Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Oct 2005, p. 9

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Octobor il, 20015 - A9 Hospital foundation launches fundraising campaign A' clCiiî(1sC' )hV I) / V I) o any day now to ask for*Ion g-term pledgee to helpfiind equipment The Miîlton District Hospital Foundation bas launched a door-to- dotîi iundraisino t arnpaisin. Cansassers. knoiow as Chai ty Ainhassadors. are kiitckiiip on doors on bebait of ibe hospilal to ask tor coitniniity support by joininp, the toundar ion's Monibly (ut tnp, propraiti. The canipaign amiîs 10 i aise aNt areness os ei the ne\i t'evn iontbs abount tie hoiîspitai anti finidtiion andi pron ide anr opponnunity foi the coiiniiitN bo heip ensu e tire iih quaiit of- iteaiih cai e as ail- abie ni Miltoîn. "l'le MNIhl Çnti (us n pro grain pl-otides a simple andi cons cii lent ss, ax for tire ciîniinnl'tN lto support the Nilton District 1 lospitai MfDLI1.- said Kuno Nasont. président ot he tîiitainsboîarditi dirctors. -Bs joning the nîiithlt pi 11 prop arn anti an anLinp pie- anthiîrized pay mients ecdi inotti. dsnors cai sippti1 the ililisatile tsi futît a tratnsport isîlticte tiir testbons. (ccasiiînallt anl illialit boni ai NIDH îteeds tsi be sateiN n aitspornet tsi aiiiîtier lce ci lui pitl l'or a diagnîostic test tir a citalp iii theit condtionîî retîlires a transfer ofi care. A liess trantspotn isîtîcîtte ss îh ilpit et. estats equipaienit tir mnioingu a baby' s temtpér attire, s tai 151 aitt tt\ygen neetis sssînit elisure thai te tiatisier -,ils as sitîttti anti saleix as possible. Thé ambassadors are in Milton ighbttritittts Mtîiday throngb Sainrtiay. excitiding mîajoîr bttidays, frin nit itîtt i 8:30 p.nî askinsi poiential dîtrîtrs tii cîîîsîier itakiîig a ltttipteni piedge tsi the hstspitai. 'Mis is dîtte either îiîrîînh direct debit tir- credtii card paynlîelît. Cash ston't be accepieti. Each Chanit> Atttbassadttr tas a phtot 1.1). ihat', s ean>ý s isible. YThere's alsît a tîtîl iree ninber l'tir a115 poteiiiial tistîsrsý \\t reqnîre lmsre iniînitatittî bettre itiakiît-, their tiecîsîstîl. Tue ittndatitn has, partiieret it l a tutitipaits t ailet Fundraisitte, Inittiatit es hie (Fils. st iîh spcciahzces ii i tior-lt- tiior lundraising. bo exettute lthe canipaipil t w MDII. The Etindraisiîtp titi aisesý tiirinitN tuidraisting pi tirait is different frti tthers iii ibait tilti snýeeks, oti dontrîsîr ss bi ai e 'l'le uniiqtue prîlpiaiti bepai iii Cantada ini early 21X)(. Nrtt, lmtie thait 15 iîtui-profit îînganizatîîîîs have parînered wîîh Fil in ibis type of' initiative. 'lhle Milîton District Hotspital Fondaiitit was established i 1980) atîti s ceiebnaîîîîg ils 25tit aiiniversary ibis year. It raises The sire If youI service; perfarni beiter f recogni; e ý Lti L it 11 tt)i i Wîtu ttîininity suppot, the istundatîtîn cai heip etîsure iliat essenîîal health cane services are avaiuable today and l'or years tsi cornte. Fori mitre infortmation ton the prograîn colt Doînna McLanghlin at (9015) 876-71)14. Nominations are now bein accepted for tihe Ontarlo Junior Citizen of the Year Awards ngîh af aur bommunity lies in solmd cîtîzens. Taday s yauth aire tomorraws leaiders. know a young persan, aged 6 la 17, who is invalved in worthwhile cammunityÀ a special persan who is coniributing while living with a limitation; a youth who han ted an act of heraism;- or a 'goad kîid' who shows a commitment ta making life or others, doing more thon is normally expecied of someone their age -help usCIZE ze their contribution -nominale them todaoy! 0FNTRI JUNIR CITIZEN Nominations wiII b. accepted until Novomber 30. Contact this newspaper or the Ontario Community Newspapers Association at www.ocna.org or 905.639.8720. ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE - NOMINATE SOMEONE TODAY.1 ÜLSpoînsoed iy: Co-ordiruaied by: www.ocnu.org WCASE SATURDAY OCTOBER 15, 2005 MILTON SPORTS CENTRlE 605 Santa Maria Blvd and Derry Rd. 1OAMI - 4PM COMPLETE A PASSPORT FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WJNANALL INCLUSIVE PACKAGE FOR TWO TO KARMINA PALACE IN MA NZANILLO, MEXICO WITIIAJR TRANSAT HOLIDAYS *WEST JET TICKETS FOR TWO AND A 5 PIECE L UGGA GE SET + SPEAK WITH A DESTINATION WEDDING EXPERT AND ASK ABOUT GROUP RA TES + MEET WITH OUR Top TOUR OPERATORS AND TOURJST BOARD REPREsENTATivEs + ASK ABOUT OUR LAST MINUTE EXCLUSIVE SHOW SPECIALS Travel Choice Milton AERICAn 16 Martin Street + -- e 1Travel Bring this ad iu for oneftee admission +Services 905-878-2886 * 1-800-267-8728 TRAVEL SET

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