Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Oct 2005, p. 7

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Some iltonans ot ha1 pnThe Canadiani Champion, Friday, October 14, 2005-A7 with rnew Pfprtririf iot YrOU RADR"WRT t.1m t/u i h ml "u 'l mf ll i lull i tt'! 10 ll t t îtttitttt lt i i Ill t tttt' t April 19016 'Flic ('tî gîtat itt il, Mviltttt itacne a uitîtîd ii\ estîttetît o\ liteutit bîullt tîte edectr Iin h plait. Te itteuie is inttî s.itistaciu fllîii i c. stîitle tof tc uset s oftl e ic Ii its cotîtgaiti. litterN tlteN hai il aflat rate. Nou tîteir acceiluts ire t en Ulated hi itieters. [liev are saidl i e itîtîcît bigitet itat theN ocere antd ditbs are espresscd as t the etîrrectitess of1 ite Iicters. Il itete is ait> goîîd reasîlî tfor doubt the tîtetet s sitoulId bc tcstcd. The Youurî 'Nonictî's Christiant Temperance Uniion rccnîly îîrganied it Milton bcîd the f'urst meeîtng it the R.T. oit T. baIl ont Mttîtday teritîxtu. Tîtere aie already 27 members o, îtb a staffif ît îttcers tîsade ug tif rcpreseîiiaîi\ss frontt the tiffcr- cnt cburcbes. s'.itb Miss M. Hiîlliiira.ke as presîdent. The '*Ys** are planing pracuicil isork. aîtd tire btîping four tbe heari> cii operation oît ail the yîuing ladies iii ihe neigbtrbîod iii earrying oui iheir plans. Dr. Edg-ar Robertson isill gise al sbi address ai the nexi meetitng. The adjourned vssrv mitîng otf Grace Church oas beld oit Miînday evcniîig. The increase oil membrshig durîtîg tîte ycar Nias 85. Aserage antendatice bas lau ccli încreased. The mtirigage debi rît the churrît bas been decreasenl li $12X). There bas becit considerable extra itlay foîr repair tît tbe root, excav atioin, etc... aIl paîd. May 1906 Halton Historical Society wrote Toîronîto Mayor E. Coatsworth urging that the great- ly negleeied Fort York buildings be improved. The Mayor ivrote "the cîty counecil bas no ihougbt wbatever but 10 take the very hest care of il..." The hotel ai Carnpbellville bas heeni closed for îwo reasoni -ibe going int effeet of the local toption hylaw on Tuesday and tbe insolvency of iii lessee D.A. Black, whose liabilîties are îaid tc be unaccount- ably beavy considening tbe large trade svhîcb be is said 10 bave donc. The sup- porters of the hylaw bave now an opportu- niiy 10 go mbt the hotel business and t demonstrate thai a temperance hotel can be 777-"Tl 's' CfA)NCHM'IO Time(~ ~Our town'7s growth not beîng controlled Capsules'Oc mallie a ucs On Milida\ nliÏlb il[ eaIi oit I iesdiN 5110epetMi pe petn or n bitike tutuo Jaspet Malrtits 'iii nuîit ini lie i'ati d Ftl ltîi Si.) Noitei ii ii isetlîietiee \ iu tca ai ried tilt but ippatetti iltChles seelit Ii the seat cli foiv sptl.lii heu tbe tien o euIt ii worik ai 7 t.ii. al lire iýs toliund iii bc stniîldcring iii sortie sto dut. [he diiscit et> voas tîtade just n lte. (Jperaîîiiîs liasve beeti coiîniitied ont the crection ot an additiont tii Messrs, 'inti & Cii.'s shoe lactory ati ts rear and runitii its full letiit (Lido Restauratnt buiîldintg . [bere o iIl also be al lie\% ettetite Itiuse. iii \Oubiebia larget entgîtte ibat thai 1110 ii use oý III be placed, îîîgetheî o ilti a dyniatitt loi- al prisate electric lighi glatît. When the building ilperatioas lias e becît ciîrpleted the machiner> nu\s ii tîp ILI iof the pres- Cnt building ill be- mîtsed i tb te nain Iloor and ueoý mtachines adided. fllieceuîîîîîg and bindery departîtiets o il be, nitsed to tbe ti flai. The utnput iif the lactito I bc diîubled aîîd ibere o iI lic woîrk tor al mniber iof neo batîds il Iluarters cati li ltiuid foîr thern it tlle tîo ti. Messrsý, 'Nittit & fit. arc particular> aitîIo 1-1, b 1 iii uosition ii euigagte tiairt ed tîperaîit ses., o bicb tbey are utiable iii dit tuý ti acettuit ii the flouîse tantine. i usý al[L>t tbe tiperat its ofi tiis eiterp)risýite lit tî andi ibose tif tber local itndustries sbîîîld be crippled îhrougb tis fanmitle. Morley invested in the crecîttîn iii d\selliîtgs lii bc renied ai moderate raies isould bring sure and large retumns. The promoiers of the proposed $5.0IXt) Camegie public library for Milîton are l(ioking foîr a suitable site. They hope t0 decide on one shortly and baving selecîed il wilI apply 10 the ttwn cmunicîl fotr the necessary 10 per cent guaranîce for niain- tenance. There should be nil ditficulîy abount geîîing iî. Miltotn is nuIt leis progres- sive than Brampton tir Burtington. Thut nieîîeria/ i.t assenuhleil on bu'/ii/f tif the Milton Hi.sruriccî/ Soc'tiv b' v mni Dil/s. u'-hî con bu' reacuhed hs' e-mail at jdi//.t@idiru'ct.c-oni. (I/le' tîî//uîiu'ig /ti ît'ttt îuii'î'/ii titil t lîtîttilt//i Altii Gord( hîii/ /i lîî îî /tîtî Iýit Jlltit ttî t /il lis an tit iltîtt i ('îî% liit I/ilit! til I/ii' Cha'/itii/tli I Ikuar Iditor: 1 lcrI 1 itîtîs sîtare fIii et itierits cr1ini Millitti 1 titttlrstand thtitaiy if' te net su tus t egardnltg the rChanges iii Militon are sery dîlfiutli. Tbe res- Surte tit MVilîtn to grîtîs s, tîctîteli tlîous andu rîtesît't titake the Joîb ofi titis t nîutrilîtîrs tir 'Town otf' Miltoti st easy tir cuiable. IlIssýever, 1 belteve the gace tut u tisi lat \iee îleriecititi s retidertite Mi ltoti rysluîr'uittual lis, tiîie Ioi nisidrl lie testietîts -biti tîltt andt tîcîs- as iscîl as he busitness tus ilers ini toiti. 'llie 1'îîîi ofi Miltonî sbtîuld bc tor tic peuple. ntl'for the deseluipers. 'l'lie traflie is etingestcd. cbatii andt exîueicly datîgerîîus in sortie areas. There bave been uttany arti- cles ii Tbe Chtampioni on ibis toicîi. 1 <iii btipe ibere isr i a tragie arci- rdet bettre ibere 's al rcilizatiîu on tlie scriiuusncss iii ibis prîîbleîîî. is tiant iii atîraci more people ii tce dîîs tti'. crîre. atîd yet ilîcre 's al groiposai tii instîlI garking tîteters. '[be lîîgtc iii tbîs ctiunpleie- ly eseapes ie. uXîsti cnttraris li Tii isers ces are bciutg is airded Ioi busînessýes, out ofi tii . tost stafi ibtînîn set att exaîtigle atni support loceal business, ILei's louok ai tbe itnpact ofi Ibis grît î on te ytîuug people iii tîlîî. 'Ne base sebools ibai are tîver capaciîy rîghî Inuit the day ihey oipenl. Iluisi doîteiachers îeaeh andit bis tIti sturetîts leat mtiîrer tbesr' condtliitis" Tlis rreates a eliattic anid ai tlues gerltaps cvi i iti itisile eitviriitiieit Fuisn iof Mi Ittît suait itîtîsi icrepi sîilîe tespittsibiliiy lieue, as, tbeî 'te the i lies îssîîîtîg ibte btiildiitg îîeî'îîîîts ai aui arecraetl liare. 'llie' putblir Laciltiies aite ilîti tiet r tpae îty. ('etiiteîly ithete's tit mortie potîtl tuie as ailable l'or tbe liraI s itti teain. Vu/bt i l bappeit iii tsi i years' lttes îbeti the giîgula- tnonî bas grîlîs ti by aniitber 211,()O î'esîdeîîîs aîîd nil îesv pootl is ii sigbi I Aisti. matîy iiithe yutg girls in tusn playîng bhockey bise tut drive Ioi Geoîrgetowtn itor their gaîttes, esen tlîiugb Miltoîn gui in tîvî neis tee patîs ititl tîsî veai s agri. Ifoîur popugtlationitts ineieasitig quieker tat espeetel. <ire tes' pubtit rerreatuitu t'aelities gîîîtg to be buit( abcad (If sebedule'? Rîgbt nul tîtr spots laeiliîîes ire strained. esseuiiially sbýutting olut mîany ebil- tîreti lrttn îîîueb'îîcdel aeîîviîy. A s \%c ail kîtitis cbild îbesiiy is al real cilutert i.s.tIi its impaet beîîîg teli dîtîs ri tbe rîîad in our bcalîb- earc systeii 'Flic i tus ti I laII expanision glati seenîs Itauglit Siîth grobibîîts as us cIl. tirhiing ithe issue ofi parkinig usic ulit ti iti o uîuîuî s tîtîs lîer' iteai' beîîg esthe Atit t riîbe 5 mîeeting regarti igte expanisiont ittauty resulîs suu oi nutie serv gttid idetîs regarn îg the glati. aînd I belies e tuai tbe areltiteet is îruly tu'ying lus îsuîrk s'. îîb the publie. Hutwý,ever be and Titisn staff imuit realiLe ibat arebiteeture usni uunly about flouîr plans but also Champion Ys critîcîsm should be dîrected elsewhere Dear Editor: Ai a timue svben Canadiani are sbocked ai tbe exceis spending and ivaste un Ottawva -s'utb David Dingval un tbe cuiokie jar, wiîh Pierre Pettigese sending bis chauffeur tut trips and vsibh the Gomuery repoîrt about tus linger moture scandi aîd courruption -sibat us The Champioîn trying iii tell us? The ('bampîîîn's Octuiber 4 eduiturual cartoon rtf Ctunsersauive leader Stephen Harper tallung ont tif a tree ivas, un my oupinion. tus absurd as il ivas mislead- ing. It's not Mr. Harper wbo's burning up laxpayers' dol- lars wiîh govemment jets that cost $20,000 an hour 10 fi y. Mr. Harper's nol the one wutb an apartmenî un Paris costing taxpayers $1 (0(1l. And M. Harper doesn't rack up $700,000 un annual expenses or appoint bis truetîds 10 bead Crown corpo- rations they then boot. Maybe The Champioîn sbould serve uts readers by Iaking shots ai tbe people wbu deserve il. Garth Turner Halton Conservative Candidate abtiu. the scille ofthie buildling andr buis' the prîlueci lits ii iii the îîeîgb btiurtttit aestbetieally. Let's t'eîtîeuîbethîlt Towns ilHal us situai- crI inii resinlential aiea. Perbap s tt il', i tatTw T sit alfI cuieil liiis andtI ei arebiteet lîîuked ui/re of' tic boix antd dlesignt soîîîeîlîîg besîrles a tîvut stuire> tîtlontîsit st iui I bcee -a shotrt flic spaî t Iat tîtay tilt îsîrk wiib ube ncugbutr- buud. lits tinte tbe Toîwn tuf Mlton takes tbe upper hand auîd lisicuis to iviai people are saying. Staff must I/sien tut svaî tbe reidents are tellung tbcm. tir tbe resîdents wil no loinger care about the uuîwn ibat tbcy lîve un' I think we're aIl tured ofi 'sbarîug utur visionî' with Towvn staff and tbe sbaring onîy guuung oue isa>. Tbe pîetople uit Miltonu 1511cr a saluable resuturce tii informatiton and udeas. The resîdenîs isant a tulîv tbat's lîvable. Tbe resîdenus and tlie user groupi tif publie facil- /1/es are tîficring ltt tif good. free advtee -ssutb no ctînsultant fees attached. Maybe iiis uie stîmeuine took tbe heini tut slowî dtîwî ibis jugger- naut uit grîss'i tuat tbiuîgs can bc bruuugbu tinder counvirî. I uîudersîaîîd ibai cbatnge must coie. but ibere lias iii be a reastîn able pace iii ibis cbange. Cumuneul andr luiswnu staff uss becoine prularuuse tilot reacuise -iii tbe issues tuai arise irîîm growtb. Fuir evcryuinec unccmed, I tbink iiis turne that sic sîopped and reassessed svbere sîcre goîng wîîb this uîîehecked growth. Sue Leeder Milton

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