22 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday October 18, 2005 1 GHea ep 1 Het ep 1 n erat Hef p 1 tHelp altelp III GeealpI viii i/r~c-in4mn 1~ - n a i . c. .5" WUAT WILL YOU BUILDI - BUILDING Our new Milton location TEAMS IN: is opening soon! ./r'iîtmnrk, tippliasce i u o/li,î i Windrmow iivnrns, 21,. lTiul Rnîîî.i,î/ /t ir arrd a// iither 'jc tit iiiiii / cn artriniisî iii / ,iiccc iuiii,/ Panity Lite Health Producte ta Canlada's leadîsg prosîdor of au/ hea/th producîs. We have desel- oped aur îsdostrp throogh sutstandîng innvation, a trse con- mîlment ta ecellence and tho be/tel s r empswerîsg peop/e ta create ceI-Seing sn their tuves Our Rockcood location is curresrip ioakîsg for a. MATERIAL HANDLER Monday - Friday 7:00 arn - 3:30 pm n tibis rote you cîi/ etticiestp teceîae asd shîp product, toi/oc SO's. maîntaîs accurate înaenlarp castîo and assîst cîth production rnom as seed. Succeusfut candidater ciI have the abî/îtp tn lt/r 50/1bis be teoch truck certîlîed, a prasen Oîstary rf însentary contrai and goad aarking ksac/edge rit adjuotisg miser machinetp. Please apply ta Faa: 519-853-4660 Emalý susanl@portltfe con Mail:t Commerce Croscent, Adtos, ON 1-T) 2Xa __ 44 4= NAINAL LSASINS LEGGAT Natianal Leasing, part of the eaer epasa sg Loppat Auto Groap regui Eapda Vehicle Leasing Representative Yau are an evperîenced protessîona aho present- y Oas a sîgsîtîcast portfolio et cuotomers and cau/d benetît tram hoîsg part of a mu/htrasohîse auto group. A vrp cnnpettae compensation asd benett p/an 5s anaîlable, PIeuse torward pour resume ouf/înîsg pour esperience ta. John McNamaa Gesera Manager Bp Fao: 905-333-1930 r emal: imcnamara@leggatautogroup.cem We thank a//appîcaofo /orappyîo Sataon/y thooe conoîderea ai//hoe confactea. Oulîr Itigît profile-i 0ikn'iIll Trasel Sert vu"- cIAtrOt i as ti iiitu')cirîlr'iipr'iig flin coiiiil t, cstnlir5'i' 'rc t irrgsrrizlini skilts innnessrv tuti a psrlivssiiritl progr'rni'nviroitrrr- i t/t ar t rtractîsr'satnn anvd lini/t puru/ragr' lirt fini ir'crprninag-it poito iai 1lable iii mi-',rsaurgr, h P 8lm. Minrmîrrrrm n ov'rtrsf 't vins n/ri /ir'î GENERAL LABOURER POSITION AVAILABLE Full timne - Day shift atee/ Onnîronmnv (Milton Location) Ooerha crase & forh/rnt oxperrosce an enset bot ast vecessaip. Campettîne cage. Fax reaumne to 905-693-9936 dIeci1.-J FaithLife F1N A NCI1A L FOR CANADIAN C H R 1IS T1AN S Our Mission: * pteefig yowa future * living your values " building a better wordd GROWING Resîdential HVAC Companp Dîé -AEOS AeSSITN lives ifts valuesr pratects familles, and Cantribufes ta a better wald If sai, jaîn us... Sa les Reps Buri ington We ore oi uuîeubeî omred, o/ fir mpmov/r sociery Picivicl îmcj ci fiî ronge of inucciic/rc ndivetimnitpriiîictsr,ri c'îrîîîîîîgs flom binki fý,,iin iverbei soid rI tjsý thvi/'y ,cie in îb it " financiaIIy strong *customer oriented " Cliristian-based *resuits focused Career Night Wednesday, October 19th - 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. <6:15 p.m. Iight ria seirved) Fn'onrira i piee oio/ 1-800-378-8868 exit. 307 t, in/otn r i iir/c careers@faitlifefinancial.ca www. fa i th 1 ifefi1 na l al. - GENERAL LABOUR Campetrîne cages. Must Se te/table cîtO sas transpartatîn Otoff tesume tI.: Carcan Indostries 4/51 Maîscay Or. Burlînglon. ON 1Afn Wayve Tornoîll F/T KENNEL ASSISTANT ey Musti initiai Fao resume t0 905-845-7220 stating natary expectations TERRY ROWLEY MECHANICAL rn/ruiner an Instaiter'Semîice Techsîcran Sonne p/umbîsg eneerresce as asset, Fax reaume toi: 905-878-5361 Where do you need to go? Milton Georgetown/ Acton Oakville Burlington Mississauga Brampton Workopolis Haltan Buisness imes We go there! Cali Champion Classifieds 905-878- 2341 jor rates & deta ils uI lechnology a/nd lite. W p Caing ail fechnslsgy and S entertairtment enthasîastot Beot Boy, North Amerîco's Ieadîng apecolt tetaîler of consumer elec- trafics, pernonal computersaond entertoin- ment software ta loakîng toi fîti SEASONAL asosciote positios ai OUI Oakeîlle Location. Our Team as Iaokîng for people whs cas lîghnt op an atale wtth theîr peraenolfy, cho have an enengy Jenel that nener rafl fw. Came oisif aur Oakvit le team af 2500 Winston Park Road (Winston Churchili and Dundas Sf) on Toeoday, October 188 h, 2005. Bring your revume, three references and toto of energy fer a live interview. Imiagine woukiirg fot e cavipany that values ideas that enrourages /eamwrisr t invpires leadetship, ard tovîvîs va havîng tun Tsar v Besf Bey Bev/ Bey v/fers vît/pet/tiv/ wages ana a generavs emp/vyee diîscount. Tare mark tinte itt fun lire w/st a /ob ai Beal Buyi Check olt our vhet Best Bey aobs îîated an Moite Watkopa/îs, or aI www.bestbuy.ca/careers PLUI"(%se mum6 STORE MANAGER NEEDED IN OAKVILLE! lntereoted in Seing part of a growîng, Canadian owned & operated business? Then P/eaoe Mum is the place for pour In addition ta development opportunlio Please Mum cas offer pou a: * Compatîtive oalary * Great company discount * Bonus program * Eotended health henef ifs *Fantaotîc RRSIP package *Flexible hours If pou have a passion for cuotomer ser- vice and boundleso energy, thes pleaoe vend pour reoume f0. Nicola Greek tDistrict Manager> Ceti: 519.771.0349 Emnait: nicotag@pteasemum.com SHREDO T otters a unique and dpsamîc aark envi- raniment lîilled wîth opportusîtp for thase aho are spirîed, pro-actine ana team-orîested, The entre- preneurial sature et aur argasîzaîon t/oas right through the conpasp, toslerîng as enaîrosment that is bath demasdîvg and recardîsa. Our Cakai/le office is outren/y seekîsa: Outbound Cati Centre Associafes ta act as Team Members a/rose pritnatp respos- sibility ta ta generate nec customets and sa/es ac- /iaity i tahe business-to-business mart he As- /raciales are tespansbe for peurriae/y pramolîng the organîzolîon saîanaIp and întersatonaIp. Please submit your resumie to: cattcentre@securit.com or boi fax 80:905-469-2755 Ne lofer than Monday October 24th, 2005 We otter a hase salary plus commission, beneîto after 3 mîho, Bi/îsgoa/îsn isas aooet. 1 7i5ururiTSaV H0W woold pou like ta tie rewarded with great bentetîts, company match RIRSP, pension, safety hoot and clothing allowances. oppnrtanty for growth and many incentiven" Goardian Fiberglans is a leading manofac- tarer of residential fîberglass insolation with position openinge for: ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGIST Thi cS a vends Dr plevi v/iliOýn 73O/an'0 a p m îMvniaa Ondes in siln1q irrcti/evii.v ing, ane vrainiaini r/viCri e et r nia equ et on a coninu- uu fi c ,n v ne ý Cit inn/tris rncude a sor !ci cîtrivvcii rir) -i va Inq and trie vS t,'cnI arnd noidi, paen istributivon and in aider .vgîr /.ritv r à , iý circits antI variabte s000d ie TC 0îs po tif 'r tOrs li 'echn iai a5ttiIucd l wror an re/eevces a can ic ati riýe ai rS , &-rCc/ vail renir inc /n pridc i, e ii an vndertaien u/t pv i.iJctiori cir/5en /0' t,- maaer ri ana mechvii e eriveeîîvî exenî onc oe tin /ite a/rets vaiar vvîmnîscîate wiO expetionce PRODUCTION WORKERS $14.1 1/heur fo stant increasing ta $16.20lhaar alter 6 menths /1v/r sOi/r and weekend ptemîumo aaetaging $ 72 houri POTENTtAL TO EARN 0/rER $40,000 AFTER 1 YEAR (more witi overtime) Muni be wiliivg to a si t2 vaut snt/rs rilC t/ 00- 0r0 that tvtale ecrs 2 weeks berceen dayr and nightr Wvrk nie 15 dlae/rrrvnth andi Oece eceta atOet weekend a/t' Applications are b/ring acceptea lai energeîc, dependlable and ctedîcatedt peo- pIe aha waa/ti like the apparlunty la graw wrth one oI the netry Sent campanties in fie lîberglass manlulaclurîsg business, See oui wehaite af www.gai- dian.com for tsirther ,ompan inforation. To applp ta eithet of tho aboie twa posîiins please appif in pemanr anyttme et mai/fyoot reoune wîlh relference information la. GurinFibergîass ~ 300 Main Street (Highwap #24/ Caanly Raad 124/ E ris, Ontario NOS 1Tll P hase 1-800-265-9123 nrFoyu eoe laý 519-833-9749 Or e-mai/ taý catrtyohnson@0bp.goardian.con DIRECTIONS: Os Highway yOd/CouvI0td ti4nt 30/ minutes Eastelf Gice/phlit minuter West et Ca/edan /30 minutes North ot Branptoru/t 5 minutes Sauth af Orangeai//e. Guardian Ftbergtaas, lac., la an Equaf Opporfunlty Employer 1 ad We are Iaoking for a lngh-energp, resu/ls-Tacased individaal's that are interestvd in earaing abave av- erage incarne white praaiding superlar customer service ta our grewing custamer base You otier: Saperiar arillen and aerbal cnmmanocetian skilîs Superior arganizatanai skills Winning attitade 00e off er: Genervas compensation stabe vork environnient cvnrprenensive bene.n package, gi wth opporlu- iis rngorg training & professional deve(opnient Quality applicants are asked te, fax resume ta the attention of Kevin Mitchell @ 905-689-3030 No phonie caf/s please We t/tank a/t applicants foi their internat, btit on/y those se/ected for an interview wi// be conracred EXPERIENCED TOWMOTOR OPERATORS FULL TIME DAY & NIGHT SHIFT Cancdiaate must be pOosîcal/e fitr capable oI heacy lifting. Orber curies may apply. Work is nutsiae in ail ceather. Open Cab rie trwior Candidare moist ne a wel organizea indinidae env is a se/t starter and can cour wirS a mini- mum oI supervision Inirdîvaa sioî bc. Sa/ety rîerea, Oay S/c/ri Stenting Rate Sre va0 per Or NigOt Soin Starling Rare $1teve pet ti Renetîits and Bonus Sestem aler tcaitvîing in-i Apply in person ONLY 9am t0 3pm Cherry Forest Products Kerr tnd. Park 24 Kerr Cres. Guetph (Abelnoyle) Ranioîî Expressva outh mcmr Oceph, Letn efi ngntcn Ccn, Rd. 34. Rient ai tîrni nvossroac/ A/aays nvnrn of th1 Rignt vn Kerr Croc