Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Oct 2005, p. 29

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The Canadian Champion, Frday October 21, 2005 - 29 Deh j ea PblcNotces R= bi otces caifr Caef ýcre - ~ The Hlton Provinciai PC Riding Association KERR, Derek & Pamela (nee Johnon) of Miltoe, Ontario are pieased la annavne tha bîrth ai thaîr beavltnfl dovghier Kylie Anne meîgbîag 10 bs 3oz at Milton District Hospital oi Oclobar tA, 2005, Kelia is weiramed hp Naga Johnson, Gramnîy Kerr aid Papa Kerr ai mail as ail oi her provd Avilies, Dnes. Cous sns & Griat Oîaediparents. Papa Johnsoni iv watriîg oser her liane Heavea Thaîf pas, ta ail ofIu cvi aîeiy aid Iriards lai Cveu ciigciig loveand uppot, Aspecai 1ane t,' Dr Cialae inglam nd l o th falasi nuss ai MOH WILCOX: Bob &Mari anne are Ciaasaa Il ai- île, . ha clS eaiî Mi heir aie Robert Michael ai Che Mý,îîi Disticti Hospitl îr Oclahar 1511b 2005 Firel giidcihild ci Henry aid Ana Wadner Thîrd i i Mike aid avili Wica r MASON/ANORUCHIW - Dace, Paye and big sister Olicia are thnilaed ta, onnounce the aire val of Ella Mae, Sain Fidap, September 23, 2005 ut e dSpm, meeghrng 8l1bs, S t 2ozs bila es the second grondchrid toi Meke & Mary aid She fr55h toi Jack & Leana ~'for 8HAi MYNfON 0lLI.K~ ýSat Oct 1, 1005 O:00PM MiI1olm Fairgroumids Kobert St Entitrace TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE DOQB Wedding Open House Sunday, October 30 11-4 64 Derry Rd. (1 km. west of Trafalgar Rd.) Photography displayed by: Melody Haffenden Photography Flowers and Invitations dtsplayed by: DistinctivelyVYours More info: 905-878-584 Whatris blac k &white and read ail- over? Yae, ad in classifiait section, of courseI Cai 905-878-2341 Ioday lu place puur clussefred ad! riais ticd@miiinranadianchaeirav ion VANDENHEUVEL, Peter Gerrard Aller a cavrageoue bogile on Tuesday Ortaber 18, 2005 ai Milton District Hospital C.C.C Predeceased bp hîs mite Annelle Faiber ai Diana anîd ber husband Brian, Annie and bar husband Rager. Marty and bis iead Cherpi, Baine and ber husband John, Brerida and ber hashand Brion Criandiather ta Chris & Coupy Amandidr & Leu, Charles Alanîrati & ihrystie, AtitilonV & Marisssr Kitii & Kîlab Crai grilfti' of Michiael 'eijrivrt iy iris msii'i5 Mien rie îjii 1 Nold:s hadlo) Tor (Biail ai 5irllil,,s Cor Sli Marlii aHnittia) aI.idi alîrr,ý Ksiiv n hiriis wilJ er -e i ai ihe J SCOTT EP'ILS hFUNECiAI rîDMi i1 laoîi' Stlpel Miiilatre' (9'05 i' 88rîiiîo Thrseia Octi)sba , t fo1' in, i9 5u 'a1 I r i 201 liaier al i, Le. livai il Cr3 p riî,r F ia A Mass tr Ci lisiiai Hii,il wil tic rla ii ii HO Y tiOSAItO CATHOcIC I atliCa 139 Marin Streeti Mioi.iiîlere oy Oe.' 0'5 il 1000 clo ill rsii,iîîîîîîî llw t iîiiiîviihvîiqîa Caerais iii l liaiu iý Ilowrsi ulofiins la trhe Miii, i Districi Hospital C i rirex C ,l llttg Cara miriîld tnt appie iaieA SEDITA (Cummellei> Guiseppu Ceacetvliy ai her rasîdeace svrîvveded tne lia, iavîeg iamîiy ce Maaday Augasi 151h 20050i her 88th pear. Predecaasad by ber iavîeg husband Ignazia Sedîta. Lovîag moîher ai Zîra, Maria aod ber hvsband Cbarie Semiaatare, Anlonia and ber basband Chartie Vizzini. Jbe and bis cite Carmelîna (nee) Crîsci and Caingera. Predeceased by daugbler Dîuseppîno Loved and tandly remembered by gîanddîildren Santîna and ber hnshand Antonio Draci, Joe and Ignuzia Semînatore, Lino and ber husbund Mîke Zeoli and Giuseppîna Vîzzînî, Giaseppîna and her husband Antonio Orar,. Maria and Ignazia Sedîto. Aisa rememberd by great grandcîildren Angala. Diasepne. Givanni Carmelîna and Charrie Draci Se wiii ha îemembered and missed hy nameraus relatives and trîends, A Memoriai Mass wiii Se hald an Saivrday Ortaber 201h 200h or h530 pmn ai Haiy Rosare Church sn Milles A social galserlea wiii follow an tee Chars Hall Famîly and trenads are ceie.ame tIo ateend CardofTh anks CardofTh anks Reg and jetaî ('oulsonî \% vIi i.i iii, tiroirs Crde anrd 1 Ile.iik siu Io flicr Ildice il et. [lie Ids fic l is irIio the I(J saris lirie.isi Wr' loie e'îî ail sacs 1Ii:iire. ( nnid luîe. aned Laidhis 1lie lairiî il fric Lorre iioldlik tuL ii thouE %iaiu ioifilli ly ai trienide h mLinc ,â,(il,,idbhrr.ie urardeoand tirflcrre. à eya, (ieermectniiiig. Erre e.L%, man ah r ,iils irinsv licartiand ierodavmred, "ibankeiti Lonrrand fRmnrrmbîiiipcnud up trbrrbiirar .ii, mith a faniarrie tuirr.terirn A raenrcro I-HANK YL)t wi jet & f arrrrrîîîr mi,, riellîr Se I-rie ii n rerstci.iplaiionfrniitrib f ieliaý "9ýLAAP 20CH:L lt VI, JONGEN' Te fauihy ofi I-dîe illaridri wîrrrd liEr rie uSonk ail our firiande and neirpbiine for tiS supprt daring ethî difrecuit unie. Ai eir card anrd ale [ras bran groori1a apprcesrîd, i(;i,d blirs (iarman, Briue, Kim, PEv,, & Mike 1lusdo Trios Getaen & Br-uce Mdnersh DENNIS -Wr mrsh tIr hank evarreone mien crge tîa oc 50lîl prni. Thooke fr thecsarde, gifte and ftremece 'ta our famîty MalIen Country Inn (on bih lino, N. oi Campbellaille Sîderoadi The meeting is being hetd for the purpose ai electîng a new bEecutîve, The meeting is frn of charge and open te, al le addition The Mallon Provincial PC Ridlng Association lv Hostîng A Pelicy Conînerence Oclober 29th 9amn - Nooe Crossinds Golf Club (oir) Gulph Lien S ofineîryrFici IiiC .e9aacion wiqi the. aeviiîad Hrlleeai i PC Iiiieg Assoiations. re contairnse estfei o 1ai For more iniformation on eîlher event. piease contact 416-203-5574 OeaeYu wan *Ti.,iirig.iand rin iie svCtli *Symn îagi IatIry *Some aqoipmeir *Renovrre mateerain, aratS !rrpplie To loin us, Cali: 1-866-751-9332 Artcls EFor Sala MOT Tub lSpai Cavais & Scemmrng Poil Soie- by ravers Sent Pre. Bast Osantey Ail Shapes e Coiovîs Avoulable Coul t-866- h8h 0056 mmm tha,. vîîgvy car MOT TubSp'aa 2005 noeie iii opiars C 'v ai Niai, u,551 stlin ,,ipar h il S8900i 'Cvii Si 800 aI Ch 4Ca,' MAYTAG eîra id casher & davie aimovi ram. 0600 paie ORD0 Cal[ g0s 864 1s53 MEN'S hockep aguro ment. nem ponts shinsshoes dvi n boc puds. $175 00, double bux nprrng & magtrens $100.00 905- 876 1764ý NEED a home phone? Locent pncesi Lac or- tîvateani monthp teeas, transter for free No de- pasîts. One ntop Pbone shop n-866- 992-5925 SKI-000 Troiter Dou- ble tilt needs mark $30 519-853-9980 aller 6pm. Ar3ls Wanted Wanted- Ai China. Sîl- eri, Cryntai. Tva Caps. =1 arktBasket PYO APPLES S111ie ilrî pickiid ai W ilorne Orchard 10 S1n ai Hana Ct icit la Anr î s heir Acres Eor pire. Corliaed, Idaîad Weekends vetO 9- h ntil aid ai Ortober FREE-TO-GOOD- HOME Poîebîed Ger- man Sbepard cîth papers t pi temate. shocs somte aggres- sien. Mont moae 416- 528-8828 6j0 Carsoale 1994 hlueck Roadmas- tai Ment condition h 7L anigine Cupl ioaded Mont Sa 5es te, agora- crate Askreq $6.995 E rîsîed anid miii crabty Coul 905-693 isha 1994 Eagie Vision splatI O 5 Cal '905 87l 1991 Trks for Sala 05 Jeep Ta Lease rakeover $315,month tan înciuded. 30 monlh teuse. Cati 905-873- 9529 2004 FORD RANGER XLT SUPERCAR 4X4 Lovlrrng lot someune ta, tube seer Mp tease ..Onip t peur le8t af papments.. Biack.Cbîome sîde step bars, Chrome bed paies. Chrome mouflier tip. bed tiner, meut sic- ing cendacappne. 40,000 km, 6 dise cd A/C. Auto. fig trghls. tac hooks. "lads dIrav en". Popments $420/montS untt Ocla- bei 2006. Col or e mail for more dotais. 1805) 330-4973 n ten- pnoer2Os2@yahoo.ru Wells Fargo Financial Corporation Canada Group 0f Companies Take Your Career To The Next Stage o i r v 0yer w(-hav m e (redi nerl of o estremi mn ns i lIil thneu persoiîri finarrsil goals Wr, piivid rIe iamciil prsaducts suce as direct lodIOs, autoinortive luai mi, mo îrtnîaqîs and (redit rard services t lce iecm r i d ire îir riet celars across Canarda. Jonu Corttv orye os o aro S uandng Otbenef3,s20n5 profi 1:00arin plans0pm son psitionbsemn *Continuous in-housa training progroms *Employee ceferrot programn - rudeari Wcel Fargo Firavria ire. Wells Frro Pivuncul Corporation Caveaua is asseratcd wih Wellstango & Cmany, araomîaree haîevaeo renvurrodinvCanada asuhaeeiîaca nstîituioa buarihodingCoanyr an ivevruncr holing rempauv Goveîsment Relations Absociote requîred for non-proat i iduotîy association 10 monitor issues, manage public polîcy deeelopment proceus, pesfoîm interna and extenniai commugications, research and write bîîefs 10 the governmest. This pro-active indeeîdua ii coordinoate responses to emîiglegînlatiue ana negulatory issues împactîng the niewspapen îndastîy. Caddts for thîs new position nbouid houe a anieînlî edocation wîth aI teast 2 years of goenmeot reltions, public pslicy, îournalîsm or business communicafionispubîc relations vepenienice & knowiedge of Ontarro's public secton londucape & pariomentay îiey are the benî. 'tIrnS pai. Royal Douilon, Scurge roeur Bob & Violet ski, Gluss0 Jecetecy , 'j Vanspoeue nid tops, cottecibien,[ -he rv - estaten. Cuti Johnn * ii: Artjice Tracy 905-331-2477 1998 Toyota Sienna ïmmm Aor icle Arice LX, V6, 5door. Humas Resoarce Speciarot requîîed 10 comrsaorcafe information and provîde FoM Sl For Sale î 24,000kms inctades 8 guidance 10 membens of a vos-profit iniduslry association and Io asseot lhem A King Prltoctop Mut- 1EDROOM Cherry- " i~ SUpi~ tires, etectrrc start. En- utS humon resootce management. employment legesiation issues, training & tes Set. Nec in plan- cood. BeA. cheasi. CE &Badple cellent condition. tirCon $100 elifor dteser 2 rghstudn 14.00 letedCat devetopmvrnt, labour relations, compensation, esulualioni & neccurtmeit. Candi- $450. 905-567-9458. Donelaui Construction. FREE Genman Short- 805-877-2931 aller dates for bhis new position shouid Se graduates of ant accredrted homos te- Neve opned ost haitpoiter Io loing :00Pm.sources progrum or Cetfied Humag Reoource Profesuionats. $8.000. Sacrifice home. Il Pt. otd mute,Loain ulgt. ALI Steel Buildings, $1,900. 905-567-4042 crth endurance and Send resume to recruit@ocna.org or fax 90-639-6962 by October 27h fuclor direct. m450p SeuilSr do aes mach Pr-rm H and Ilote position nr subiect tige. Att submesstons are apprectated. nuzes ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e 20n0 aa. _________ oe ua co nt sumt- buEUPs-Tm ept osily candidates setected fon interniews will Se csnlaced. Sunce 1980. Cuti Pro- d1 oulyhm nerNGWi 1-800-504- Good cilS other dogll CLEANER. Mature pet- 7749 ccc proneer- CARPET t haie sevor- and excellent crIS scai son/couple regurred for buildingsc ai ut 00 to a prds. of nec chidren. 905-664-7042 trght dulg cteunrng in Starnmastet & 100% Milton. 5 eveon- nploncurpet. Witt do lin- FREE Io gosd home. îngslceek, Approx , BE12, Amuzing butgorn. rngrnom & huit lot t 1/2 peut otd lemute 3hrs/dup. Appîrcunts ~ e C assîfîieds A ttract Bguyers- guee onhoperc ut- $388. Inctudes cr et. lubicoltre mua. spade. musI be tetiuble and ~ ~ - .. tuctop net. nec in plan- pud & instlatiton 130 fniendp, goo culS kuds. seat uppeurance. Fan tic, casrugly $150 90$- yards) Steve, 905-633- 905-702-7896 or 647- resume 10 80$ 637- 567-4042 ciii detuner. 8192 294-789& 7033.

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