Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Oct 2005, p. 20

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9! - 20 - The Canadian Champion, Tuecday October iP, 2005 S - e * i : Index: Real Estate 100-135 * Business 140-169 _________________________________ e Rentais 110-196 * Leisure 200-239 * Community 240-299 ' Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: cIassified@miItoncanadianchampion.com e Merchandise 300-385 * Auto 400-410 * HeIp Wanted soo-siMon. to Fn 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on www.ha~onsearch.com * Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cail: 905-878-5947 Ad sohirrission np mail Ar iii poison inn Canadran Chanipioui H/h Marri St P Miltirri ON 191 373 Deadilcen: Mou i a iii ton Tires iroirlicariori Phors t i a un or Fui poirlicatron Speccal Peatore S htoliday deadîrnes mîp oary Paymenl We acceru cash chegire lnînrac. Visa MasterGain Arrieuccair Express Ail adn piaced are non-retandable anA ne credit adi Se iseced nanurrens accosrrts cari Se opentd wctti an approuni citAit application avariahie trom pour sales Consolitor CHECE YOUR AD THE FIRSI DAY Il RUNS h erîssue the rirtororatico n i orrecr Lorrircu ocor sains Coosirîrant mîrore 24 Ho ors il arr euror appears An ernor iii a En pohîrcatron mosi lin repontea on liter Itran Mon il a m ~meeto& fli~es BeMo & y~FerReei Fer Boni ~~ppe5 ANNIVERSARY ANNIVERSARY Odeabe'r 1K 200.5 , ('etngrotttloùeans uni-I Lette' P-A. (et * Dianne & Dai McKee Fnr Sale 3nt rue c i r i. Oic ici ariA- v V ci-Oaci-r- i i r i-rn t or hune h r 'ir i-ghcvl - Uccer c, c Pirispet nasi rr-i-ot linge crr.aii- ira iryald cri0 H 1,' an k - iri-i i-t & ~0 i 9 ~r airer ioîagr- 0 ahor rccrvded a km9 2Hir u< Cail 9O~ H/e cr07 LARGE i oedrocm 2 nlornp n Brode Meadi-ms Doonie gai age tîcrnned hase ment Dock. tecced yard marc trou anc dry irnmiiy room $300.000 900 0/0 ht/k SELLERS Fred Dvi mhar The Home Donc 10e Surent Ooid Pou Vieil www. haltnnhemesînfe nom ~~pp5~jaeîiîeo NO COMMUTE DOT DRIVE & DESîHE~ Steaun o Pains PROM HOME Not MLM Conracu r 000 dit 2hHd WINE Malnrng Store toi sain Aotborrzed deaier toi mont Anard Wrrr nrng mine kits n NoOS Ameorca Lopin cvstom ni hase Lot ni poten cal OnnA nase Ccii Donnai dtP A/J /1/E w e 'i SSMONEHS$ r 4c i 'cri oic Dr Ccc Ocra-r Va c HHO si-r- r- .9 $000 DOWNPAY MENT Hir~vried t i tO3n fînancreg Oaa îed r si-il empic 0nd ci peot i reccme op o 100% finenerne. Cail Dace 905-864- 4561. A Syî@d dO Aiso i-g vîty mourqage nrogroms regardiens ni ici-orne or cmlii Cari Norm au 005 Bld t/db or orsît ns au ccc srcciarrcock Ovin cvrn ~Àj~imeei~& Fiais Fer Reni MILTON. Bnrght 2 bcd roorn i-oocrry opan ment close o mal Mail Avariabie Decu 5775 mont h Hydro Sari-dite enlia Appicancen parking c ivded 90h 070 0/07 MILTON t bedroorn apu toi reer Novemirer t su 00/0 mth orcirtres cncmndnd Cail dtP 7/3 doIt t-BEDROOM base menu apaemett t nu inn t ce soperb Oeoîgetocc location, ciose o domo ronnshops DO train parks Necip renoodu ed No smoking Ne pers Lavedro room shannd mîth opper mou tenant Parking space rnctvded $750 month pion otrirtîns Avouable Nonember tst Cail Manana 005 877 52tt. *Apanimeeis & fiais For Reni t-BEDROOM ci i ~ r I Cîsîrusi ci i ci v i r ~ i 2 BEDROOM c, 5 335 e c cuP c rani av .rrau r N ceniher unr C cli icOr- dO? tldd 2-BEDROOM opal cent ce Ai-une $700 moi-rh pics insu ast acarralci- No cember uni Cari 90h dh2 t/3d 2-BEDROOM main tionu apaomenl ce Dico w i i r a or n Deck yard parking Avariabie Decemnier tst No smoking pers Prcdge stooe otricures cri cioded St 000 mourîn 905 077 h300 ACTON Aparumi- nus t hndrnoms aoaciahiir November tsr Prrdgo P sti- ce iaondiy tacructres No dogn htPOhJddVd Dpi-n 7 dayn mn ci Some day approoni mcm reaistar i-a ACTON large t Oea room îenocarod 0050 unonth uni-iodes o r r i i r r e s Pucdge srnoe paîkcng AvaciaOie Nocember tSth Cati StO Phd Hi/J ACTON, 2e 2 bedronm apantmnnrs avariabie October tsr Nocember tsr $090 montS ait un cissîne Hooheinu apao menu Sot o nuonth ail n cinsuon Cail 010 053 3300 or OtO 053 0710 & Fiais For Bec! ACTON r rue- r, AEAUTîFUL i r. cor pacir lier ced H umevun-sI Ci- 'm-insu aod O eei-.rcs tir a r Acar1ntcin Nîverobîr unr Ocudd eppircatrons r- PO Or n n2hhh 200 OveipO Sure-r Unir 29 Deorgerocc Onraîro r 7C dOt BRIONT. cii-an i bird roorr apaducecît d pien Noappirani-es Clone 10 Conseru atron aiea aod shrrppcog un 10e niliage rît Hock mond No pers 5600 mocth pics hydro t 5t9056d2t3 DlOymkcccci Viol renIai r iopirrty ici-cor eveuronir nrocrh laki s 2 ycrun rurniaki uni Pc il i-c r yevr Vdvogrse un C harru pi cru Ciannîtreds DOWNTOWN MILTON Miliside Tomers e2 Milîside Drice. Aluactîce goret binîrd mg Spaccoos burghl i-mac t&2 bedrocor ocîts mirO iavcdîy tacîiîty ced i-ocrai rnorn on site Hi-gelai resîdont eoenrs Open 7 Pays & enenregs Cal! cee-aie-i 249 www.realsear.ca EXCEPTIONAL 3 lied rouir apoînreor 250 sur rrnwiy rurhiirsuieii c iiirriv si-Inn i rarsi-ri r virgaice Ai-pli iii ir~ i agi Or i/h rerrouir pros CaO rOHOt 1220 GEORGETOWN tCENTAcA r 2 & i hed Cr i-r k cor ires sOir haitontriiisri-n GEORGETOWN i indu iii ceger i-ai i 4 pr-n Ni-ar GO h Soi-cru uns I i-ai nydir C iii lidO iii lic GEORGETOWN uni il r r r- ru il.~', rira 54qr iii riait il N 0cr, COur-r rîr Cric. OLEN EOEN COURT APARTMENT5 r22 Brode Ornent i bdrrn C ~,.,i-, n ici ,r5 i Piease Cati 900-A/e-Sa 75 Buiiding Managers Lennard & Penny MîLTON 2 sdn- cpi $0110 rein iryduci tira gi- sti-v i hasemerir rrrcidded Cii 905 070 RENTALS r hedssom aparroreor iii hîsti uic iiuîiiirng o Hockwa I 5650 unonth 2 aod Jhedroornsodes ru Acton puroate yard stalrog au 1H00 moors Dera hea hi ose toi o Ceregehrwrr, ra orne lot put iii gir beoihorid St 000 n onlO Cari Eirzahnrtr Deeli Jiccosico Mso rare iteaitor 900 977 suos SMALL 2 0dm apu bp houer rît Ocrusi- near Muluon Mail Si-priare curiranci- r paikori spice cm secail gar don, no peu son soro k rîrg isu rasi reterencos regorreri Avarlable Nov r Dico rîrro IhO H/H 0802 fl Housse MILTON top tiooî 3 bdîm bongaloir Si/Soi n otriuires 2 parking spots soariabie Noo i caliolSeOt t/at ieee Crestirner Boat t h h trhnrgiass wrth urarier OhHP dohoson O B Maop entras socS as nec batrernrirsh inA er caîpot tires CH radio o came a ten meir marntarned motor Calu 905 7 o i NORMAN - Kenneth & Kerrin (nee Wilsen) ot Micron are pieased o conoonce tire bîHh ot thon mure diruarin dangbter Acery Jane, mecghîng LiOn tbozs. et Muiten Dustruot Hospîtai on Angont t 9 /005 ~ r-~n Weicorned by encrtnd tsr rime grandparents - Doog & dace Wilson ot Muiton aod Hon & 5e nanne Norman or Srreetsvriie and tst turne great ndpaînots Sybri Mi-Ciore et Muiton and PJ & ~ e Wilson ot Strood Thuciind c 0e aonts & os are Catheurne Andron doit & Ashiey ~r9 Macy thanks o Di Coeur- uSe noises au MOi-I ~ and dason add Anna ot Hrcerrcdgo Onysco -zzz -zizi Gettiaq iffwaiect? Don't Miss Torontos Foremost Bridai Event BRIDAL SH~W .January 6 8 2006 National Trade Centre Exh b t on Place Allure s Ponrîr Coule MILTON Odrun main tirror hongaicir dean & treshiy renovated gond eerghhrîorhr cd large yarrt H tuici-irap close o ail anrerrîtres appir anceoshare il iaundiy No smoking nets Aoariahie Nov t 5tt110 montS nstcaîed nillirties 900 462 967 MINT. 2 hed uîrror gurrund ricin r t 5h00k home ciii 2 acres ci ion i-g iandsc noir hackrng 2000 acres or ouest e urrc Sucre Tran Heca 21 th hidi-o ad Ni-el0 rennuared 100 i-g h iii ai piran i-s St 100 ciii h rccisdrng rîtrirtres r rqt efinrA roterner & TV Acariatrie Nrcecroi-r C.A HO 416 Hic dird 2BDRM munir-cor- iilrrrirl & cuti ci. rciruir N r Si iii liii iii n r Oral r MîLTON -r c iii *r iii * r i~ , i r - , r r i ni-s Pi .1 r r o roc Ciii r i c I 011 ~ieweheeses Bec! MILTON dccdc i-m romchouse iirncteig appirances trnrshed r on garage St200eronth nvtri ries avarianie Octoner Jr HOn 076 daHH MILTON 2 Nec Tonchomes 2 O Rares Appirances C A yar ages greenspace yard Stahll thh0 Donna Stecair Pie Man Del Mai Hiraîro ici- 900 834 3h99 ccii tien t 900 567 6207 DAKOILLE i hi-a room lrrwrrnovsesnoarl aSie rîrror r hardy usroirgh lOi-c rîrbor t appirances Hi c dam Mail arca G..ki--t-i-ii- Managerocor 900 H/G ai tE Fer LARGE rooni se cioded cooorry tome. protessionai cale pie terred, CueipO Lîrre & dOt r Id/h orth 905 Phd 0359 ROOM toi renu large bedroommithomo bathroom launduti tacri tins SAhO mth ail roux sien, temale preterred PliS 0/b OtOt i i Send to National Bridai Shows i . OS O c/o Premier Consumer Shows ' ' ' ' 467 Speers Rd . OakviIIe, ON " L6K 354. Fao 905-337-5570 A iSNiigiTpkAi, lilirnirO io,~ h 5 - ciyi'i ~p0wy 7 -h Don i torgei o pick vp pcvi opy et WEDDitnJO n' Magazine ono ewstaods un Deceinbnu E E tir lic 0- hi pa 0d Staq S Poe PER ENCED for SIIAKI PAYNroN WLL GKFFN Sat Oct. 77, 7005 MiItoêi Fairqrounds ~ (Kobert St Fnfrance) TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR £ - il 000 ru e Weddrog Plate

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