The Canadian Champion, Friday October 21, 2005 - 31 Serlous about a cameer in music? [j~IGnr Hin GenraIHein a eerlHin MiIea HIpp Geea Hel [~~IGn Hein Jump start your career at the... ________________ Toevnrt Muisie E.xpo November 19, 20, 2005 1 AM4 sP I 16 seminars & workshops with msisc îndustry leaders ix Iechnol ogy, business & musîcîanshîp. Tech: Bus.iiness: Musicianship: SIGN-UP ONLINE TODAY! Il 1Help Geneera Help WHAr WILL trOU BUILD? BUILDING Our flew Milton loction iEM N is opening soon! Eigdiisa f n i îm s , i lei~i Nll oO lii, .i iii Inîrnf Rurrit i. iiOn an(ii Ill o GRýEAT OPPORTUNITY IN OAK VILLE' o qetia aiiy Poit by $600-$800 Mo. plus gas subsidy fs55eswes as lcing * *~ * eeding and car i i i-o o Experence equed Muthave Reliable Vehicle (7 days/wk.) weods Accombl -Cali Now: 416-597-0011 Cati 905-827-2234 SHOPPERS Carniage Square esii cen 265 Main Sf Viiopvein Dm5 Ma Cri, inn Squaren n loue ng for frierîai,, erînîqetuc cunrmernsenuce arivîrrea persnis foi rire tulusing positrori PART TIME CASIIIERS Avri ca,ir rnnst hane gasa ommrirnirarise cKils and se flexibleincNn, shirs' Preninus ex- Appie to Lory Renzi in persan or by Fax # 905-878-5152. No phone colis pinase ns currentf ssEkiog for PART-TIME DELIVERY DRIVER, PART-TIME LUNE COOK and PART-TIME DISHWASHER Nu Experîxoce Necessaru Must se asie ru ur in ofaur paced ensîromeot Appin persun Iu Ousin or Krrs ut BOSTON PIZZA 319 Guelph Street Georgetown Canarra se r 1 onne Hardwarie Builing Centrei ssii sg fox Top Nurus Staff Oso fuir & part rime punîrtions usailasie Fax or Exxaii your resuxxe to. 905-878-4049 miifonhh@beiine ira Milton Home Hardware Buiding Centre 385 Steeles Axe., Milton AZ DRIVERS Dse to continuai grswth Metro Reoycieg, witE locations ix Mîssîssauga and Guelph, are tusking for AZ Drivers, peur round wony. Raill-off or Lugger expenrence wouid Oie an asset, but wîflîng iv trais the nîgini candidates. Stantrrg raie is $0900O per hour, $20 aIrer a pear. Compensaion package inoludes oompany para Health and Dental and nempanay sappîred and oieased sorlorms. Pîease xend resumes to hr@metrorecycî or fax <905) 279-2115 or (519) 836-1047, P ackaging Position avaîlable f or Milton an i Missssaga lcatonsfor ail shifts IIease conc I VOLT HUMANRESOURCES (46 0-30for more information. a [ _ _ WAREHOUSE PEOPLE REQUIREO 2 fuIr Orme positions available (1t moroig t afternon o1 carvdat Dieie and 407 Physical ps- sinion in freezer ana couler furklrft experreoce is an usser Luuc og for mivaixd self srartrng individu- ais lu loin Our vean Wages sasea un experreoce Please fax ru 905-452-3854 Or delîver resume ru Multi-Task Cold Storage ?t8 Wilkinson Ruas cloit#2 Brampton ON Trnuesrair fo Wume, nhe cuting caqe Nutrition and Foness enter lui cumen n aorroing loi a MANAGER AND MANAGEMENT TRAINEES Preni, sales eperreoce a mrust Remurerar or tOIo 5 0icr 109 excevIent bous progam If , ,e 'Dkqg o anvvxctrg oaveei nv vean an oseiress intiy vles sen 4 vsimeruo vo olrIabsEad uotarosa n camr QuizinosSunB Mil4mm... TOÂSTVI NOW HIRING FULL'PART IME AIl pos.itioins asn niqirru & wecends Please torward resume to fao 905.864.4456 or or ai location ait 420 Main Street east ai Ontario. Fraser Direct Logistico sus an imovdate Fulli Ove opvning for a DISPATCHICLIENT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE n riansport depariment. Georgetuwn Monday ru Pxiaay 85 0an 5 0Opm u 10 uccasionul fexiiif ru moert clîent neyas uogisticu C IT educatior or eqsîsalvnt experivoce in dufiarco rranspxrtarun, customs documents ans Canada Puni sads nequirva Custumer Serice expenen ve an asser Ruio ua ses puer ruas software exp an asser Emaî 1 ou phone oalis pieuse, FREE TRAINING Lardfxw as fsakîg for RETIREES and HOMEMAKERS Tojalo our GREAT TEAM of Schosl Buo Drivera 905-877-2251 or 905-877-4448 150oUits Fledentri/Commercat Gergeowi ReeqsrrxdGod ManteacU ILaodlordtenat Maervl OP5 YPSAPE TMINCLSIVE Phrone: 905-451-7220 Paxs 905-451-73991 Guardian Fiberglass, is Currently reCruiting PRODUCTION WORKERS AND ELECTRICALIELECTRONIC TECHNOLGS 011-i'Iplivesse ilii, We wifl be conducting on-tho-spot intervies Wedneoday, Nocember 2nd, 2005 7:00 arn - 12:00 Noon Thsrsday, November 3rd, 2005 2:00 pm -7:00 pm Came out and coxîpfle as appli caties axi learn more about tfre escdrsng sec sppxrtanities Guardian has le offeri. Must be 18 years or xlder to appy Is ot canot attend, we rurît afua b' ,ccepfisgaeppicationîs ftfvsday - Prîdap ot 6 3hum'- 5 fiOpm O, fus pou resumv ta: 519-833-9749 0! v mar/ isar rvauma ta catfryjvhnatvss bp.-uaodiart cvm DIRECTIONS. Guardîxe Fîbeigrasasu n.s iocxted ai 300 Main Street Erire. Ontaio NOS mTo Os H'xy 24içoanty 124 ast 30 tris Easisof Guelph 115 mmxs West xl Caledani 30 mina Nailli oi Brampton 115 tris Sauth or Orarigevrille c irî 'rfu'rr' no ieune sal 519-833-9645 Gsartian EF)îergIass ru arr Equal n2ppuirunitv Eorpayer For more roan a quarter cenr5ry. LOVAT oas specialiued in tEe custom design and manufacture of Tunnel Borirg Machines (TEM) utîlized in nhe construction of metr rallway. road, sewer ater, penutock, mine accese and telecabre tunnels. Wv are nvcrurting for the followIng positions HYDRAU LIC TEOMNICIANS Responsibilities wlil olude thie installation of oy- drauli systemu. You wr11 nase a minimum of 3 years hand an eeperîeoce in heauf industral loy drauicu, Candidates muer be capable ta read brueprînt and adaptable ta Assemly Teamworc. HYDRAULIO ASSISTANTS Responsi.ilitixs wîl no use assetng opdaulic technicruns as onstructed as celI as labor alties. Yas w Il nase basic OpOraulîc knowledge nanas os experience on oeavy meclosoical assemaly. Succevufu cansidates cili be offerea a 6 -8 morts cootracr altO nhe opportunry uf secomnog perma- nerf. Ail candidates must posseso 0000 Comoruni cation skIlls and be wîlltog ta work shift cari Human Resaurces, Lousr loc. 441 Carlîngurew Dr, Etooicoke. ON M9W 5G7 HaIycard Pool Praduocts soad a Ic a Iesdrog manufacturer aI swîmmIng paoo accessary equip- ment nus seserol opeorogs for carehouse care ers, production assemOlers & clercs. Full tm n temporary positions are sus isole îmmesstl Wages stantiog ait $900 hrs depena og on eeper- ence. Hours 8 30am-5 00pm lntereoted applicants please apply in persan or contact: Allen 905-829-2880 ext. 241 2880 Plymouth Drive, Oakvitte (Winoton Churchilt QEW> BUS & COACH MECHANIC We are a progressive ompary in an roteoesrog, major, growth rsduslrp specarzrog in transit, motet coach and specalty vehicles in a clean, brrght, sale, wotkiog ensîrsomeot offetîog a compeltiie compersatien & benefîf s packeage. Eastway Inc. Fax: 905-331-9124 1815 transtsse Dr., Bxrlington, ON Eastwayl loa Cm a tsookîng for person to do I Wsrkrng on smal punch presses anddnjectionmahnees CaiCrsbl n7:30 arn - 40û0 pm for' Misth ead e. Maiiday opIlam Plaefax resumne te: 905-877-9111 Attetion: Gracz SE SCARRI ERS ReSliabie indi V, uals ceere for lJu so dor car rIsjie dur sery I Acton/Georgetown/MilIton areas j Criii 905-873-0103 L ýivýSmus, h neimhne ndi Steas eve yeour sue r 1 ClubrOMEorn SERICE Ba VIewaxd.OI111 -ua F KLId -phi OFFIC ecnADMIN. in Milton & Burtington ares. Fax 416-630-7273 Freedom Support Services email TEMPORARY P/T HELP Apply in perso- Jxst Wine 342 Bronte St. S Milton Tees - Fni 12 - 6PM. JOBS AVAILABLE in l MILTON a ru $tt $120h Ai shrîts au'aîlauîcý HCR Fax: 905 876-4090 or Tel: 905-876-4Cr1 310 Main St.E. Ste. 205, Miltxon Thxrigla rx.jvlxyxnx sn y.AIunlx x Ii tio 10115, >' 7vsnaptoa Y-- -I