The Canadian Champion Friday October 21 2005 B7 Children's book festival features authors, entertainers J lic pleisiiu t' ucadiiic ,î h',suk iii Ou iii" di 'iuuuu",c ciii suiuii p.î'.'.~uuuuî i', ,iulsciiiiiie Nuis ciiiheu (i t suie iiui',iii iii 4 p iii . ctuildieii ,îîîd ,iîluilis ,îlîkc ut' iii', iit'tl iii ,iiiciitl Nlîlîîuîî", îîîîîîlî ,iiiiiuiil hiuuîk iesiîx il liii t'liildicii ,ipils iiilc',l I ui', e iii R',.',îd"' lie cx ciii xx Il iike luIt t' hOu', ltitllicld t>iihlî~ Scliuuuul. 114 Vu îiuidîxiid tut luidcd iii lic uiîiquie lc~iix ,îl xx Il bc i cadines xi îilî (.',iîii',tiiii .iiiîliîiis iltui',iiaiîiis ,iiid siuii 5 iii, talc'. t iii t utile l'iîiili I île Niî,ilc (dit iii I hidi lice sicu. Siiii1,i t)îîîîîî .aid ttildx Stuilleis h 'liildi cii .11e csciietl abuuiii iiicciiiid ihe lices ics iliey luise." said .l.îîîîs Mii',liill. childicii", sci te', libiai an xx milu Miliixii l>uhlic t hi aiy iii ihe c', ciii. ieiisit aiid enici iaiiiiueni b~ lie xx Il Oc îhi'iis ittetl t)itl tii t)uiii antI \tilcl îîîî t"iippcii y Ms listai shaîl said cliitttieii ,iuzctt tuiiii up iii ilî~~s~' iii cuatles lu us 7 us Il eîiîiiy tlîc lestisal. h îiu,,iiiiceîs siy ilie lesiixat s iiuuilii piiinged Il iii pî'iîiuiiile lîtet tics md ihe iiiithiînance iilu~iii \îîul i ilîcis Iiîiiilie', ,î xx luiilesiiiiic, att uiiula hIe e', ciii t' aiieiel izeulici. Ms t lite. hue et ilue lesiis il 's ieisi îeiiiiss iied auiiliiirs. bas xxi îtieîî îîîîîî e ihaii 25 cluiltîreas biuuiks dîiriiig lier 711 hIes ycaî s. Shes s-un ais artîs iiicludiiig tOc ('aaactiaii t ibrary Assiiciaiiiiii's tstîîîîk ut the Yeai Medal iii I t~55 liii Maiiia's (iiiini. iii tstîiy Yiîui a Muiekinybird aiid ilie Canada ('iiuncil ('tuildreii's t îîeî alure Axx ai .1 iii I 977 foi Lisieîî I uS 111e Siiigiiig. "Shes a tasciiiaiiiig characier, having sirug pIed îtuî iiiigh ilue cai y ycars xviih ber blindiiess," Ms Marshall said. )îîi,îî iii t .ibiii y Assiiti~iiiiiiî ,iiid Mu tIi eus sici uuiiiu the 211115 Silsei Birch aîîn lîcîîîîîî aeaid tii hi', bîîuîk 'On Jtinii Beach. Cinada's D Day lirganiuing sîxinsuirs ut t t ilVe tii Read are îhe Tiiwn ut Miltuin. Mi lîuîiu Public t ibrary Haliuin Hilîs Public Library and Miltcuii Ciiinmunity Resuuurce Centre. Spumsorships are available lui busînesses and (irgani/atiuuns, wilh cuurpiirale 'piinsorships available 1er $275 and assuiciate spuunsuirships cosiing $125. Foi mis-e inluirroation, visil www.booktesîi vaîmpt olica. - e- i - Bîd documents for the services lîsted below, addressed ta the Manager of Purchasîng. 1151 BRONTE ROAD. OAKVILLE. ON L6M 3L1 will be receîved untîl 2.00 p.m Oakvîlle tirne on the specîfîed closîng date. Bîd documents can be seen or obtaîned through the Purchasîng Division of the Corporate Services Departmenî. same address as above, telephone 905-825 6000. extension 7011 If long distance charges apply. dial toîl free 1-866-4HALTON (1-866 442-5866) Documents wîll be avaîlable for pick up on and after Tuesday. October 18th, 2005 There s a non refundable deposit of $26 75 (includes GST) Bîdders who request documents to be shîpped from the Purchasîng Department must include a handling fee of S10 10 îincludes GST) for thîs service Bîds wîlî Ce opened n public aI 2.15 pin on the closîng date specîfied n the Nelson Room at the above address Those submîtting bîds are invîted 10 attend Under no circumstances will facsînîile or late bîds be accepîed or consîdered Lowest or any bîd 001 necessarîly accepted. Halton Region relies on thîs advertîsement to provîde public notice of thîs business opportunity and s not oblîgated to notîfy any patential bidders n any other manner T-065-05 SUPPLYAND DELIVERY 0F ONE (1> FOUR WHEEL DRIVE LOADERITOOL CARRIER CLOSING DATE: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER fT, 2005 T-066-05 SUPPLYAND DELIVERY 0F ONE (1> FOUR WHEEL DRIVE INTEGRAL BACKHOE CLOSING DATE: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER f, 2005 J. MacCaskill, CA Commissioner of Corparate Services A. Mindenhaîl, CPPO, Manager of Purchasing Services www.regîon.haltan an ca/shop Standing Stili Is Not An Option: Workplace Health Symposium Research telîs us that attraction and relentian of skilled workers will be the grealest challenge facîng employers n the next fuve ta 15 years Workplace health programs have been lînked not only la împraved employee wellbeing, but also help ta increase recruilment and retentian of skilted emplayees. The Halton Region Health Oepartment wîll hast ils second workplace health symposium, "Standing 5h11 s NolAn Option", on November 17, 2005, aI Raîttesoake Point Golf Club, 5407 Hîghway 25 n Mîlton, between 8:30 a.m - 12:00 noon. The regîstration tee s $60 For more information or 10 register for the symposium. please contact the Halton Region Health Department by Wednesday, November 9 aI 905-825-6000, Toîl free aI 1-866-4HALTON (1 866-442-5866), TTY 905-827-9833 or visît our mebsîte aI www.halton.region on calhealth Halton Regional Meeting Schedule: October 26th November 81h November 91h November 91h 9.30 a m. 9.30 a.m 930 a m 1 30 p m Reguanal Councîl Health & Social Services Commîtten - Planning & Public Works Commutten - Administration & Finance Commîtten e- e NEW BURLOAK WATER PURIFICATION PLANT IN THE TOWN 0F OAKVILLE The Region of Halton s currently n the detaîled desigo phase 0f the new Burloak Water Purification Plant, whîch wîll be located on the south sîde of Rebecca Street just east 0f Great Lakes Boulevard 0 the Town 0f Oakvîlle To achieve the goal of desîgnîng a facîlîty that is compatible with the surrounding community. the Region has established a Citizen Advisory Commîtten to provîde oput on the architectural and landscaping desîgo 0f 10e Burloak Water Purification Plant and to provîde comment ta the project team with respect 10 the construction activitien for the proîect A Public Intormation Centre wîll 0e held to provîde you wîth information about the detaîled demgn and construction actîvîties Reoresentatives tram Halton Region, the consultants the intake tunnel contractor and members 0f the Burloak Water Purification Plant Citizen Advîsory Committee. wîll be n attendance to answer any questions The Public Information Centre s scheduled for DATE: TIME: PLACE: WEONESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2005 6:30 P.M. TO 9:00 P.M. (presentation at 7:30 P.M.) HALTON REGIONAL CENTRE HALTON ROOMICOUNCIL CHAMBERS 1151 BRONTE ROAD, OAKVILLE You are nvited to drop n any lime during the above-noted haurs ta review and comment on the detaîled design and construction aclîvîties If you are unable to attend this Public Information Centre and wîsh to obtaîn more information or provide written comments, please address your concerns ta the Regions Project Manager: Jacqueline Weston, P.Eng. Special Projects Engineer Region of Halton Phone: 905-825-6000, ext. 7433 Fax: 905-847-2192 E-mail: Alternatively, you may contact Access Hallon at any time of the day or night at (905) 825-6000. e e * e- e BULK WATER STATIONS As part of Halton Regions customer service cammitment with aur bulk water haulers, we invite you ta participate n a Public Information Meeting ta discuss the proposed bulk water delivery program migration ta specified potable and non- potable delivery sites Public Information Meeting is being held on: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 5:30 p.m. ta 7:00 p.m. Presentation: 5:45 p.m. Halton Regional Headquarters, 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville ScotchbîockJMerton Room If you are unable ta attend, please contact Lînda Peteika Manager, Business Improvement & Finance Ext 7640 E-Mail petelkal~region.halton.on ca i