The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 14, 2005 - A3 Milton deemed to be four family doctors short j I laiion 's IP/isii kecriuiilwil Pro grani stili p/ugging (fl'(y By TIM WHITNELL Special to The Champion .Angcla Stirdea Pray sner appears tri bc nninninri the hart te ot the tiectet s but the \\ aris fn- ta in oseri The ce iiidittator et' lialtei's i>k sicrair Reenuitint Pregratr han becir ns aetrg bier braird et ns arfar arttted ns iti air arsenal thai ineliden Celiphenies. ta\ mrachintes, e-nnails, pamrphlts anrd a hecalthy dose ut entttsiasi and citrci ns ien tiackitng doiin and taikiai to poetiai dircits tei- tihe i ecteir. Stres the Point perseir anrd tîrterrtettar n b\ ho i Cliaberates ns tir 'FEns r andt Cii> erripioee. trespitai statt. ioal ptîn iciarns andt certr 1ittr irerînhers - thtro(ti-tt ite li tahui i neri Recrntirtiea andc Retetttiitt Ad\ isor> Citrntte - andt ai se cent treets sitî peteaitiai pbv nieriti re. nuils Tthe Rersi eaitt ttepartirreni benrati is reentititie ittitiatis e tii Jlrre 2(X)12. The Iceali s te Coin ine geierai practirieners. parrieti lari> îenn erres, te cernte te Haiteti bs selliîr thrni eon fic actsait rages of the reziori- and rît sentie cases rnakiirg ihem ns a\re et petentiai prenieat tinancialirnreneris. Il ne», doctors in Halton Ms Suîteden-Pr-a> ser naidt tia tin 2W3,l i19 tien tatîrriN pin ni crans epetteci praeticen tr Haitn nn hile If)n carne tri the reerliniast y car. Se tar ta 2(X)S, il nrenn tannin\ dtirri s tane ,,et ri prvir n i Haireri. Thtri'n 46r tiends tti lres thai trrec 's arsn brrr brise rins1 arc ceutrtered rît part bk ait irease ti poipulatrion anrd tihe retire- tment et eider. en.perieaeed CiPs. -manvare rot eue ns tho retîreci titis stilriitrer and ns bho ns a> Ioork ing fer au assoirete tri triris er cntriri rîtthe practice:' nard MN Sugden-Pra> ster. "Tiiere ns& anr drreiur rît Burtiintnt nhoiint(ippKd (practising) thîn year anrd didrit hasýe aniyone tir take riser liris patients." Arr esîabiished docior ns iIi care fer arrynshere trrnm i.3(X) tri 2.0)00 patients. The heaiîh minrsiry says ihar mnunicipairies shînuid have one farnily dmnetrr foir every i1,3801 residents. any iturtiber s abuse ihat may deemi ihat urssn or rusy tri bc under-sers ret Milhon. Buriingt n and Hiaiton H ill ha% aiuder-sers ced statun, AUTO BODYSiO n\iII iii n nccrni inn he lusni n r1is suri .ln ik1c it co sidered uitdet servicedi Ait irider-sets ced iesigtatin atinins s triipai tires tir appiy lrît tunirctiig pianis îr bc rrsed as rnrecîrîves trîr acss dcrtrrs inn irrere ti thirr area. Reiaivciy tiewnsiedicai graduaies nray bceh-i g-ibie titiri tri to i 0,(X) per year trt uiîrîn ens erage rip inn a maxi- mitîî rot $40111X1. "lie trîn rot laitri His ibis art adciitriiiai $1i5,01)11 avatiabie, ns irch is lîke a tetrneaiingri" sard Ms Sugdeii-Praiysaer- Deniographics changing Stre nitei the cteiitnrrapttres tint diir.' aire cirigirir rît Haitn anrd ariis C'anadta andi riai irere are dilicreitees evn ri b en inirtiri.ialiis. "Mltornn iras aî loii rot riens. yiug dis.trîrs. Brrr Iinttioin anrd Oark\ il le liasc emriore entablinheci andtc inier nsitir typîcai ly ar lainger patient banc anti a loti ofil' ier dietrs." I15 i ryI doiniiis rie 1inis n ,on n.hignuirna, sh nti 1i kîrrnsonrtre irnider) physiciaus whîî ns'rk 801 bîurs per sveek. 'I iere ai e a tînt rot yrrurnge dricirrs wbri waiit a (le. A lt rot new diretrrs are femnaies svîîh (amuries (who rnay be wurkrag 40 to 50) hînurs a nvcek, and aisrr heipirîg irui wiih ctînresý)." lîr beronngîriag quesi tir briag mitre GPs tri Hairrîn. Ms Sagdea- Praysiter and orne phynreran trrm eaci rof the three aader-serviced trutîicipaiities receuîiy embarked ira an annuai reeruitment torur. Duriug the last week otf Sepiember she and the medîcai trio dîd a nvirrind trour rtf five Ontîarion urvernities n ru ve days QLrecrî's. MeMaster Western Ontario, Trornto and Ottawa -iaik- in tir itedicai stadears svrîh questieons aborut HaIton. 'li's tire trnarth reeruiimeut tîmur J'vc ben ora. t nvas very busy lots ofclads,- sard Ms Sugden-Praysner saying ber grctap had Cocrint svrrh aboutr 3001 iredicai iruderris and residents during the tor. 20ir06 Corolla CE $1 7, 725 &ISRP F' E 2 n Pi NAT FiR 48 MONTHS WITn ru38 ALSO STARRING ANSWERS TO "SUMMIT LAST SEEN AT 5THUNE AND MAIN ST. MILTON VERY FRIENDLY BUT SCARED, MAY NOT COME TO YOU PLEASE CAIL IF YOU HAVE SEEN HER ALLISON 905-875-7160 .$$,$$REWARD$$$$,,,,, 2006 Matrix F19905 MSRP 239 « R1. 2006i Sienna CE '30,800 MSRP FO 39 RFo GREAT OFFERS AVAILABLE E -1006 Camnry LE '249-90 MSRP 289 NDFO NCu. D "ý Hw .uo K u4 K 2i) Highlander V6 4WD '37855 MSRP KR43 MANVAHNFARNU N NTH L N R 39 YM$,8 dW RIH ON REMAINING 2005 MODELS 400 Steeles Avenue 1-800-721-9396 www.miltontoyota .com n i ~ . ~..t.44 t.. ..î A.i ira r î.N.î it.i.'s.5 * ~ ~ , "n., n 2 O O 6 [M 1 LTO N HWY 5 3UlOO KM (53 MPG) CITY 1 IUIOG KM (40 MPG)