vil The Canadian Champion, Friday, Ocbober 14, 2005 A15 Council won't decide from LARGE on page Ai cx viexxcj flic apgiîcaiuuis aii br tosi- liiiises, a x ie sciaie. îxx i ai ks, ixxî Coiîis oii the iiial. stali epulcs oii beib \\oie ot de a l i -emei ciiitili xi x ici cîîîieiiixnsiic.uii xxiîidiiîs ;iiduziciiiaidsi ,pîsel wudxs, 'xili ne ax ai îarue bx ,,Heavy load Five-year-old John Henry tries to push a cart filIed with donated non-perishable food along with his younger brother James, 3. The food was collected by Kîdz Korner on Niplssing Road and is destined for the Salvation Army Food Bank. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE lié belicive., in hjn ljjnA jjj. nyre. Grand Opening Solh /1)1 ing by la\x arniidLiiient as 'cii 1 c hange flic i 12aci c pi opciiy h imn a ft ure dcvciiîpiiin zonei Ioi rc.sidciiiialinmciuîn density, opecn sgJice aiffd gorccnlanis. Buuib cxcviipcrs are aiso sceking approls ai l iiir piuîped subtix(ieil plans. Noe dccisiu ns on the poecniiai dcvciîig niients xiii lic iiiade at the public minhigs. [l il xiilappcîi aficr siali' bas flily Grand Opening Celebration at James Snow Parkway and Hwy 401 WO RLD'S LARGESI LA- Z-BOY Furniture Galleries, ook Up On(a#io . eiHeie c.i. Ayin! m1'v rit pend the WAAAd LAaffl LA-fiGa Fute o- Dun m Wet Charch,~ j adýr ee g- L A &7 AiiA0 y F' U - L.L R1 1bnrsciay alîrîîi t liio truglî flic planining aiîd Dex cliieit Dcpar-incnt ai Toxwn liail Aiiiîx 555, located ai 555 liîdnsirial Dr. Mrxe informiiaion is aisui axailabie oni flic [iix n's \Vcb site ai xvvmiiîîc iii tbe public meieuinîgs' sectiuun. Mî'/îîii Hen'iiîirxx îîîan he reaiied ail Corne celebrate the grand opening of our new branch at James Snow Parkway and Hwy 401 on Saturday, October 22. loin us for refreshments and activities for the whole family. > Enter a draw to win $2,500 in cash ) Enjoy live aerial trampoline with Olympic Medalist Nicolas Fontaine and The Flying Canucks. Shows are at 10:30 arn., noon and 1:30 p.m. >Meet Paralympic GoId Medalist Elisabeth Walker, member of the RBC' Olympians Program We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, October 22, from 10 arn. until 2 p.m., at 1240 Steeles Avenue East. Cati 905-875-1772 for details.