A14-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 18, 2005 I 'J 44>4 4% Truesfdr for Women Fitness Cen ters bsite * card;o equiprnent and circuit training weîght Ioss and nutritional counseling * professional supplements and vitamtrts CALL 31OTRUE AND "BE THE ULTIMATE YOU" ~ NuTpîrON~ExERÇîsE VOAMNS~ATTITUOE SLEEP WWW.TRUESTAR.COM ~ basro r friow.oq ne Truestar for Wornerr prograru trased a 12 coroh membership lin lOwomen wiII develo BREAS~ CANCER The risk increases with age. Ihe Ontaria Droast Screoning Program pravides broast examinahan and a mammogram at flO (0sf ta women who are 50 vears of age or avur. Make your appointment today.! For the (entre nearesi you cou: 1-800-668-9304 C ~ Nutrition ~ Based on the world's Ieading health wel "'Spot- lighting fire safety At Ieft, nine-year-oid Serah Sait operates the spatilght as her brother Nicholas, 3, pre- tends ta drive a vintage 1922 international pumper, one ai severai lire trucks on display at Seturday's fire prevention open hause for rural residents at the Campbellviiie station. Beiow, one-year-ald WIII Morandin tries to steer the vintage f Ire pumper wlth bath his honda and feet. Othor hlghiights ai the day were a giant lnflated fire truck bounoe silde, faoe pelntlng and a barbe- cue. Photos by GRAHAM PAINE