A2 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 21, 2005 -,Catholic get info on facility By KIM ARNOTT Special to The Champion lialton ('aiholic District Sc boul Board itrustees loirked ovei a pi tposal for- a ites shareci Ici lity ibrt svocld hiouse Haltrîn«s inn schoîtl hboards, the offlices of the re,iomnal grver niin ad Hilton Regional Police ai lis meeting Tuesday night. The proposa], wbîch ivent belore the briard l'or inlormnatirin purposes. wrmuld see the public and C'atholic schoiil boiards mnive mut arr expanded tacîliîy on the Brunie Road site uf' the current Raton regional building. Tbe croncept nias descrrbed as excrting aird innîrvative by Catbric scbool board Witb sigrirficant poipulatinr grrintb on Haliîin's horizon, and eacb ut' tbe torur rirganîcaions riperating in administrative buildings in need rît expansiuîn ror replace- ment. the prrprîsa îifters a way tri buîld a rien l'aciltty tbat maxîrnîces tbe value ru taxpayers. explained Giacrimo Crirbacir. superiniendeni rit lacrlrty services l'or the Caibril c scbiirl briard. Caibrrlîc schuiil briard stafft bave been tivestigatîng tIre board's need tror a newv administrative rice lror tbe last tbree years. nrîted Mr. Crirbacio. C'(urrentty. our central ritïice space is irvercrirwded and ur staff are dispersed anîrng lriur loîcatioins in Burlîngton and Oitks r'ite: be sard. addîng tbat repairs or upgrades are also needed lror several of tbîîse administrative buildings. t ast tatI. the Catbolic board and the pub- lic briard, nntcb is alsu tacing the mnmi- rient need toîr nmore administrative space. were appriiaclied by Hatrn regîrîn wi tb the prrposal rft a shîred f'acil îty. The $75,IXX) crrst rtf undeniaktng a joint accoimmodationi sîudy ssas sbared equally by the regîrîn anrd tire Insu scbuotl boards. Frrr tbe Çaihrrltc scbiiol board ilirne. îrrted Mr. Ciirbaciu. a sbared building wsuud resuli in a savrngs ut'about $6.? mil- lion ruer the conistructionr ut'a nens adnmin- istrative beadquarters. As isell. be irîld trustees, the briard ssoutd benefit troiro access tri facilties il crruld neyer aflrird tri bave on ris rrwn. Tbe unique niature rof the building, nvbîcb currenily diresiri exisi elsenvbere tir Ontario, rray belp airraci additionat tund- ing Irni rîther tesels rît grisernient. be added. Veleelthai thIs prujecti s grrrrr tir .îiiraci interesi I roi the Provs irce. said Mr. Crirbacio. -h s aîîrîrrr ioaise pantriership conrcep. TIre prrîprsal alsîr irflets tire C.rthiilic anid p)ublic schorol boa.rds eacb rft nslrrcb cutir reterIî rperates int o-lorcatrions i B3ut lîrîgrînîr., ibe rrpprirtiirty tri cenrri.lize their rîleratirisns \itîrrî tIre reerrîr. "l'tie aiii I..s esc!yritre 5iii I hrappning rit Miltoin. Itlii Hîlîs mil part rot irîrîlr Oakn r le." saud M r. finibic r i lIn tIre ciriinr le\\ nies cet prte bevo\e \ ,î h sked tri apir itc lrnicr irssrgrrn rthIe plici lii riet Ilic des clinnto ra i nt Mein ilnîuil rît 'llice rnrnlici nill goi lick bcief ic I î ho il Nus etnnîrci I. Il crîrîpîcicî. Irle ric\ in e sric IL ilesu t bcd as (lic ttlirîi Rcon ii (itilnri)ls. \ ur rîts arri" crlirîiric, 1.1) 1