The Canadian Champion, Fniday, Oclober 21, 2005-A7 IRoadmmaking competation *O! 1AD R RT I uie Capsules' aie gcins oft iformîation c\lraicled h sun îpasî issues iof 'Hile Chaniipiiîn anîd oiher puiblicationis iii trder iii puoi ti a ssndv itiiis îîî Miliiiiis pasi. L\plai.iiiry commntîi s siieîincs puis sided iii place lise sitin iii coiiîiext May 1906 There s\\as qiue a g-aîieriiig iii Miliii osî Thursday iii hose inieresied iii good ro.ids bo sec the conipetilion ioi road machinie iruakers arranged hy (lie Couîny Counicîl. The Counîy Couicii ouf Wenîssirlh seint represenialîves and sus did Brampton. Uuîiorluîsaîely lîtlie vas donc on Ihai day on accounit of the laie arrivai of sorte of the machines. and the actuai conlesi dîd nol take piace untîl Friday. There were lwo crushers, from the Goo)d Roads Machinery Co-. of Hamilton and the Climax Co., of' Syracuse N.Y. The Amenicant machine was of a smaiier size ihan the other and smnaller than requîred by the counicii. The larger Climax machine mighl have heid ils own wiîh that from Hamilton, but the smalier couid nul. Aul the same the resolutiou lus give the Hamilton machine the preference %%as opposed by îhree oui of the sesen niembers uft he Counîy Councîl svho mcl after the compelitiou. The J.1 Case Ci. oii Racine. Wîs. and the Pout [lroin Engine & Threshcr Coi. sent sîeam road riillers. Boih dîd splendid vs or). and opinion as lii their mierils sanied greatly. The Case rouler goI the prelerence, likc the Hamiltonî cmviîcr. but a inajorily of une. lis rear asies sscrc omne pîcce toi soid inetl. shble îhîsc iii the Poirt Huroîn roller ssere biilied lii tbe huiler and ihere svas ;orne dîîubt as lii their ia- biliN. ThcN. hiisses-er. suec ouarataîiîct i stanid auj sîraîn put on theni. Aîîiiiiîr (ii- lerence ssas ihat in the Pori Huroîn rîîllcr the grealer part of the vseîghî ssas on tbe rear rîslier. sshile in tbal troiur Racinîe the sseighl sas eveîiiy dis îded. The even dis- tribution gui the preference ironi lhe count- cil and aisu frum the Wenîworth council- iors whu buughl tihe cumpeling Case ruiler befure Haluon's cuncii met. Halion wîii gel îwu new machines and the Hamilton crusher wiii remain here for use unîii repiaced by lise new une. There was nu cumpetîiuin of graders. but lise Climax Cu. sent une îu sisow wisai iî cud du. Il was prunuunced by guod judges lo be much tise besi thai they isad seen în uperaliun. The firsi hasehali game uf the season was piayed un Salurday ai lise faîrgruunds heîween Miltun and Carisle. Aul of the locais excepi Campbell, Atkinson. Springgay and Field svere new lu lise îeam. Miltoni vun hy a score ofI 12 ii i. \Virkien are erigaged in building a resi- deiice (159 Martin Si.) l'or D.S. Robertsoin on the lsvo acres ofi land oin Mariin Street vvhich he houghl sîlme finie agii froîn Jasper Martin. Thos. Coxe houghî toîur acres adjoining and may huîid ioo. Lasi week the Canadian Carpet Co. moved ail the mnachînery from their Dunnvîiie iaclory to that here. This means a iargeiy increased output and aiso more hands for whom dweilings vviii be needed. Messrs. I)ewar Bros. have vold oîut iheir stock of hardvare Ioi Messrs. (leinenîs & Co. vsho are rernovîiig il Ioi ihieir store. cor- ner ot Main and Martini Sîreels. Councilluir W.1 Liesar vsiii reihle ii Fdiniînioî nexi îriinîh and hîs broîher. John, inay aiso go ssesl. but has 1101 yeî decided on il. Biih the D)ewar broihers have liveci ii Millton site iheir childhood. They aie pipular. hase heen promnineni iii the ai airs ofi tue iiîss ri anid vs Ill lie grcatl is.set.I i v nol l ikely thai auj ness firi ss illg cin flic tue id\s are business here. W,~u J. Lindsay,.f Torto iiiiiî.s iii iîvin soliciiing subscripiîis liîr shares. iflic Farmers' Bank. ol Canada ss hicli has received ils charier and s ill bc-giîi iii dii business shorly. Mr. Lindsay has secured a numbtr ofi subscrîplîîîns iîîr shares iii lins neîghtxorhoud. (The han). ialer iaiied and local supporters iost heaviy. Though the band has been weakened during the iast few months by the removais of ieading players. partîcuiariy by that of Stephen Conway. soio euphonium. Bandmaster Goiiins bas gui il inb a fine state of efficiency. The first open air con- cert of the season was given on Saburday evening. On the programn were severai seiecîîons piayed publicly for the firsi lime. This îieriuil .îixsi'îîbled on /îehalf of the Milton l-i.oorii ai SocietY 1liv uni l)ills. îs'h, con he reai led aililîà I>ear Editor: Khaîiiis i)ika's recciii i at agailisi planis lii is evlimnin of liigh leîsîly housîîsg alternîatives belies a 'mc iirsî allilutie ihai's nul îîeetied iii MVilton. Peuple îîileî crîlîcize ur local giuverninieni offutiais fîîr a lac). ioi iîîresîgbî when ihey speak iiiplaîs l'or hîgis densîly honsing vvhen. i my opiniton, the provision for a mixture oif housing types iv reilec- live of good tîwn planning. Urban sprawi iv had ftor comînu- nities and is often assucîaîed with a host tif heaiîh ctuncems rangîng trom rises în uîhesily 10 respiralury aîimenîs caused hy dccreased air qnaiy. li's aiso sbîîvn Ioi icad iii a tiecreased sense iii cîiimuniiy ani rive us) grccnhîîîse ernissiîiis. Il laCes a crîpping til ton green space. viltdlile and agrictural lani. aiing vs îh the cîîuîsequeuîi blîîss lis îhiigs lI e vsaler tjnaliiy aîît qtltiy. i sstcîîvcommlîunlecs rnake public tranisit less cîîsi eeclive l'or iiuiicipaliis, svhich ciinpuunds scvcral ofi thc prîshîuins nientiied ahiivc [he cosi ofi suppiining the infrastructure upgrades rcqnired f'or huge, sprawiing ctîmmunilies iv har higher than îhîise required ti suppotî a mlore densse population. Whîle Khamis Doka mnay cxtl the vîntues of Missîssauga and Maytor Hardl McCalion's urban planning iegacy. lhe huge migra- lton tif people frtîm ihai cily hardiy supports the idea ihai peuple wanl mtore uf the samne. In faci, Ms McCaliin has slaled tsai the urban planning of Mississauga and lise assusciaied sprawl iv toxe of her grealesti nisiaites as mayor. Khamîs Dîika vcems ts suggesl thai peuple vshî ivc iii hîgh-rive huildings are the ones who partiel- paie mi gang violence and shuoot ings. i lise in an apainieni anti i lias cli shol aniy ne receînly. i dii kiiiivv. hîsvvver, ihai increases in crimeu ire assiiciated \v h an iliurcasc in pîsveuty, whîch iv asss ciaîed sviîh escalaiug hîîusing cîsis Ihal are assîîcîaled wîih a lacit oif afiordahie htîusîng. Soti he argument secîns lu shout ilsellif t he fout. Il iv. in pari, an effort ti preveni increases in poverly ibai has causcd the Regîun uf Hailun lu deveiup an affurdahie huusing slralegy which inciudes a caii fur higis-densily huusing. I'm hîghiy vuspiciu uf the mutives uf peuple wisu argue against affurdabie and isigis-densiiy isuusing uptiuns. Tuwn curucl sisuuld he strungiy cummended fur lisîening ti suggestions un mixed deveitîpmen. Beitîre the wave of new deveiup- ment in Milton, wc had a mixture of housîng olptions. The saine iv called ftîr now hy forward-lhinkîng people. Paul WiId Ontario Street Housîng letter contaîned incorrect information 1>ear Editor i'ni usrîîîiii ti cvspîiie Is Khaiii i)ika's I ctiser 7 lcîîcî ctiilculi I tîgîîng prciiccupaiii ssuth îghte vils hbousinîg iv viiply nul heailhv lîor îur iîîs il Tlic lcîîcr ctîîîaîîs a greai ulcal iii niiiiiiriiiaiî about hîîusîîg aiiiu cinîinic dcv elipiiiciî iii Milton.î iThc îîîîsl scrîîîus erriir flie vs ier niakes iv ni sayimig ihai Militon cotînrcîl bas ultile our nu v isiton ai ail iîîr attracliilg alvslilnd emiployment iii our coimmnu îîlty.- v uhumil the ioliowiuig lacis and ceave readers ti dras niseir tîwn coinclusitons. Tise initimmation couses irum the Sprîng 2(X)5 edition tif Mî News, a publicatiun uf Miltun Ecunumic Deveiupmenl. -Frum 2000 lu 2005, tise îuwn bas recorded a 53 per cent increase in tise number of isuuseisuids and a 54 per cent increase in square feel of industriai/commercia space. No îîiheu cîuîrunuly in Ontario tan ctompare vs 1h Miltoins rate iit balanced grîîwih acrtsss ail sec- toîrs. -2(X4 vas a rcordi year iîsr întiusîrual and coimmer- cial uzriivsih ni Milîton, vst lbtver 1.4 milliuon square foot ioi ncs costructuion. Issuo receni priijecls are a 352.00(1 square feel build- ing beiiinging tu Ver-us Partners frusnbing un Hvvy. 401 ai the Steeles Ave. tîverpass and Smurfiî MBI's 261i,00( square feel facîiliy for manufacluring corru- gaied cuntainers. Jusi a drive aruund bise indusîriaicommercia areas nurih of tise 41 demun- virales îbaî Millun's ecunome deveiopmenl iv keeping pace wiîis tise residentua growbh, as iv needed for a isealtisy cummuniby. Wendy Schau Ward 4 Councillor Letter's Thanksgîving Iist had one glarîng ommision Dear Editor: ub bhe persun lu thami for provîd- etahies, nu deivery trucks and This leiler iv in resptsnse lus ing bhe earbis and the iseavens su in facb nu farmy members bu Aisusn Kingelin's recentleitier clii ihal we have the soîi ansd ibs nuti- ceiehrabe vvibh. And there wud be led 'Church's Thanksgiving mes- ents. the rain and the sunt and ail bbc nu Aisun Kingeiin or asmyune cite. sage aîicaiied tor'. tler raw maierials wibhoub svhich Elizabeth Aiton Wîlh resKet. Ms Kingelin ciit ihere wouid be nt urkey. nu veg- Milton EXTENDING OUR HOURS TO SERVE YOU BETTER! WE WILL NOW BE OPEN FROM 9AM-3PM ON SATURDAYS STARTING ON OCTOBER 22, 2005 905-878-9273 645 Steeles Ave. E., Milton M U!fl M-b ifi. Miltn ~.High-density hausing needed in Milton ime % Î ta combat bath urban sprawl and paverty