Town staff believes all-way stops arE ieuleu ai. »usy neighbourhood inter By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion Il looiks like flic iitîi seciti(tisý ii ('tise lOctuies it J \\ i t ait iil As cuIite ttd t 'ittiis l) sc s it bectitie iisst stoips ii mîîileSolonî despite ole Cîiîtîciiiaî 's tepelt- Ii cit vit motio dii 'il 1i.1C" 's IICI iîvî i, I eetIîîîaî. stîtf i I1t e'p î cl Ioi Ilte i. iittilttt setices'011calttitee CIIIIttits Ill te bvIs'ý itiietsectivils hut tlle s il- luties l-ecidcd dit 'iii atii a ya stolp stettaciie air tht'. ufile. Mr1. Chai litti- îiiid the coiittîte ihat tie dcicSntt ilavnrce \% iii Sîtlt's COIIttdýisti. titi- ii the t ait c couvtil tîvîttîhetC- ssitio Ile itercsecitions' ic seto close Iiicqiti it tlle "I îiîk itete's il ittiiitîtet ot* Ihlttits iii bc id hsV PUtitItII stol) sîstîs fi plice i (Ilese lie sudl Ile discisscd lits il.iceti \i\tilt tlle s isiti tibstiUciiils :Iete(lc' liii esii tlii, aieii su heu tiesiietits piik hii s cliii les oniti hittiies ii i itin ofi lieuis i i Blitt stifl tticitsutted sia-tities i tlic iti tsiti (il' I ticii and cute ttt x'ls B01-1ties iti att lii Ice icey e tiiqitte toit Illtîtît ts'. i iti iliotîl iattin. ici lt ('tise. l util îîe thit s'"thiits iic ttîipcd- cl is \olheuilîclie il cides pa-kcc titi (lic Iiîssl c i' ives cl a I htiies it.i Poî'îîti ti tueli itirti sie (ii' titi ce As cîîîîc, a rpItl lîttî l)îcîîii tEtincctîtîg Sersices "'A tes tels of* Ilic t'cîtit ei-tic t teilaiîe collisionis lit titis îîîtcî'scctîîîî ciii[tot undt catc (hl ii t par-kcc l cies isiayec i la-c Mi- ('liiîiî satîl lic liais sittiketi ii test- titiu ici Astitei liii liieitl the col c (li se o l3oItivI a n attl tst stîttie citti tititlls of îsDie wlllo'cl lîke tii se fici a15 ay stopis tuttplcttictitcd. BOtt wia c 4 ('v îîîc il lii Wctici« Sctact sil site. tîtît lias sînîketi \otii 1iitun-er Asvenute t esictîts \Io ii itti't sec the tîecij tior tue extrainstat Suc' tîttec site lises ttî titat airca aci lises tule ssi sithecu tîtet secîtitîs. bctt haýsaItt expnteed auiiîtuîlig turait tutkes lierthtttk tlie tfiee Site sa Ms ille lic ti tlic titi 'llie ci stii, '-cpi Mt. Cih ttuiltie i. Carr to host meeting at leisure centre tomorrow on controversial bill C-407 Haltatît NP lifii' ('art ss iii iîst ilti zets' ads is cîîtîîtîîtttec itîccîtie- ti tîtît rîsîs tii dîsctss,, tl c îîttîîîs piri tc itîcîts ber«s bill, C 407. Th isîucctutaî. ii bcfe ldc .1t tuc Mito cste('cuire. %%iilii tOCit of i ilt- citcec il ltuntîe tuai itteltîpus o iii d ittltc u ('ruti 'î iiiia Code î ils îîîsll perso iti tier certatit coitclttis, tii issîsi ititthet e si îîhcî's cuise tai cicaîli tir- situ trie itî t ~î ARE YOU SCAUGHTIN THE GAME?< ADAPI - Problem Gamblinq ~eu Services Gqe liàn 1' 9054M9-4250 me , (lebhltitiîie luttes' tii clite il tlie peesîtt lits cpcscithe lice aniciond\ tîtttci l sO tii cli llie itîcettîse îî Ill tii utu lit 030 Il) itîstît tand,1 ititc'îîlcî lii tuit itiitetestIec resý icîtîs taid itîcîtîheis o t NU seiii 's tuaid heitti :iti-e ai,îci sut sc îîîîîîttc'cs. tutus t1us c oiittîeît l iis issue ,îîid. htt sticit lit] ctititioiiii issue, . ce thaliltt' istirutiiio c'iiîsait îs th eusy ettî- /ctîruis d t.soi t c'îîîitîtttcs pii ii the îte." sîtld Mi. ('tut '"I beliese titît ilii,îîîcîsîîcît cls il a ilice titi tit1is'sute. and i ssci cotffre aill cîîîîîîtîctts itîi tiitits.' Flu itître, îiîttîîîîîîtîubtionaot Mi.('ns c'îtî,'cîîs td\ istiî'v cîîîîîtîîittec'sî ir bouct thec bill. Nisit 1111gtsci ' tl (fJ. HFtAI J I s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I t tti iii vl" ,it MI4 J r ce Semiinars .i"îit.iili': V i 11tiiat i il 0- " 1 i l to til .,.,.. a i 'i, l i i n, "i t.a 5i,i,' iI if t i la iii% NiýP. l CORECIO NOTIC Please note that an error occurred in our advertisement which appeared in Tuesday, October llth, edition of The Canadian Champion. The ad cited that ail paint supplies are 50% off during our lnventory Sale. The ad should have read ail paint supplies are 20% off. We apologize for this inconvenience. li in teriors C/*wQffim Show off your precious pet in the Canadian Champions monthly section of Champion Pet Showcase. If your pet is chosen as "Pet of the Month" you WIN a gift certificate from one of the participating vendors on the page. Sana tn photos to: V)r> Iattabian Qliampion 875 Main St. E. P.O. Box 248 Milton, ON L9T 4N9 Braces for Chuldren & Aduits i.'>dtfa'd l)ethiîdtntit .ipecialkal 311 Commercia Street-Suite 209.Milton. Tel.905.875.2995 For that winning smille, plieuse call our office DS SBc RDC to arrange for a FREE Initial Consultation )5,Mc B. FC(t hmbimlts ai[ M Smles that Iast a Lifetime ... An investmenî' in yourselforyourfamiy HaltonSearc ql.tam U_ý"Ys end ftuoit 6.30PUI seilloifiairs froni 7: -, -mm" 00 - qAýý The Canadian Champion, Friday, Oclober 14, 2005 - A13 not yet 'sections -o .îy stoips wviuid bc necessai'y ici putiiîg the sigis fi woiuld jutiIR e drivc'îS andiî mt'Iike ticitt les'. ii iihcy fic rules iiih ui ad. 2 aid 4 ('iuîicilli Riiî Fik said iiîks theî'e's tl daeiiie-us cur-ve ia ii îiiiiid fic iîtieciiiî of, id Ciixc. lie suippoirts the stai 'c- 0O arinît this finie. )Illiisiiie eidiirsed i-ccivi tili Mi îîî rite issue fi- iîîlirmioiiii aliîîir îiild The Chiamupioin lie IVil loin the many people p oîî the matter- svîh staff' ,and who agree nol Io year froint iiiii drink alcoholic e Heiîîîeî.î'n, i uit lia nei hied aii bevenages and to ie v«a iihuiiii'iiiiîiui'îîinptîii drive evenyone in thein group home safey.