B18 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 14, 2005 PULI INORATO CENTRE NEW BURLOAK WATER PURIFICATION PLANT IN THE TOWN 0F OAKVILLE The Region of Halton is curiently in the detailed design phase of the new Burloak WVater Purification Plant, which will ho located on the south vide of Rebecca Street just east of Great Lakes Boulevard in the Town cf Oakville. To achieve the goal of designig a facilîty that is compatible wîth the surrounidîng communîty the Region has established a Citizen Advisory Conmîttee to provide input on the architectural and landsrapinq design cf the Buirloak WVater Purification Plant and to provide comment to the projert tearn with respect to the construction actîvities for the prolect A Public Information Centre will be held to provîde you wîth information about the detailed design and construction actîvîties. Representatîves from Haltoni Region, the consultants, the intake tunnel contracter and members cf the Burloak Water Purification Plant Citizen Advisory Commîttee, wîll be in attendance to answer any questions. The Public Information Centre is scheduled for: DATE: TIME: -WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2,2005 6:30 P.M. TO 9:00 P.M. (presentation at 7:30 P.M.) PLACE: HALTON REGIONAL CENTRE HALTON ROOMICOUNCIL CHAMBERS 1151 BRONTE ROAD, OAKVILLE You are invited to drop in any time during the above-noted hours ta review and comment on the detailed design and construction activities. If you are unable to attend this Public Information Centre and wish to obtain more information or provide written comments, please address your concerns ta the Region's Project Manager: Jacqueline Weston, P.Eng. Special Projects Engineer Region of Halton Phone: 905-825-6000, ext. 7433 Fax. 905-847-2192 E-mail: BurloakWPP@region.halton.on.ca Alternatively, you may contact Access Halton at any time of the day or night at (905) 825-6000. NOIC OF PULI INORATO MEEIN BULK WATER STATIONS As part of Halton Region's customer service commitment with aur bulk water haulers, we invite you ta participate in a Public Information Meeting ta discuss the proposed bulk water delivery program migration ta specified potable and non-potable delivery sites. Publie Information Meetng Ie b.ing heId on: Wednesday, October 26,2005 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Presentation: 5:45 p.m. Haiton Reglonal Headquarters, 1151 Bronte Road, Oakvllle ScotchbiockMerton Room If you are unable ta attend, please contact: Hann rdet Bshoudnes prodofeiefots thaihae extene the4if exetac -fMu aihl Helalanresidents atn usnese hv redhr rs te appcast 1 est Rednsee tha au anda meet aur needs) fo yarta camine. it re et dicsin abt the ptontiah onf the Mihigan bdiero r cas in tae Caaia arbage, w2e cntinue ur efforttia eae vthe Proinc ta ensue tat Haltan s lansd remainsd oe conlyte for Halto garael. Hlo eiet n uiesshv okdh To leara more about ways ta reduce waste, please visit aur website at www.region.halton.an.ca Halton Regionai Meeting Schedule: Yard Waste Collection lips Urban Yard Waste is collected every other week on the samne day as your Blue Box from April 6 to December 7, 2005. Acceptable Items include: Yard and gardon lrîmmîngs, baves. pumpkîns, fallen fruit and fre0 and brush trimmîngs Unacceptable Items include: Grass clippîngs, tree sfumps, sod, soil and rocks Garbage and recyclable material Tips for setting out your yard waste: " Use open, reusable, rigid containers such as bushel basket or plastic tub " Place a yard waste sticker on your container (available frnm Halton Region) " Use a paper yard waste bag " Bags, containers must be less than 23 kg (50 Ibs) Brush: Must be tied in bundies no larger than 1.2 m (4 ft) long by 0.6 m (2 fil) wide, with branches a maximum of 7.5 cm (3 ) in diameter. Note: Yard waste placed out in plastic bags (including decorative plastic Halloween bags) and cardboard boxes will not be completed. "0 Yard Wast t a tn-1 _* e2 W lt*mhp Pleaso check your 2005 Wastt' Management CaIidar tot dotails tr yotîr areia or the Regionis Waste Maniaqpiitent websito at www. reg ion. ha iton.on ri cappw/waste ROAD WIDENING ON DERRY ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 7) FROM BRONTE STREET TO JAMES SNOW PARKWAY (REGIONAL ROAD 4) TOWN 0F MILTON MAIN ST 70HY41 Zo t---- DERRY RD (REG RD 7) , Lu Co Co w <u CO CONTRACT NUMBER: SCHEDULED START DATE: R-20478B-05 OCTOBER, 2005 October l8th 9:30 a.m. - Health & Social Services SCHEDULED COMPLETION DATE: JUNE, 2007 October lOth 9:30 a.m - Planning & Public Works Committee October lOth 1:30 p.m. Administration & Finance Committes CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR: GORD ROBINS EXT 7675 October 261h g:30 ar. - Regional Councl 11 1 ront Rod **vile ON L6 3L 1 - Tel 90,8 5-00 - eol free 1-6**ALO - sT 0-2793 w .einhlo