Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Oct 2005, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday', October i1, 2005 Please help hospital; give long-term pledge \'ery soon a canvasser î'epi-esenting t~he Milton Distr-ict Hospital Foundation inay he ai s otir door-step. As repoiled eledie hee in this newspapcr. the touindation lias laninchcd a dloor to door funndraising camipil(n1. Ni jltontaniis arie heing asked Io consider nîakinu a loni--e tî'm pledge Io the hospital thronghi the 'otnndation's Monthly' Gi\ Ing progrin. By pri.xiding, pre-authorîa'ed paynîents each tnonth, donlors stipport the fourndation's Initiative t0 flind îîew equpnent to safely transfer newborns to other hospitals for testing and special Care. lt's another exanîple of the ftindatioii's 'vaIuabIe contributions IL the hospital over the Iast 25 years. Charity Anmbassadors' are in Milton neiohbounrhoods Monday thronghi Satnrday. excluingiý major holidays, tromn nooni to 8:301 p.. We can't think ot'a hetter cause to sLîppoîl as ouir hospital Is \i ual bo the comnuity ai1d es ervone tises its sers tees at one lime or aither. And ith the hieailtîhcte systemi grossly ulnderftundedl, donation r that mnuch more impoîlant IL ensuire high quality heahth care. MVilton is lucky bo hav e the hospital louindation. So il a '('harity Ainbassador' does knoek on voun door. lIeZs ie Wen1IerouSi>:. IOVERWEIGrMLI,. INACTVEM, LAND VIDEO GAMESU. j *Our Readers>p«,ý Write Skate for Katrîna relief a hugie success Dean Editor: t uINouldl lîke tii tîaînk aili itîse us hî cuite out loir (lite SepteiIr 29 Celebrity Skate u iitlui s Sîîjkîî i the Miiitii Spis Centirc for humrianie relief,. AS spacial thatîks loesit tit iiietcnbert, if hie Mletn Skaiiig Club foîr doaîtiîno their ice limîe to supprt this tutîdraîser. l'nt atso grateful to Townî of Milton staff, Canadian Red Crost volunîcers. Mitton Homne Hardware, Mr. Vending and the Milton IceHawkn ail oîf whomn itiiea ilîcîr finie aid taîlents iii itiake tiît ce ii a sua'ecss. Anud ici s nti t i rgii tue Poîst Officae Rcs.iii aitt, os lîlal hi sica a get tîgetiter alierwuairi tor ali it, is cx. t'itiaýill,, i utîtld oii ihaîîkt gttet' oui iii boîitî Maiii Cia Kiatt t oriný oil aci-eirtiiiiiet ad tn i s taîr ii Ilic esening. 11luis Siojko, lîîr lits tîitie, -cel ermii> and taîlent tat ruade the ettre event a nighî ii temnemr. Father Mark Curtis Milton *The Canadian Champion Box 248,875 Main Si. t Ian Oliver Publisher Milon Ot. ,9F Z3Neil Oliver .i ,w)i, ia,' Puitie, (905) 878-2341 Viendy NleNah . %ii tiîîîî ite u(n Editorial Fax. 905-878-4943 Karen Smith Mu1(ni ciii i duti Advertisinc, Fax. 905-876-2364 Tim Cotes l"u utI io Classified: 905-875-33(X) Chartene Hall C utu Euwteuu xx Circulation: 905-878-5947 'leri Casas 0/tii'c n The Canadian Champion potritted evert Tuesa and et eEtay at 815 Maer St E M'Io H t 19t i E tt " t at; ts ur eI tte PmiE ng Pubilttttg & Dit eHeettui Llt cernH .ety neuttaIgn Aletttttxt s atteptet et the cotion tfiai in the eivent ot a typûqriaet.eal eE,; fia i on riett tt a arLetttti t eE ctt u unetl bt tlet Kfet;t',e'teut te atgý era ta 'tso a e t ino n e rsat urce tE tt te ettteI fuEt t ir EttE u e ofttthe étttattttettEtt lue, i fo a t te b, ate The puaOse e tttttt the etttttt tt aegttt'e alvtettterrit'erts Pit. de CCAB Audited RECOGNIZED FOR EXCELLENCE BY Otnc a tceeario att __afa oiilrit uutiiNi THE CANADIAN CHAMPION IS A PROUD MEDIA SPONSOR FOR: T U tiOOF MILTON wad'YYMCA TheeejVilo Moto Caada ihrjjo -saRccai rd PU Downtown core doesn't deserve obîtuary I>taa I dtu llt ItEEtet 1%1 t1it ýi i \leîe eet (flt 'l'ie liaciat il cat a' i îLrîiiiue 01 hiisiiicsses fi aoIîîu iiiiî Miltonii s Ei i.lic ai IIisa cisnii prediai- ma i itai end ofe flic u iiiîiuu\ý i are. iialia i îs îîii Muien Qualitil Grieenîs paaka-al u.iusr. ihîse Sacaliius iipitiid uIp ;pots I îîr crsn'.Ruslic l'ear anda Wiiigs U.J. Anid lii Ms 'Iiiiesseii s i îîiîî nia lion,î the stotre she us'as usriting about liais aii'eady heii leaseal. As iii îur 'Ininii' pituser centre - Miltoni C'rîssriiads --i us'\hich Ms tOI iii,aý etîl 'utt li [EtCI lit ii tE ,ttt il iI I1ý t '"ttil' ailit laitlit ti ttali nla.tt'ce Et cal ite Iloý, ,illea,i ltt 1i lît'îuai tIti. Mîeuuillttîtý tr lie, a ii'is i ia \il î t haltiti fux tic coin-îîî tiet utel nd i usca îrkcrs -atia leuî iîîîirîis. A5s a tesuit. aliîi îîîuui Miltonî cateis iii people uu lii lise ii Miltoîn. ul. ith a s airiet (if sersý i aes anal prn.1 ucts desîgîtea t iiiitcet titir every- aiay tiecas. Necal a laiwycr. accoutît- aitt insurance aiget, trai-el agent, ciripraa-tii oi- îtiaritiaist? Wanit a incal, cîther caisual oîr faitcy'! Necal a imaitîress. hittie decoir, pait iight- fii- (ii pîctute fraiini' Wanit a haîr- cut or manicure't Necal clotiîiî tEI hîtlil , \Vealit aeci.lîiai L'C tilt,'1 tll tîtîI ca IILCI 11 lit' 1 \% ae lil t, t tita'(l bcItt I C t, nct t er taictl E \itii ai hlt a'seu fileilit (Ii Ilae îîîle auolto îîîu î plas s i uic local1 retail eus îrîîîîîîeîî raîîher that b> tlie preialîiii o fl uiitiitiely As chstttsibusiness people. ou e' 'e flot tlie Orsi tac hase been burel belîtie itur utte by tieiu spa- per ieports uvîîh inaccurate inflorma- One huîîdred amnd il0 years aigo Mark Ts-aiti had the saigne probiemr aîîd use catît îthink of a betrer respotîse titat hîs -f"lic reports oif îîîy deatti haîve beeti grcatiy exag- gerateal." Laurie and Moe Hartley Milton by Steve Nease IF I ONLŽ-Y A1GAME. -AND 114AT DOTI4rE UNREALISTIG C-FC FOR Esnr F-XIPEcvATlONi5. rTUST YOUTOOM RELAX, 4AVE FUlN, MA A1ND ENJTY j E-mail ait your letters to the editor to miltoned@&haltonsearch.com. 1'ud F-1

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