Cambelvlle.Alter a shotrt itntrorductiton oft several local Campbllvlle. tunicipal couuncillors. Regirînal staff, and membeLrs rof the Haltuîn Regionai Porlice Service. Ms Savolîne brrefly iouched on topics such as Halion's irei tree bylaîs. Photo by organies demionstrations and large \v aste GRAH-AM PAINE pick-up, theri îpened the floor Io questions. When an inquiry ixas mrade about grrd- lîrck thrîrughrur Halton and possible rîtad cotnstructiotn wîtrk ttr help remedy the situ- atioîn. Ms Sasîrlîne stated road conustruction throughrîut Hialtuîn has t0 follow a certain timeline and otten depends on developers' planis. She statei rirai the Regitîr neesis tir liase i urîss beurre it tari tit tire is îrk, -We rreed tri lits e casht ii band beurre \we doi radis as i r sic lias e tIo rarse tases rto paý ) ii tý site saisi reie rire begttttitttg tri the foîrumt. -1bis ria) seen backîî arss but t ias prîrrecreti ur iis esimerri ti the sornt rîurrity. Whieri pressed abotut bîtrîtrîs ng, rnnîre) to riad conistrutionirr she statcd tirit it ix asnti norirai pi actice foîr the Regîrîr anrd tirai ifs -\ery careful ix rîh tiebt capacity). 'tsceralintrrersectionrs ix ere menîroned as prîthiî areas. iiiclting Regrîrîa Rtrad 15 anid No. 15 Siderias and Treiatire Rîîat anrd Steeles Asenite. Ili Wiirg. a iienber ofi the Haittîns Planninrg Departinen, stated that each year the exrsîîng rîrad systrm is revreîîed. 1)eficrencies oit the exrsting sysîtîri are ideritified every year. We consider traffic volunme and siatîstres and \ve decide îvhat can be- doue to improve it. he said. Mr. Wong added that simply building neîv roads wsiuldnit allevrate the conges- tioîn because it îould simply draîv more deveitipers int the area. When the topre of moîrîrcycles on the rural rîrads came up -as îî dîd ai prevrous meeings -ite success of Halton police's 'Operation Bike Roads ivas dîscussed by bîîîh Chiet Algar and Staff Sgt. Susan Deianey. see MAJORITY on page Al14 r [BUYING 100 MUCH SALI? Start saving TODAY When you purchase a HIGH EFFICIENCY WÀTER SOFTENER! CALL FOR DETAILS!! - Order9<sokg> bags " Your nn of sait and receive the " Your Gasoline Your BE2,ACKII VlOt"h bag FREE r I FREE BASIC INSTALLATION -.1