D'tT J~ - from DATELINE on page A14 exi. 255 1, or clii x x.io.a 'Fitc (akx lie bi anch ot St. John Ambulanice liolxds ils Encergencyi First Aid xx iii infant and child (PR txor adulte t.xkinio- cd e ext chnildren. Foi- inette informna- tion, cati ('X)5 46493125, emt 01. l'lie Learingx tisabilitues Associain o' latxie i LDAII) hoîcld ils Solutions For t.earning Resources Fair lxxxii Q)301 aiii. to bt p.iii. dl Ilxx1Cle MaIil. 15 Rebecc a St. ini t.Xxx ilie. xx icti ixcixdes t cineseixta- tises tri xli miiaie sxcox s, tIierînisi., assessiteint axnd ccxeîiseliii xrtaizaitxins. adaptix e (elixix IN d siexia axnd ieatniiii.r diîsabîiiix siiecualisis axnd mtoxre VxtisB iacksiniti Siîxp. 1i Jaunes Si huxîxs ils Introduction Blacksmithing Class trxon 9) a.ni. ici 5 pueii ixr pneoplne aged i18 andîc xxidx. ixteresieci iii ieariiiiîg tlic Ira- dîtiexnai art of' blacksiinihiine-. 'l'ie cisti s S i 11. Foir moxre informîaioxn. cail 19015) 87341 50 or e-xaii iiiiltxxiiiiisixxrxcailsci- eux (a beliiiei.c. ..isîx xi tlle saxine lxxcaion, tlic Miton Ht-tîiîcalx Sîxcîcix iîxds uts Aduit Spirits Evening ai 7 p ii Cati the aboNxe nunober foîr mnore informin.i The Mtilton Plavers Theatre Croup prescits a ditiner iheaire perxxrnoaice of' 'Caughi in the Net ai tlie Milîton Senixxrs' ActivîtN Centre. 5(X1 Chiids Dr. TMe bar oipens ai 6n:30 p ne.. diiner us ai 7 p.nn. and curiain calli s aiS.ý 15 pin. Tickets ccitt $35. For reservations. cati 9X)5) 875 (0629. 'Me Milton Chamber ox' Ccxmmerce's Milton Farmers* Market cxontinues Saiurday moruings unîxi Ociciber 29 on Main Street,. featuring lariers. Neridors. tlonis.s artisans and musicians. For more icl'nfxrtîîtnt. cciii (90)15878 (158 i. Tue Street Ccir Mctseuit 136o29 Giuelphi iic., bxics ils flallosween Spooktacular cxciii ini 0x.301 l 10:1.11i. Admîtission cilsis $8 per Oct suit antd iticcides ccititiited sticecciti rides antip ts titiixîgl Ilie litcit eci inîxses. For titile inform tiontit, ccii (9015) 856(o 1)81 xxx Nîsîtccxxtc le Knoix lxesî tn i citi 1711 Matîtl Si, E. tîxîtuis a celebration service loxi ils t 50lIt ciiîxr ats t 7:31) .xe ite ix .'iitin Ioi attendt i- moeinomain cati (Carolxi utSîxîit. au l41i N7X-toI(tit Saturdas Oct. 22 - 23 Keisîxo (ixiset catixic Areci I Il eti ldeti cix es littîites a chanitce tx looxk al flie sititi tileai cixixîcrs cx iti ils F'ail (olours eve nt t ni 1l cim it l 4 0.11. 'dcii xx eketic icititl the ettît xxi (C)cxtelt tl tecîtues cttýlitttiti ries cîaxo flie escarci îeîx bioxxx.luts a bat becîte. puites rîîîîîkîîî pti ng andttî more. lite ý cxxi $7 Ixîr iclttltîs. $5 tir kîuts, antd ifree loi- tire-scttoIiers. [--oi tor tiiicitî itiattixit cciii 'lîo X80 11 o xi s ii Mxxurtsbci ro xtisers cîîti 'txrec i tîîts its Autunîn Wonders Season event frini 10 a.iii. lxx 4 10 iii. cani CiltittitetiteI Utx Ncxxeittbcr 6. il tecîttres ailc cîcr dm înîcîe. xx cglin riches Io the bisxon cxxipcxîtici citole cîier poress detinîxîsircîtîxns, the Piîy Bcuu aîîd bîrds ox' prc> dettoxtîsri tîcîns. For moîxre îîîlxxrtîîixx. cati 1(151 854-2276. Sunday Oct. 23 Tite Haltîxu Peel bratîc ofi the Ontcîrio Gettealcicai Soxciety bxxids its Familv History Research meeting ai tlec(Jakvitle Public t îbiary. 1201 Nuit y St., ici Ouîkvite uit 2 p.to \iîti Shacroxn Murphy speakîtng aboxut inreset t aio oxx ' xxi otxogr uîns aîîd dxcumiets. Visittîrs are veicxxixe. A (Chlac support group lxxi Hlaitoni antd Peel t esîuleixs tîneets ai 2:30 n. it. ai Mîtîxîs ('itîîctî Itîxy. '3 antd Sîsti t.iule. iii O,îikN Ile 'l'lie Milton I>layers Theatre Croup titeseilis '(aitt in tue Net' ai ilie Mitonx Seiîxits Acttîts (entre. 5(1), (tiids lr.t Nttidxlxsixînttg ai t .30 i un .îtand cer- tancait ai 21 otii.'tickets cxxst $1i5 anid catI tbc inercîaseul ait Teleints andi ButSiltque 188. hoit) oxî Mainî Street, or.tny cattîttg Kînîx I'resoy1et tait (iteici. 1701 Matît St. tL. liîxds ain anniversarv worship serv ice ai 10: 30 t ti Iox celebrate its 151 li aenimer- sart. l'lte sets ce inticides a perfoirmîance tý tile \dxratitcs IL 'idrei s Chxxii. t xr tMorxe tixttiitîxtt cal Carol oii Sxxitl, at (905) 878 tillînîn Nlonday Oct. 24 lthe Wxxtietis ('etître. suite 210 ii t tîloeiate Mati ai Rebecuci Street aitd Fiird Luxe. in I akNilie iecxds is free Peer C.ounselling ky e xuînieers ii iersont or liter the phonîte trîtn 10I ut n tii 3 p.tni. Iîr exîxieei txcting abuse. ,riti/oxs atnd cela- îixxnship issues. Foxr more infcormatîcon oîr Ici register cati 19015) 847-552). The Caicdiaxi Mentaîl Hecith Assoîciationt, Ilaltxî brcxîch, lîxlds is six- seeek Understanding I)epression and Bi Polar Disorder workshop frin 7 lxx 9 otîný l'le cîxet us $311 cch oxr $511 per LaIt11 ]y. lxx regîster oîr (xc tmore iformoatxin, cati (9)( 693-42701 tl'lie Miltioni Seiîrs Acte îty C eutre. 500( (toilds lr., toxics ils L'yherCafé tixito i 4 lotît Il hîxlds hid euchre ai 1:301 p ti) 1he cxxst ixr ecd acttvity is $2 foîr ieteobers atîd $4 l'or tîxîtiiueers. [oc tmoîre itîltr- ttatîion. cat (9(05 87516 i 1o . WeIisîoring 1-titîxiiPeet. a suptort cnet- xx xrk tior canîcer patients anîd tîcir famnilles. ioxds its t.ymphoma Support Croup fruit 7 iii 8:30 p.in. ai 2545 Sîxîb LUxe iii O akx itle. tîxr lmire infotrmtatioxn, cati 19X151 257-1988. iTic Hallon Hilis Quilters Guild noceis al1 tite i latcit ilis (ultural (entre. 9 (iCtrciî St., it (ieireti ait 7:15 pîin. xx ilt seaker Leirrxitte Roxy, a liber artisi. (juesis acir xxeicxne Foxr moncre inloroa lionx, cuill grxxup president Pat Clayton ai îc0)115878-1839. lThe Hacliti Iîcustry Educaioit Cexuncil IItttiCi hlxds ait advisory committee meeting l'or texitieti înîerested in helping see more DATELINE on page Al16 AU. PAYMENTS INCLUDE PST & GST! 200 MOM ZIS 40fi [2002 IRANOD SMPDCAB XLI 4X4 4 cycAutoA/CP/W PdISpe donhol& tilt 6 cyaut ahr pwpdisi ou to & taln Leaihex seats, p mootrof aluin whees ehecls, privacy glass. painted cap Ont> 46,244 heated seats, medium ted ext, Balaice of Ford FW km Merlot ext Stk F515eA laciory warîanty, Stk f2492A Preferred Rate d11111111116 - No Paymoents until FEBRUARY 061! Lîmited time ofler. V6auto, /C, p/wpl pe contrel & tilt, tînted indows. L N E alum wheels, wite ext, enly 32 848 km. Balance of lactory T BRIAN GOODWIN wa'rîxnty Stk #W6002A ffl wu1i500 Proud to serve the Sgaliager cultaer for 12 year. 'Perni PST S 99' e r 6xl0 mnhuxxll ens hi-xxxxlclu y 0A C WtxixIMCag x i s S ctad e: nmrt irieeoxxctl 011exxlx-xIC, ii FORD LINCOLN 655 MAIN STREFI EAST. MILTON A trodCiBiOn Of VOlUe & trust since 1967 Cr awry, Mm Truestûr foi W'omfenw ~ Nutrition & Fttness Centers Based on the wortd's leading health weborte CALL 310OJRUE W W W. T R U E S TA R . CC0 M 0 -1-1 1 1 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, Oclober 21, 2005 - Al15 tWhy did the the road2, k To live longer. By wolking acOs 000he rood, the ch ILket goited o nec1ther heor ond 009g ond o postive attitode, 5cig