r -q Region has transiators in more The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 21, 2005 - Al19 <Ca;ree'r tho0se ns ho contact tbe Region can noms receîve assistice tiser tbe phone in mnore than t150 tanguages. That means callers svbo need assistance in a language other than Englisb mîlt have access 10 tele- phone transtators, usually w ,ibmii seconds. The nesv service is pros ided tbrougb Language Line Services. \vbicb bas more iban 2.(X) iransta- tors across 14 fimie zonies around the ssortd. t)urn regular business bours. Accens Halion's customner service represeniatives svitl be able ta iissiaatly conneci ta a telephone transtator ta communicate witb catters wbo don't speak Engtisb. -The prime linisier's receni decision ta boosi immigration tar- gets mneans att munîcipalities and particularly Raton, ns îh our prox- inîly i toimTooto. snIll sec ait iticrease in tie dîversîîy ot' otir comnunities.- said Regional Chainnan Joyce Savoline. RHaton s onc of' tbe tastesi growing regiaits in Canada and sve are corn miîted îo rernaintng accessible and resporisive ta ail mair residents. Hation CAO Breit Marshall noted the nesv service is atiother step in ensurtng easîer access ta govemi ment services. -We nsIll continue to look t'or nesways ta detiver nsortd ctass custoîner service accordtng to tbe cbangîng needs of our residetîts. This is tbe kind of' respo)nsive cus- tomer service ibat bas eamred us tbe bîgbest designation in our recett bencbinarking survey.- be said. reterring ta a survey undertaken earlier ibis year by Sersice Quattty Manapýerent Group ISQMI) tbat i esulted iii Baltai eaniing fic world class'service designation. This designation is onty acbieved by tive per ceiint ofbte companies ibat SQM bencbtaarks. inctudiitg batiks, telecoiniunicatiaiis corn- parties, utîlttes aîîd retatters across Nourtb America. Access latot Operaies the Region's Cioveinineit Access Centre svbere stafî ineinhers pro- nide custimers ss tb seailess. sin- gie windosv access ta regioaa, provincial and fedierat gavemmnin intarniation. Tbe centre can be reacbed beisseet 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.in. on regular business days ait (905> 825- 60001. by e-mail ai accesshaltonre region.balton.on.cai or by mail and in persan ai 1151 Broute Rd.. Oakvitle. Ont.. L6M 31,1. NOIC OF iD COMNCMN Zone 5 Lake-Based Water System Storage Town of Milton & Halton His 401 Corridor CIass Environmental Assessment Study The Regional Municipality of Halton is initiating a Class Environmental Assessment ta provide a water storage reservoir for Halton'a Zone 5 lake-based mater system (see map below). The need for the water storage reservoir was identified in the Halton Water & Wastewater Master Plan Review (2002). This reservoir is required ta, provîde fire protection, supply during peak hour demands and emergency water supply for new development lands in Milton and the Halton His 401 Corridor This notice signais the commencement of the Class Enviroomental Assessment -a study whîch wdl define the problem, îdentify and evaluate alternative solutions includîng reservoir location, and determîne a preferred solution in consultation wîth regulatory agencies and the public. The study is beîng conducted in compliance wîth Schedule B of the Municipal Clasa Environmental Assesament (June 2000), whîch is approved under the Ontario Envîronmental Asseasment Act. A key compontent of the study wilI be consultation wîth înterested staketiolders (public and regulatory agencies) including one Public tnformation Centre (PIC). The PIC will provide stakeholders with an opportunity ta meet the Project Team, review the study scope and discuss issues related to the project încluding atternative solutions, envîronmental considerations, and evaluation criteria. Details regarding the forthcoming PIC wilI be advertîsed as the study progresses. Information requesîs or questions may be directed ta: Mr. Dave Huk Project Manager Regional Municipality of Halton Tel1: 905-825-6000, ext. 7639 Toîl Free: 1-866-442-5866 Fax: 905-825-8822 Email: hukd@region.halton.on.ca Ms. Sabrina Coletti, MCIR, RPP Environmental Planner CH2M HILL 255 Consumera Road Toronto, Ontario M2J 5B6 Tel1: 416-499-0090 ext. 346 Fax: 416-499-4687 This Notice first issued on October 14, 2005. www.region.halton.on.ca The map betaw shows the approximate limnits of the study area. WIN a real VOUR change of air today!. Enter aur contest toda'j and say î good bye ta indoor air pollution ait year long! 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Moeth à WeIInst e Prevention & Cure Ha1tonSearcýi.cam 1151 Bronte ROM, OakvMe ON L6M 3Ll Tel: 905-825-6000- TOU free: 1-866-4HAUON TTY ;05-827-9833. www.region.batton.omca