The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 21, 2005 - A3 Health minister in town to visit health teamn ofice O)ntario [tealtil M itîstet (kot s Sillithlei tuaii stopped hy yester- day morning t0 mark the officiai opeing ot'a Prime Care Family Health Teani îFHT) in Milton, ssltich svill help improve local res- idents' access 10 heahth care. The teamn, being headed up by Dr. Garnet Maley. adds the serv- ices of a nurse practitioner and mental health worker t0 a group of three dociors who were already practising iii Milton. Together. the nurse practitioner and mental health worker svill take on more than 3,W0X pattent s isîts each year. -We are creatîitg Family Health Teamis because we knoss they're slotng to mean betier access ts better care for Ontartaris,- said Mr. Smnithernian. "The reason behtnd Fatnily Hiealili Teais is to address the access problem t(oo many Ontartans are experienctng.- Dr. Maley noted the FHT 's ill help oui svitlt the local doctor shortage. since the additonal resources svtll help the ieamn see more patients. -Il gises us an opporiuitity lo pros de împrosed access to quali- ty healîh care for the people of Milton,.- he said. Mr. Smitherman explaîned the FHTs enlarge the -circle of care- available to resîdenîs. meanins more options for health care. see TEAM on page A8 Photo by SABR INA BYRNES Photo by SABRINA BYRNES Health and Long-Termn Care Minister George Minister Smitherman writes a note on the new office Smitherman (left) chats with Dr. Garnet Maley. sign. YORDRIEWYSNeI 2 O O 6 Pho!o by SABRINA BYRNES Minister Smitherman chats with patients Elsie Manford (Iett) and Walt Elliot along with nurse practitioner Christine Gignac. '17,725 MSRP -ý 'ýfCorolla CE ALSO STARRING Matrix 19,905 MSRP Camnry LE '24,990 MSRP *ooYufol M'.e Ail Wallpaper Book Orders Vimit Our esclting new webslte www.coloryourworld.comD Look for Valuable coupon., loin aur VIP club and aigri up for our newsfler. N-ow open Thursday Si Friday 111i Spm Sienna CE '30,800 MSRP a Highlander V6S 4VW '37,855 MSRP GREAT OFFERS AVAILABLE ON REMAINING 2005 MODELS 400 Steeles Avenue 1-800-721-9396 » - - - - - __ __ a HWY 5 3UI00 KM,!,ý' MPC) CITY 7 IUIOO KM 40 MPCI HWY 5 SLI100 KM (48 MPC) HWY 6 4L/100 KM (44 MPG) 1 C Il y 1 9IJ160 KM (36 MPGI CITY 10 OU100 KM ?28 MPG) t HWY 8 2UI00 KM (34 MPG) 1 HWY 9 011100 KM ýý3 MPG) f CITY 1741110OKM(23 MPG) 1 C Il y 1 2 Ul DO KM 22 MOU ý