Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Oct 2005, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuenday, October /8, 2005 *comment It's just plain wrong Wye liax c ticenti lis calme cîtien lii belahiour I lie poilt tuat i cmîkiicý il a1 flot- li bi (si ciicîinies ftl habji., lic a diiaîin oîî icuit- bealîli tare c', stlii anti il ciiiîkerc c\ere lii cc ich a 821 a-patk lax cc e \îîlîld liii cl/t) a cr Ilac ig cidi tbai. flic e ccli Stiîcie Courti' oii Canîîada dctici.,iiiiio aiiiîe liieilto eccic/e Icîbat ti coiîiîiaIIîce for uIl hiui tîlci of, ltai i iicîiici i ea iiiccceIll tcMîtciet) ani. cccii. Juci iplainc ile Il c riî bccacîe fl/t lad lfinie c\e t bt'tked clicîlcîlid cleuil. Thîe is li e ofak iii\i pci i e Ti k aboutî il liiio a mcinuîte. Oui- icteral andt prci îciai ,(I\- tl'iiinitc s eiil raIe i billionc cl tac docllaric tlailikc t lccoîkeirc, anti no\\c cciii be ahi/ccd et) liit fil) icbatco fiir, lie filic iccaltb relarted piciblicîc accîît iaiet.I ce lb cîîokiîui fclcclai i cal\ iciake clc Il- or, e anc/uc lccel ocitîî nicci iruiN carcd aboutî ltce cieailla and cccll ai e ofi iîc niationC/l it izenc,, tile> cx îuIi maxe baîctie ciloiii-, îutri)hit cc lien ec îdencte tif' lice t oîî 'î ccio~hiing up becacce abuîtiaîitiy cicai decades agoî. Buti liey tiitiî'. Il ticcîi iciake ,crisce for lice ci" cru- ilîcîi cin c/lie iifîit icble qiîtly rcapiîlg lice i of a i ii îki. Iiîcî bilî ii1 Ilce clliaiiccha p îîtcte tile talîîiilt Il Cl lihhiîiîciaic taiî ol c ti) icîbî'ti lîiniii iecpoi icIlcle i f ic (ie iiicciii Icealtil clcs a"cîtic ed \ili cIiikiin ilccîi tce\ cIliîilt tdo Ilit ciicoii tue alto- hlu iiictiicli/ andill ue/ac c ilcq acsciiuit e \ilb f-iiiibl iii2 atddit ionsîî Iiei ciIIIpiN n lit cte ce. sifiiiai ct î îîîi andc iegicialîîi)I l ax ali) cci li a îiicc e ccliicîcîI cîcuIli cil filic bordel ancd ( aiia a crue iiitec aie cille lu lix Ici reci ciicilai îîîIt cî[iec ce ih iii cc iîbt t'î itli ereý Wlicer lice lu batti coip'ice hic c iic bait'bonie cli- iiuie\ fi fins llîclpc of' inIci c îitaiii. Wicai le, uiideiable c., tuai c iîeîî it lion"i ofi tliai aie ciîî-iietl beiîie lice ileso pliiianc., Ic' lîkel\ uih e \iii cholcie Io iiic the Iîccîîuîlx îîf.pii patlc EiOUMF ABOUT THE N .OUE 0F o CMMONS... ~Ii~ *Our Readers Write R01ecent column on farmîng accurate and apprecîated I)ear Editor: I t) lîke lii t'cmplimenît (Chaionci repolrier .Melanie t-iciiiec,,e o îi er rcecît mîîuiucn eîcîîicd Ilîrce ccrc, unt thoîcc cehio put fooîd ou i ur iblcc'. Ii uc/ Copinlion.ui t'îîiuîiin cea ac at iratm aliti tIitIbm point. i/cIclini lice parti hLii pecticidesc Wc faricnere iicc cecticidme orIiie bctaiic ccc e vaîi ii cia', iii bucîiîccc. andî aili peeticidcc ucctih anadiin lamie/rs arc ziîecriienl appiiiccd. ttc,, a batic lto try lii miakc a lic ing nu/ni lariinui tlic ela\ c lii iic i ('îaia dîîi't rccpet il ilicol liii a (aiaiaili iXII ccIIix îîîeîîîc iccicet Il/t contribioniiiii ilî iani c icke ti ilîcî icciccmiie cie iie, t-it-C cIii ceu îi ect iý bri i/ri a qiiatm lariiciel îc cc ilut fi flint civici s foodpiiîc t iiî ii ail ofi eut ici> lic 1975, ( aiiaîiaîi farinecr cairîct a tii) lcti cm ict of iii 5 iîllion anid cii/C> mc a t'Iiiiclic icIt iicînim of 4>33 bilionî lIn * The CanadianCamio Bo 248, 875 Main St LIan Oliver PubliIîcr Miltn, Ont V/J' 3Z (905) 878-2341 Weni:,Mi~ah iefo Edîtorial Fax: 905 -878-4943 Kaen Smith NSnacIle' Advcri/ng Fax: 905-876--'364 Tim (alec s CdCm Nc0 Classîifid. 90)5 875-3318) ('harlene Hiall i ,uan /n Circulation: 9015-878-5947 'Teri Casas o/ffn' Clan1a« nhe Canadian Chanipin e neney md anffc f// f f Mleo Of [f 9I3Z3iBec 24/f efe ft ) mi,ertesiri esacu e rle or) trie, f.o ni taf inthe evif rf à e/ f inrpira i r feil fr 0f frie feWrfcn *ff4a i, ni te' ern usfern togefneffvain amueseriat,, airane for f jaje n i nuee caredforIef bfnalanefof teadrifa ner ifef ne/fanc fer af the 4f/itcanin rate The pulsher renes frie r/nfl Ic calegonzep c/mfemeenfe or rifm CCAB Audited RECOGNIZED FOR EXCELLENCE BV à L aioue fa/f f srin C N e e/fadaferi niit Sutiea ________ Cp /nfcfmr Asciaonît 4 CF(0 iff'safaff A oCe ir b i Niir( TH4E CANADIAN CHAMPION IS A PROUD MEDIA SPONSOR FOR: J,1n &nfSS.TV AUCTION UIiTED WAY I OF MILTON IVYMÇCA Shw GAL 2l/S. ille coillettîe dmbi rc >.47 7 billion and) ( aiadiaîi tanriim arc on Irack Irii puniý a limmýatice iîimonil of billioni [hic etai iIC li Caiî,dianlani lIe, %Cr\ dilfli Io e l liiiîic abil Illt t1ill01 nil xîn ('iiadlai larill nuirdLCIat clier] cee lt \\ uni i kii on a tede piax Ii,-, fi mtel ic oiir \uiiaii andc 1- uiiîpmaC;ii 'iledi cumal. îiitlii anti Iiiuiiitipal /iiie iiiccits onem dayý ic) Ci(aiîatiaiî lariners for ilîcir cturibuion Ioi scey. of- cciii ce c mtn an imiporter ofi iiaiiy foodt iariîtitic filiai cce tal 11Iciiteelfiiii ni/ielit ni Caniada' Tlie ftiî ii m ck i c uiickip îîck- ini a ceay I iaiksc aiiaiîi ii ( laipioi ireporter Melinei I leîiîumcmy li. her mealisdt pinti of i cew Bert Andrews Andrews' Scenic Acres Be sure to include your namrie, address and telephone number when submitfing a letter to, the editor for publication. More discussion needed to create shared vision for Milton Dear Editor: Over the past iew years in ils letteri to tie editor section, 'Me Champion has published a damn good cross-section of readers' ciews and thoughis relating 10 Milton's future - our future. Il appears that many of un have a prenty clear visionl of wbaî cee think Milton shouid look like over the next litile cuhile. Vision is a truly great thing. yeî il ouiy turun int realty when individuals' thoughtc are constructively dincussed in ail open forum. built onn and then harmonized with the viewc of thfi. Everbody han good ideas. but there needs to be discussion Nil as tus end up cvith a shared and common vision. ic' înty cehen a tocens vision actually belongs for the ciens of that town that people's dreann have a chance of becoming reali ty. Ever citizen of Milton -be they nesecomers oîr nîi bahm a valued say in what we want 10 see Milton look tike. ic' not only what politicians want that's important - it's what cce as the voting and taxpaying citizens of Milton wani thai really mîatters. Let's not forget that we elect our policians. Thic is our town and our future. Are we part of ils direction or are rie just the followers?MTe choice ns clearly ours. Speak your mind and share your thoughts. Bob Beyette Milton Pud by Steve Nease e' ~/~4 Thre Miilinn f3anadcun Ciranîpîn i Recylaee Peedecf * wV

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