A8-The Canadian Champion, i esday, October i1t 2005 Vi'iit LIS it www.karensflowershop.com 487 luirt UI rrr~ Community-minded Lamb Senior of the Year By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion Keon Laînh is a mnan of' t'e\, wxords -when il contles to talIig, about him11se1t', that ix. Coaxin detils rom ithunt about itis dcx etton te \olunteeri te and finie spetit heiping iîthers is a choie înideed. lie's iltiu.. h iotîe aimtale(l \\lhen taknrabout a prec lie x like iii sec clone or the liard \%xii k (et ieihwx M itonlian I think iini nmore intereste i n ditîi, ilait taikitixi about x\iN 1 did eilie." Nir.iaih teld lTe Chaitipieti. [liii s okax. ()\I flie couplnge of xxeeks. thiees beeti pertx (et peepile i e.xdx ýi st Mr I .ntîbs> puaisesý andi public i~R(uuidelteé xx irk lie*,s dîxte arurutd ti xxi .ii andaixit ceneratu- lite lîtîti asý Miltiux 2(WiS Senior ofi the ear. NMr. Iaiib x a.s prese ited Li xî,eabIe pîlaqne a fic Septettiber 26 ciittcl ilieetîiig, tii ('itîiiil Cliattibrs xx, ith bis \x île. Treaxa.ýi ai lits xide. "Keti. uhauuk u ery tîtucit tir ail those s ears, xi xxxirk that yituxe dîme,« Maxîtu (iitd Krauui xýaud te hiti Mr. Lamtb accepîed the mxiard xx îth characterisitic humîiiîx'. I l xerv stroni, abotut thîs a\\ard. but 1 doit take tl tînt personait> because 1 knîîxî dec.ens oii seniors xho cîîuid be standîing here tonight:- he said. Aiîhîîugh be doxxnplays hîs feais. Mr. Lambihbas done an avfxîni etxxithîin the cîttitunity. lie piyed a key nule in the nîîtx ng ofi the Milieu Seniors' Actîx ity Centre te its i urretit loîcationt oit Ciîds Drixe a deeade agît. atnd cati uxuaiiy be ttund ai the centre on atiy gîxen da>. He*s aisit actixeiy îitlxed xxîti tue Miltont Hîitocai Soiety lie serx ed as, président itîr three years -anid xx rotte ixi uî iiks xx tb tue grîîup s suppot. lIt' hîs getIe tiature that tîtakes Mr. I ai xxiii he is. said Jaîtet Daîx îdsitti ct-îtriîattti of cot ini înuntty programs ftor the ITîxi n ti- Mitontt. -Yen xîeuldn'î sec bis. ntivxait i on tlie ttt side,' she said. -He's a milîl mannereci, quiet ,eu- tieman.' On the tîther iîand. he tsn't alraid tii speak rip. especîaiiy xxben tl cotes iii gettiit siuietiiing- done that'il benefit senioirs, site said. "He votéces bis oîpinions anîd ideax:- Ms Davidson suid. "My impressioin is bis moîtivxauti (for x.iiunteeritii, eîmex hum bi eîîg able iii prît- xvide siimeihing iii setniors iii tue coiiuniity.' The Senîior ii he Year axxard is a Prtovinciali ni- tiative extabiuxhed iii gise each munîcîpalîîy in Ontartio the iippctrtunity te hîînîur one ot ixs îîxvî. Récipients are aged 65 oîr tiser antd haxe enrîrhed the social, cultural oîr civic lîfe ofi the cîîmmunîiy without îhoughî of persona] or fiuancial gain. Lait year's recipient wax Maixie MacKay. Ax scion ax tbe Lambi moved te Miltoîn lnîîm Mn'ttireal 25 yeat s agit. andî especially iîeti Mr. i tutu tetîteili it years Liter, lie becatite licavily itviv tixeii tue cittiiitiitiii5 andi kîîeîv lieil setiteil ti tue rîitli lalce. "Mlttii's a really excellet ptce becatise it's tîi ut i itlt si/e. tl ita a beatiftil locatioin andi tiiees a loti oti Iisitor>. ['ii glaîl 1 caine ie As a ii tessîittiil xxi er tior a itexis agetcy. Mi. i atib satil lie itilt %haut iii gixe upl xxrifiiig xheti lie ret t eî. Itisteail. lie useil il iii fief[) itlers lie's tut\ tnititc setii rs i etitres ixisete coîîîîîîîttee anilsit oxîrkit tlic itexi sietter lîîr lis citirili. Si. ltauii, Untited. lie lîtî onte boo~k cîiltîtîeî 11- iîetr ofi tii. Rt îiîerusîî SýIC\ cxx ihIliseîii I îîh andî anttit \Miltoni keiiiciniici 'iNilii War I iteleaseil ini iflic btttîk- i-eiîiiiLcul ciiIiess huii of itnter- x x .lie id.l "I xiissîiiiieiie,_ i tl îeeîieî tut bc diîe. \tiiit itiler etideax tut s. lie anid lits, xxiii shait cil aiti clu lî ft lic setits cefiltie tue cxiii ple onte itikei lie ettîe 75it) oi ici t u ceTirail ain1 lie c un euxl teai les bridige ditée îlsalsi a tiiettibet of' flic Miltonî Alltitrilabile Iîtîti iiCaliiitin ltrîîr iii 19914. settîtîts iii tîtîx i mtet ait i Legit hall tii Charles Street. Thé loceationi xx as xery cranipcd. Mr. Lamib said. antd ailîtîxei tor oily tue actix iii. ai a Iltîie. nie becatîte part il a steeritie citittitte tuait s)ittglit tuIt a iteix lotcationi foîr thé centre antd raiseil anid secuied I îîîdîîî tîîgeiheî ii tue flixc îîýn Miltotn. Ms [)ax tîslsîî saîd the Miltott Seiirs ,' Acitty ('entre ix tot% ihe eux y of' tît1Iie îîîîîîîîc ipalities. \% îîb sitie ii asex en eitiiing fi) take a itiut. I lete aire ii x ai tiitii iX tiettibers iii the cen- ire. xx iii iiaty itîlters iîsîîîîîg tteti but tîîtt fical niettbers. site said. Ms, i aib saicd sites prîîîîî of lier liisbaicl'oîr teceix tue, tue lîiesttgiitns iii ad. "i kntutu iiete ire a loi i te i 0iii ileserve t., but lies put ini ait axx l loti iiilîttrs, (ito ilie cinit- iiiity i. lie realII etilits t ilis titi a chute.- Witet askeil ix i escribe bl liisbattd. Ms L amb paiisei tior a tiiomtet. lie's xery (iI:, site saii. "Iles., auxays coit certied abotut tter teitpie,* Sie aîlded hexs a *nexispaper junkie- and xîayx otiop oii xx at's gîîîîg itî aritunil ititît. -Ve harcly got tit hltiidays bcaîise he's airaid he'il niiss îiieltg site said, languinîg. "lie jusi sees tiîgs bhai îeed iii be dontci.' Mr. ILamib said lits bîggLesî cocert ftîr nîtî is xx lai he's gîîîîg iii doi wîîh tue Seititîr tif ihe Year plaque. -Where I 'm gîîîîg iii put tl. 1 dîttît knitw. h 's a réal prîîbiem.- Siepiuiti Tietiî îîîî ie reacîhee lii Ken Lamb shows his Senior of the Vear Award. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE wwwlA.cogeco.ca ~W cQGECQ oeNORTH HALTON STUDIO Cogeco Cable 50LuirAeu t.Channel 14 58906LrAeu Il