Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Oct 2005, p. 7

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 18, 2005-A7 Is Milton on its way to traffie chaos?9 Pt li 'ig ooi, 0111 conesion wl/keîy gel woîse Pefor"e il gets bette; By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion W ille local residents hav e long been saying the l0\\tl *s iOdds aie comest- ed or hae'rdoks nse enihers ofiijlonl coiuiîcil has e iiixed oini- his' oni the issle. 111 slî'k iîC Ih l' Ilie Chaioîîîî n 'iIîa. si C tn iloi i eLI i lton lLu liS t i s i l o 1h5 o a lll a it l oi ll "iuîuî ald Ill lL\I l a lIc cpi aiic \l \ hai(iei l ' i d lie It1115 i lo ,l IIec i Iil Li l liic iCal 1i sî oIIa i ll s iC Diiia\L lid lie doc ile uIrenportan ruiads lic siL l. iclot rricl i? ihulit lii [sle seîit l t[w ha e n hiiiks a l iei Io\ii tîîîn iio uic tira liiiCtii i Nlilîiîiissîîl niaLe ad li. Nir Di saion. is ssîidliaed i ite actIlloe ReiLolL isr lie ie tos ii aîi PiL the i moini dsIn ituaiý ilieflsa tice-iii i li'i l Ill s'lorîî îîlio ý-he , r hssiîle. sc R li ra iln Wie n as î e d ii m lnie tiký hr-e on i o lise t afi ioll !sil I I Mi i lo % ul s îbîc.ii (1 oi ' le îiîiei li iisîî i lic iilî a îîsî il lîîIn L hler a l iîsdue ai \eoa r r s\III d e olie ter iralfic liight s> ilrniîi Local residents ofien write to The Champion 10, share their thoughis on traftic in Milton. Here are a few excerpts from letters 10, the editor we've received. "We have a îown w/tere rrying ta get doswn Main Street ai 5 p.m. is like being in rus/t- hour iraffic, and ofien cornes close ta grid- lock. - -J. Cross - Te nei, residential areas are already con- gested and have severe traffie and parktng problemn, and in my opinion the aid boys let ii happen." - Patric/s Kell 'u 'Wht iî seema thte gridlock of Milton suf- fers from inasi is an abundantly obviaus lack of properl.y aperoiing traffie li.ghîs or an ll togeiher lack of traffic lig/tis w/tere needed Thompson Road is jamimed up in the morning rush hour as commuters head for Hwy. 401. i liches e ii ciîîiiiaei Caiinaî sý dîîii lie lies Iile\ cai,- lie aà lie ilsîl pui tîiia a Il\ iics Ioîi minalle Miultoni , s rail i 11 \\ Iliai Ilut Il lsciiei lia\ ii liiaicg cilwIiii ai [lie îîîicuýCiIý 1'iIipsî Roadi sîlî ý\'aiii Street andl ien Rîîai anil iiiriuiuci mîinii' iiallii lclt iniî i],isiiiii îIîiîiîii C lto ,h III aller II0 il) S'islise ci ýo I LIII II IL kle po ln r ciîiiîiii huas au1. iiicaniig upcoinîg riails proî- I tlilui ieI lois nît tsi tise as il ii Io-et iltie îîpîîset Intt i li' sliL sid. Slie iti ouii tuait if] Ilie Slicrss ii(i 'skrs es Sic iîiîiai s llati arca. ii i aL'cillet[ii litsaý ice illîdtilii rîsî cl p II tI iîtsii'i iii \(ilL lndi tilii it il a soILIiiii liîîll ii iîi55i thai Cesîtdis, u aidi sh, lîictl sl put lic lic In ah s l lue il so( ani liiil II doi' 111 îe il taettsalît mi,,ýStsîu ý,Ii tlt ars." sol Nias îr Goiîrd Kraui said dlicre îstî't t ail i urdlluk ti Milutn bui ratdier iiiiiiiiiliitiges- tiont, usually v liere suiall side streets tîterseci s,,itih uiaJor rîîais. [-le acknîîsledged tuai traffic lias utîcreased atnd sail lie tinks if ssil keep iicreasing. point- ing tii(tie Proitsitce's Places tii Grîîss plan that ssill ditect hundrcds otiihuiusands more resîdetîts tii the Miltoti area. -'ither sic get oit ofl our cars andl use public tranit oî pet used toi t" lie satd. Fie pited uti a lioi îîl ile selicles oît Miltiitis rîîads dîiuit ciale I rîît toss'ti but are railiet couin tintets rotin tter iunicipaitics --stiiettiug lic satil i'itibutes tsi the ~perception oi' grul loCk, [-le siistei hlat restîletts si uinîd ilietin selsves irustrated ss tl local tralîti' could cîautge tlie routtes liey take tlirîîucli tîiss . inosi. " - Jas/tua Rivent "Yau have ta) be incredibl "v lue/ou ta gel mare ihan iwo green lighîs in a tvw on arn' trip araund town." - AI MeKenzi e "Milton is carriage-sized roads are irying ta support eiîy traffic, with te absence of lefi turn lattes ar advance green arraws ai masi major intersections, nai ta mention a lack of rig/t îurn lanes into ithe new subdivisions, In my apinion, Milton is on ils way io beconing c/taked in ils own iraffic, înuc/ like Brampton. " - lit Szumlanski "T/te traffic is congeuied, c/taoîic and exiremely dangerous in some areas. 1 just hope ibere iant' a tragic accident before tere i a realizaiioît on ite seriousness of tis problem. - - Sue Leeder Phntn by GRAHAM PAINE s licter îlîan sainii l'or five. i1h or 15 ini Lites iii Conîgestioin iliais, aiiuded tii- lie said. Fo r exaiiuîîe, lue said il persîll ciuild use an îîîîeîsectiîi ilbat las îî afil: c iliis iisiead îîf usi a sIîîi sign. Mru iraiii, anid ail cîîuriciiiirs The Chîamîpioni spî îke ss tii agi ecl (lie i Iails pri iecis. oîu the hiiîi iî ii lu i- Ni ion \iii lieip aileiaie iratliî prîîli cuisý IIur'ý i lisi il iîîss ialnd Regioîî prîîeîîs. Ton pro Jects ofsiîeîiîui Thliîpsut Rîuad heisseeti lerr> Ruuad anîd Lohuis Si. iLauretnt As eîue frontî iss Laincs îî Iflour, plus a leli tun anc. Conustrucioni lits aiieady liegiind s iii cotintue test year. * 5 îaî utiderpass ai tlie Thitpsîit Rîîad Southl rai lis ay i rîssîtîg. Graduiig iii pi eparatîlîn four a ietiipo-)tru track ivesrsitn is sclîeduied tii ,tari luis iîuutli w.ili contiruction sutthe struc- tutre taktng place carly nexi year. It should be cîîîîplete liy tlext fall. - Wîdening tThompson Road lietween Main Street East and Derry Road ici four laites, antici- pated iii stanl in 2007 aller James Snuiss Parksvay us cuitiplete. Region projects *Widening [)erry Road beisseen Brîînte Street anîî Jantes Snoss% Parkssav lrîn isso lattes iii four. Contstruction should lie siarinti solon and ctunpleicl iiext ycar. * Cîunstiting the rcuuuaining poirtion of James Sîîuuss, Parkss a> litceen Main Street attd Derry Rîiad. schedild toîr coiipletiîiiin early 2007. !sl'iîîî'iî'iiii. en sstel scatîis bi î'uîî'lî l iilîî, iit'.5.Ls (al i îîîlîîîal îiitiiil ci ttinii . comt. in rHÀfL L E5 5 7 Q3îei L i c i t A ' tiN 5 19 -8 53 -0 20 0 info@o-achillesmazda.ca F ro m Dow n to wn M i1lo n... To A c h ill1es M a zd a... 1Ilt's 0 nI1y 18.3 Kilometers 19.7 M inutes ~ 7iite u's îu ieuui l c 90.9 Furlongs H' le Maccla shiowi >iu \v lî its "Wtoth the Drîse". 11.4 Miles 2001 3.1 Yaruds 909.7 Chains 60039.4 Feet t 1830 Met Hwy401New Vetticles i Pte-Owned i Parts i Service Comments from our readers

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