Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Oct 2005, p. 32

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32 - The C anadian C ham pion, Fr day O ctober 21, 2005Sa e l s esH p SkT1ý,11l & Skilledl &fic HOluce et & gets& get & Agents Techaîcl HeIp Technical HeIp m ýe MACHINIST i eiru-rr inceil cae' totition th MECHANIC ASSEMBLER anxhrewei tsexanada.norr ALOHLICS IANONYMOUSI ~24htr.answeringj erviceI PPhonel 1-519-836-1522 Data rcessing Comiputer Programmer rrge Canadran Company if look ng (or aseif-motioated Indîoiduai for a Computer orogrummer pouilion Krowiedge of PICKý UNIVERSE SCL 2000 Administration, Wrndows Semver 200i- or12003 Administra- tione Asapta wouid be an usuel F torward resumnes to: careers@maplelodgefarmscom OffeHe OffeHelp RECEPTIONIST HosFin Screntrfrc crmrted has un opportvnrtp for a Receptonrsr te oui Brantor office Datte lecludeý 8 cire Swrtitrhoard, eardlIng ail Mali Assrsting aiS Order Trairng ued Fling, Tee endrardual should have familtarity artS Micro- soft Office software, Tee positier reaires effec- rive communication artS oui present staff ana an abtitt iv ork rnrough detuies vider entry. An ap tîtude for probtem solarng and the arlrty te mbujt task ta a key part of ihis opporturity. The upplîcants shoafd passeos the fofioarng: .Accourting educatron on equrualent background woutd be ostuabie .Experence or keen reterent te workrrg en a fast paced smaît business envrrnment lnterested applîcants sfisufd forward tfteîr resame in confidence toi. Fat Wilson (Mis.) HOSKIN SCIENTI FI0 LIMITEO 4210 Marris Orive Borlington, ON L7L 5L6 FAO: 905-333-4976 E-MAIL: pwîso@ûhoskn.cx EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT The Bedlford Conoutng Oroup ta one of Oanada's ieadrng executrue seaîch frrms. Dan office in das-nîsan Oamif e requîtes an exceptronat indrord- ual to aren the team in fie raie of Execatîve Assist- ant. Yeu wîf t be respsnsbte for prouîding adminis- trative support f0 the Managîng Pantner, managîng office speratios, and liaîsîng s-rtf cflrensa nd can- didates tfirsughxat the search process Thtis rote requîtes sulstandîsg computer, srgasizulîse and comrmunication skitts ssgether witfi s prafessîssa attitude and commitment Io resut. Please send your tesume, on confidence, to Ruso Buckland, Managîng Pantnrer The Bedford Consatting Group. E mail.I rs@ bedfsrdgroup cm; Fax: 905-338-0662 omportonrry foris op - Reot n he T e ManaiIlaer pormin spovnîîltes aiuclde tings teeit can prcp steesufods ata sontry atoiril nd umini rofoorrrng te lietos a la arinc loeyat onNt torsei cosWeroeds are urntl ek at Psytamr Se rvied lv reeaie air as orsmr Seueie enyd st o proirc one yod dlory somtSrvc ea Olîfîcrons &u Ecit on exelen vicefu Fcueorsl andidt tarît popa 2. ers relateyam prece na utînr service ro ei aoiton arts Sacciptertan chklengsn spiiie kreidge nahu rong itrera corgaenîzatîvrar d Cmuatiny poîllga crcette iorao &e clng a etr as nory alouase Sel conc losr aonsse dn n gnsYuwl c eurdt ee n s Wes ofesI str co peiations and nstpacage phans ncd plcmetîtîe aug te ftred RPcntr ib orpuction nd lvactoerd oia Snft Pulefasioasr yo& aplîtion elotesu Octbera2e 2005 gusets - fi ar aed poso neerience n strict confiece tffe lnwthbscomteskl, care xpreneinters@C Bildiger ialo uca oldaob cn Wcte trn c mnarko ar andidarts for kger re te inld o pti iiqi frw rd y rasa lxi-txd i-fre ai- er a-, 2005 qoi- t heaprpi MG isac egiai cppc rtvrîty enmployer ACCOUNTING MANAGER repu red for a Mid-v oea corcparry artS an dc count i-g aea priatrori ,r c F cngsurds same uni oser 3yrs of ciagemii i -a Orner grJanIt 0100vn aIr r g eadersctp s ürgactzaetirna an ta aS ll tu prepure Intercna nrinicrv tIarerèis sci- d .irdersiacdrrg ofi 0 rinit 'AR. A P PapîcIl r, nii to i c f I ii- nt C' 'T ïît PST fo i- edigei i' S tarte ern li a Ir an Ptease appty bo: Jack tA. Bstzas, C.A. 206-:2321 Fairrew Street. BSrlingtn Ont. L7R 2E3. FULL-TIME: Mîit ir C litre- ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK ri r i )thi-r 'i n ' i i l, i ý ir i 1 1,; il 'l' 1 iti ci.If liri' hi rur trri Excerin rcqririr Send resxxmes to: Atin:Tricia Baiey Box 24e Sln. Main. Milton ON L9T 4N9 trîcîa.baîteyper sterîlecf.cxw GENERAL OFFICE HELP FULL OR PART-TIME Pi-dr i-i by Promoticn Fill ri-rt On- î hili-puai cndiaidaJ t prOuIII' et 1 4Pr lqprri r roiparer vkits inWord &, fixi tir consrier teef ph-ce, r darnles irait sorti C i-.ur- Ccinîva r r- pi-il -anagenecni ari creusnepi i-ai engtIrg i-r' ieasvar ivui meet the candidates quarificatrons Location: Royat Windsor On., Missîssauga SesO apptication with briet work esperiesce 10: Humas Ressunces, POBos 36. Pont Credil CSC, Mistosauga, ON. L5G 4L5 - EQUREURD ste tsokng foa aaîfedExcau 'TRcedisn t t"s oinsf s ierWW repeoibtit os tes heude spportnis ofndî teacninge of san- rcrd , clens appecît aeitRee otrcn LTnD. Theamnn ervsr 1fmn igi usaod PhnL 0-3-75Fx953673 BUSY NORTH HALTON LAW Ff RM c es n expiri-ne i- ap Avisl ant te as surira ivîren a Reat Evsteý fstules ard Ciinieral c tiguii practîce. Compter akîils acni E-Reg au- pets eurdReptyine confidence te: P0Ose oxu 56- 20t Guelpti Street Unit129 cGeorgetown, ONs LiS -501 Tired of Vour Current Career? or are pou an eapenrenced sates agent fooking 10 make a move? We want yoa te arin or team us a top performer. We offer you: -Strorg Puy Plan - RRSP Pund B enetits * Demnonstrtor/ -Car Af towunce * Sappontine Manugement Team Estabtrshed Customer Buse Contact us to see what the future holds! Subiî pour resume to David Noursa KENNEDY FORD Fax 905-845-9588 *. e.R HIP SALES COO eINT repaire ornnpoi snyrasoiaion on a thiee day pet aeek hasts jr Barlington ta heip maxîmîze nea revenue sources. rnctudrng eolent and prograir sponsorshps, fundrururng opporta- nitres, and membershrp deuetopment, Lookrng for indrordual wrth a prover track record et sponsor- strrp/sales succesa aitti excellent communication and presentatan skris. 5sed resumes ts recruit@scsa.org or las 905-639-6962 by Noxember 2sid and statle position in subject tise. AIt subnîrssrons une apprecruted. but oeiy thoue velecteô for interviews taitl be cootucted, Dotaîtotan Mîisîrn office reaires a fuît ime ( arrpiopea. lv aivu tarr a shîfi cire eue- nrt g possîbi rip cf Sauuroay rrrrrrng rn ha ruiUn Strirparer Fr)iIasIE- arr assai MUi. r, rontfcrile h-de uing saufi Ihe tirîhttc (i Ptease tors-ara resxme 10- Box #22A î CIO Milton Canadran Chrampion 875 Mare St. E Milton. ON., LOi' 3Z3 À &8 Agenî jA79ents s CANA DA'S ENERGY STAR Retaiteroft heYear Requîtes A Local Area Sales Person Cel atain 25 YeCiars n uin5ess ae hase a pi v- entrrack tecord in cetprrrg ost suies pevple iu- ceei-n r-he h on - home renovtrjn cariket Car i-criai riatafctures un- raat ssiie of Carnadas st energy efficiei-t windows anrd docira ai-d ha sean recognrzed acroos Canada foi ils ex- cii-ve~ pi octs anti tas extensive mcarketinp pis- glratis Oui arrqse Iraining ana support systerca tait prosude yoa tatth tee knoaedge t0 set soi prodvcrs wrth confidence. Ysa tarît too voisere cl Canada's moat profesarocut and svccessfar sales peopis eux-mng un executO ti-somo trom a steady tisa of prutrtby reterraIs and rata customer appoint- This is a cureer opportunip tahere exper ence te aartrng producta or a service dîractty te the consv- mer tarît be a distinct adoantage But arth sur te dapth training program spacfrc arodota rnduatry experrerce ta rot necessary Cai oe Mrdarod Sales Manager CelI (519) 671-2347 or 1-800-265-1913 or emfait don.midwood@centenniawindows.com Centennial Windows Is on the GROW We flore 60 Centres comrng SOON and we are iookîog for eotfiautrc, career focused, safes minded team playera, LtKE YOU to add to oar team o) co06nsetors! Munagement oppontunrtreu axartabte Fat) training prostiied, VARtOUS locations acrosu Miseissauga, Brampton, Oallte and Burtîngton axaifabte. Apply Today Emait stephante@tawlontarto.com or fas 705-727-040 Sales eeperîerce an usset. Good attitude. good work etfir a requrremeot. Guaranteed $30 K saiaiy and benelîts. Fax resume f0: Mr. Carter 905-607-6611 ONCE UPON A CHILD Requîtes axperrenced and flexible sales staff for Oakvrtta location. 2423 Trafalgar Rd. Inctudeut Erening weekend &day shifts Fax or drop off Resume by Oct28 foi:905-607-4113 Nat seuuonut position Classified Hours Mondait to Frîday 9 arn (o 5 pm (.ADILLAC ( ( IýkiXl FI. t requires New facility, benetits, car allowarce, demo plan, training, management support. Saiary. training allowance. Retail experience essential Please E-maiIIFax resume to: grahamkerr02@yahoo.ca or 905-845-4394 SHOWROOM MANAGER Centennial Windows/New shnwnonm in Burlîngton. Responsihilities: assîsting costomers organizing & managing appt. schedules ton sales agents, gener- ai ottice admin, data input. F/T, saany v BfIG bo- nases. Great income tor an organîzed, enthiastic indioîdua. MS Ottîse knoatedge. Retai, tefemar- keting experience & resatagoa orented an anset. Cat Don Midwood Sales & Marketing Manager Cati (519) 671-2347 or 1-800-265-1913 aimait don.midwood@centensialwindows.com www.centennialwindows.com asariabie tor Outgoînp, Compassnnate Iniodala Competent computer skil15 Flexie Io nor days, evenioas, splir shiti & Saurdays e-mail resume to: karestlowershop@yahoo.ca SANDTRON AUTOMATION os iookîng for people who ara ap toi the challenge of oulev toujoîno str Inside Sales Team Must enîoy tulkîng on the phone wîth a tiîîendly, cheerful soice. MS Word erpenience ils nequrred. Permanent fut time days 8i3Oam-Spmn $12/hr plus commission. To upply caI Christina ait 905-827-8230 [CELCOM WIRELESS1 oaad Largeat Rogera L ireeesDeaer laNow Hr rn prosen truck record in Sales and posseos astrong Teair Player attitude. Please emnal resume s oe steee@cettcomwtretess.cum, Fax 416-645-1023 HoptalVp Mdcal, Detal MeiaDental HOME HEALTH CARE Home Support Workers& Personal Support Workers As an employer of choice wie offert *Travet tîme attomance *Competirse mage rates *Pard educaton oppontunîtres *24/7 rapport to att staff ParaMed is looking for: *HSW's and IlW' Int Burtroglon and Georgetown Aiea *Urgent need for earty mornîngo te Buîlrsgton area. Please tax or mail your resumne to' Pat Oeevey 1515 Rebecca St. Ste. 301 Oakvtlle, ON L6L 5G8 Fax: 905-847-1038 Email: phe oakville@sextendicare.com No phone catis please Reed uireT lTme n Georgetown DernaPractce Please fax resume lot Mast hase G2 lcence F TExcllnWges Fax aesame, 905-845-3311 Ema t j steemddletonl TERF1Y ROWLEY MECHANICAL ,cTie ar F ax resurme to: 9058878-5361 mpuer Data Prscessrng

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