Ail - The Canadian Champion, Frîday, October 21, 2005 E~U *~IUUU~DIIen rI4RVSLEP EM LIFEIIME 0,1 CHANGES THIS MONTH ONLY WITH EVERY NEW VEHIGLE PURCHASEO OR LEASED ONLY IJ~II~ HERE AT MILTON CHRYSLER"tj EVERY Sf1 PLUS $2t DO E BONUS HURRYINS~ 42 MPG HWY 24D plto 132 hp 2 IL DOHC 28C famlty value pkg ougine, auto o/d, air coird, . , ~ . 3,3L v6, auto o/d, air AMIFM/CD, Oit 0006109, Iptit ~ j AMIFWCO, sonscreer rear bencti seat, tog tamps, 4 roof racti, Ooer mats,' sospenstou and mîcti 89090t Stk#270217 *'~Mnirir < ITED SU CASH SALE PRICE 2SOpkg. 5.7L VI, 5 spd auto. air cond. AM/FM/CD, trouer 10w okî, b.d liter, 4 wtleei ABS. su wlndow, auflspin rear asie. etectronic shifo, transter cane titI ectimuacti more. f121014 accessories & Proposai for srna~1 number of NEW 2005 CHRYSLER, 0000E ANO JEEP~. - offenders: bLD AT DUR LOWEST PRICES 0F THE YEAR. ~AUSI WIIEN THEY'RE SOIE THEY'RE SOLO OUT ~~~a11inor cond, i utasn tut steermng, croise, 7 passeuger, duat stidinu doors, pswer detrosobu mirrors, Windows & door tocks & moch 90010! Stk #399165 Not esactty - ITED "04 't, a 7 -G G~1 '-ai 'LOADED WITH OPTI ONS ONE ONLY b Not exactly as Shomo SALF PRICE WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS CASH SALE PRICE NO MONEY 4~ OOWN GOLO KEY LEASE Net uxactiy as Shomo -tii ffiPU~cUASEFINANCIbO O IWTQUNOIT1I~ YWS~ -te, VERY LIMITED TI ME 288p1g,4s4,37LV6 auto e/d, air coadTth, AMIFM/CD, suoscreen ~doy .dueIs, upgraele Ores, pOWr windows, door locks, mbomu, ANS, ESR traction epUotU. ulsctronlc toit u~Imafog hmp & mach mono UN~1U8 as Shoson K-"-, NO MONEY ~ >e $5,550 DOWN j DOWN GOLO KEY GOLO KEY ~LEASE ) LEASE Obsirt ee5e0 ce EiMkhea Reesiebte OeeevMrskn 3tO4ii * f rom COUNCILLORS on page A5 be dtscouraged irom pianteng ihem n the tîrsi place, 'because one day that utile tice could grow mb a heritage Orce," he said. He added although hes flot a tree hug- ger,' he also wouldnt eut down a tree unless il svas necessary. The stuation could get out ol bond. with 'tree huggers" pie venslng even trimming trees. he causîoned. Ward 3 CouncillorJan Mowbray said she ~vas opposed to each of the options, but i forced to choose. preferred protecting trnes under the Ontarlo Hentage Act. l'rn opposed 10 a bylaw that says people dont have enough sense b determine sshat should iand shîtulcint t he cul. she saîd Vî'aot 4 t tincilS n Wendy Schau 'aid shed suppitit the recoinmendaîîos hecause il o avril c oennînnitttîîg council b aitythcng heyond ni. iîîding tees n the 20(19 (haractet Slnd> t sUjipitil il hic anse il clives thîîtg' Wiî ci 4 (ttunc t liii Jîîhîî Challirît il 'a liii o asît 't pri.'senl ai thc nteetllte. said heplcxîseci o lit lite tîtîeerated t ashîttît o lb xc hidI Il ces ci cuti he pritîecîed iii the liii ai. Ici ,\rea Plaît ccii îîîîîteni.iatiiîet (9k itusix I o tnt tht-t 10 happeti as quief as possible. but me need Il tii happeri n a îhitugittiul ma>: Mr. Challiniti said. une c ast mitajutril> ot Milion resîdemîts tati. cari. iii an> hisltîrîc icatures lin their prttpellîes. ini.-liiclînur tees. he saîd. The pritpiisei.i b> Ian s liii the one per cent ccliii ditîti. he saîci. .Stt-1tltiiîtti' I luit tilt i ait lii uiiiillî~tI tir S' S SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23 24 po 265 Randati Gi> t omît tîMo tu tutti £ rtrî ttt 17t 77 24 pm 11020 Ruttndgn Way Bmokvttte Cen Thîmît tîMît tii tîtîte tînt e 905 lit 7 24pm ltgSherwnodRd Tneîr'a trîto tîMit teit tiare Centre 905-tti 777, 2-4 ~m, 2681 Lower Base une t Joint eMîx itoutoicne tîîIt~ tlt8127000 2-4 pire, 130 Ration St, Unit 22. $359.500 Ctînoo Hiokerlroot ReMît tut ictîti Ceuni 905171 7770 2-4 pm. 223 Lyndnay Cd. 3364.900 Gisit Rîcitkte Atyli Litige Meaiowiowtî Reîtty. 105 lit titi 2-4 pm, 2834 tltteueetti lido Rd. $309900 litre Mîttîtd ttyil LîPtie Meiiretoiettr 14111 905-171 tilt 2-4 pm, 1600 bourg Tenraee. 3269,901 tutu Ibet tryti Cîtiti Meidowriwne teilty itl-t78 tilt 2-4 po, 418 Biacti Or. $289900 Please Don't Drink & Drive Vetielee,-e aceaye ieoniei HaItan/PeI Chapter 905-844-0096