irofe'ssionals The Canadian Champion, Tuenday, Octobor 11, 2005-35 If !oi have anv qfuestions these "Ask The Professionals c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 Open to midnight, 7 da sa weec Carriage Square, 265 Ouain St. E. DAIN 905-878-4492 R<)S Question: How do 1 know if my Dad has Alzheimer's l)isease?> Atzeimner diseore ru a progpreuuive, degeneriiruo diue.tuo (i the hiuin tihat deuirris vital hrauii rettu. Ilirîîritien rîcîru r in peoipte tirer 65, hurt con uîccur enirlier One in t3 ('nodanu rirer 6i5 vearu rot tige hou Ateherniers tir o relted] deinir The tottr\in n are uuarnrîiu i. o Alzeitmer' 1. Memory loss that affects dav-to-day foanction. Frtituiiouu riht ru nui rîof trdinous, 2. DifficultN performing familiar tasks. tirer riras I tir oublîhe ru tii touku, thai haro heen tarinii tit triher aitt thon rou urîrtisc ru, ireptrioy 3. Probtemui ssith language. HLittnp diftt. rîlrid tirein \nir lu trnruhrng senternces tr reitunihrriinp ritrame 4. Disorientation of time and place. thle s rou irotne tîrut tit theîr o nnureer and nuit knrîu hurt tri got hittie 5. Pour or decreased judgemnent. ttio> nriaN no(treoinie a ,iituictl proleitîihor recd'. ottenirtir o.r r heurt rlthiip tit . hîoi dus, 6. Problems with abstract Ihinking. t he titis hu e tîrouble hotoncînp a rherqu oo rrk. and niri rertigic ru ht tho iruiiberu ini 7. Misptacing thingu. The * irs put ihitnuý ii iipprtirto pltre ýurh as anîronr i he treeier tir r ý ritt flanc]i rt ho suniri brin t 8. Changes in mood and behasior. niriniernc ru rîh Aliheittteruiia euhrhîir.rrred niurid uruingu irrîn rttti tir tor tir arîtor -liii no apparent reaorî 9. Changes in personatits. [houý t heoitii cni tire ut. ciu ru îîhdrouun o~r teirfut 10. I.oss of initiatise. t hou ria.% hterrreiir pal,uur .rnd toqire ccu and pruîmpîrnp tis iioctoiornr(iird If firenor mnre rî tihere utaicetu, .rppiryo triobal ii huld ho cnuu ing o duncior Fonu more informoation ytou ron nuit the .Aiittetur' oirt ruohsite ai %wvslzhcmerao tir îi it stir IIo.rlth Vs'oih Pharîîrrr ut 905-878-2341 875 Main St. E. Unit #2, Milton, Ontario L9T 3Z3 Q. I understand that The Milton Canadian Champion will be publishing Welcome to Milton" in mid November. As a Milton business why should I participate in this feature? A. There are a number of excellent reasons for any business f0 advertise in rrelcorne To Milton"n. This wett received feature is distributed f0 7.000 cof the newer homes in Milton, inctuding those we caînnot assign a carrier to right now because the street tir area is stifi under construction. Most of the residents in these homes have moved fror other towns/cities and are not pet lamitiar with the great variety of businesses and services offered in Milton. Printed as a separate section iiWeIcome To Milton" is filled with pertinent infoirmation ahout Miltoîn histr, activities, events and more which wuill inform and entertain new residents. Here is pour opportunity to show our newer residents that they cao shop tîtcaftp. and how pior business or service can futfitt theîr needs. Space is limited so cail your Canadian Champion Sales Representative today, and let us help you design an ad that will welcome newcomers into gour business. f l-m 75 Main St., Ste. 10 Milton Medical Buildings 905-878-0800 f Jilian Guard Wtndy Cook Caihinen McTavrsh Ryan Weaoer (lions.)B. Sc., RMT RMT RMT B.Sc,RMT TENSION HEADACHES Teonsion headaches arc deurrihed Lspain ouuoiorod wih the hase ofrite hol kottr any other parn oi the hoad and tface. Ihey are dittereitiî front vascutor (igiraine) hocadaches and Lire pair ci mîrri treqiioîtty made coiraiip.iu t)nii tlic inon coauseof hoidiohe. Li case hiuiorNs i hoooaretntty ronsiderod iii ruto out orarc di relue and iii asurtini the caîuse and typentf heidache. Corii i cuotensionl ho,îdaches inrlîide tiîppr piiini rot errai. muce .spaîinî ruir il ýuhlton,î p iiraI r . and utreru Srîptiîiriiclîîde a utitI and tendr er ek. and irtirîro r rrroljk tkparin i onreorre iîîir of .îithe he.rh trapitenti iiir il, ex operienro ringiiip rt the cars, rodureit attioni, îand Retorred paîin iii the hod iiiîiu ciiiiininty occur.a ia re.utint igrpointsii tri the iiouk anid uhîutdcr regîion In uorrr icethe upper irîie/inu t huhrîder musce) toii he mîuscle cnudorod iiiîiui tkety ii dore rip irigepoiiii ru hîh rotoru paitn bhnd the cor rnoi the tepe Tnppoer pinrts ii tire uptoiti inîusclo (bs of'o rth ho uui rotor parin upu .îrd tir r.iius a doop-uoaiod hoîdacho ihat conerinre hohrnd the oro anid irtin uirdu tri the rip ofi the heîri Addr unir uit utirroîdriirîtid r S'utrpoî ttiirii theofinit rfit ho frrrk troper pitr ino nit rotor pini triho oa, toempl, ind iriid tho ore ou hrîtitai,tuîr.îu diz/ie, briourirrtatriii, and tiro 11)(1 ofitiripomnirrl nour.îti.r tigrpo inrrît ihcriîr iru tir drtioiîuii roduro irir and rurl s s n i d riru ro.e c riîirca in trrrriitrproiiiu d tirîrî [ti tr ir.îî rurt toirtic uhriinod tirîrur aund enotrurage tho paient tri tue iiiare rt and îîîîîîîîîîîi / oittrihiririro tadrtir Pheare irit R vn'I iiitan ai the .ýiliii Therapeio .faîiagr t tinte, ifyon hare an' quesions coenng massage therapyiioriwotd hte, &iîhriian appiment, Chi HUr: Ms11.-fr1 8 SUt. 10-2 a CWon SUMly Dr. Tony Won lm Toothlalk__ Towne Dental Group ToyWn Milton Mail - 55 Ontario St. BScD.D.S (905) 876-1188 When should I take imy child to the denlist for thefirst lime? ti s important te get an eariy start on dental care, so that your chîld will learn that visiting the dentisf is a regular part of health care. The tirst step is to choose a denttst tor your child. t may be your own dentist or one who specializes in treattng children. Once pou have selected a dentîst, caîl the otttce to tind out at what age he or she preters to see children tor the tirst tîme. Some dentists suggest a vistt bp age onu, while others like to see chiîdren once ail ot their baby teeth have corne in. This is generaily between ages two and fhree. tl is important to make the first vîsit a posittve experience for your chiid. That is one reason why it is best to vîsit betore a problem develops tf pou thtnk there is a probiem, however, take pour child to see the dentist right awap, regardless oif age tf pou are a nervous dental patient, ask pour spouse or another famrlp member to take the c hild for the appoinîment tf pour chîld senses that pou are nervous, he or she map fuel nervous toc. When pou talk to pour chiid about poing to the dentîsi, explaîn what wîli happen withouf addinp words lîke "if won't hurt"or "don't bu scared". Be sure f0 gel an earip start on repular dental care ai home. Start cleaning pour chifd's moufh with a sott dlamp cloth betore fheîr feeth corne in and continue with a soit toothbrush once bu or she bas a firsi toofh. Lîmit the number of sugarp treafs pou pie pour cbiid, and focus on heaffhp food choîces trom the verp bepinninp. Taylor Nursery ~ 7429 Ftfth Lino, Milton irhr ai the roui end ni Moto St.i 905-876-4100 Phil Lawton e Q: I had a lot of wioter damage last year. How can 1 prevent if this winter? A: Laie fait is the irme iii do mort of your winieuihing but n0w ts the tinme tua pion whaî you wrtt need to dit Here are tome suggestioins frini Londroape Ontariot. Lawns-Appty lait lertiizr for fait lortituzer plus weodor) nrnytiriie nom un sîrengîhen your tawn and uts mots to hep il surire the wnter nthead. The tari mîowrng shttuld ho cone eut tn tuhe orurud aud cltîppîngu uaked un puevent louptai diseases. Evergreens Ye%,s and Albeuta spnooe are nottst susceptible tn wnter rvund aid suri born. Wrap them ru burtap (neveu un plastic-eveuy proin uîeeds un breaihe!i iront top un bntînm in toue lait. Uprighi esergucens like Skyrnckois anrd Mountbatiens cou get rneuphied dunin wiih sinow Wrappung îhemn un Venar uuetting un taie ifuit aud otve tri until ail sriîg rnorvlall rs pasi. Att enoupreons shuld ho well watoued beinre the sonore guound rust'. tot nîrd-Decenther un koep îhemn fuom duying oui. Roses--Aiter the trst beau'> irrîs, cnt hack rntet tut about 50 citi b> ucuuttu ins 'ait treien buds and leauos. Dort lnwer branrches surth toîrîrîde. Usin- a rose collar. buind lrerh suri] 25 rîti hîph arunl oîrh bush. thon atr the sort us luozon. apply o latyer utf sîruru Cinhuuu roses shoîld ho puunod slighuly and the branrhes lietou tureer aid uvrapped un burlap. Bould op soit arurnd theîr roits toînt Rhododendrons & .4zaleas-These are rery susceptible in uruitier damnipe. Cuiter mots wrîh up fu 8 unchet of unulcb (oak le.îtes tir peaî utrunsut Thon burld a shelter auound oach plant. %rupped un burrp. At Tayl vor Nursery. rue houe ail ynour uvriurizng supplies and vearc hoppy t advs you on oui> gaudeing problenis. SBARROW FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC X~ (905) 878-4994 DAg...,. ax:(905) 875-4485 FEVERS: A SOURCE 0F STRENGTH Moîst cbuldbuuud ulînessos are cbaracîeruzed by foyer. Il us uuidely known that foyer activatos the imneîni ryrtemn in a natural vvay. It is less widely known that foyer caon tungîbon the immune tyhtem, help prevent surceplibility tri rther ulînesses un faîcu life and confer developmental benefits as wvoll Pediatuicians bave stave reports that after a lover. "the cbild reneals a rpurt of devolopmnent and miaturaioin." We bave guutur nUp tinking that wo must rupprors a foyer, suben truly. suc sbnould ho mnonitoring tl. A foyer jr the hlîcplul rosponro of' the body tor the direaso puocorss the boîdys suay tii uîuoucotuing diseuse. Unfouîunatoly. the puovalont opuiuion us that a foyer ittîlf us a diseuse and noeds tuIo betuoatod as rucb. WPen a touer jr auîufucially suppuessed b> auîîihuuîucs. the bodyrs dofenso systomn ucuttauns inactive. Foru exnmple. hy mnintong ai child's lever, Ibis alluisus the leveu to niohilizo the hody's immune systei., wbicb bolps fighi the disoase ut band. As ai famnily cbiuuipuactou ry locois us oui wuolinos and boaltb. The neroruus system jr the ruuastet contuol tus the boîdy anud iuuîeuleuonce \viîb its abiliîy tri beau aid regoînure, affects oui Ir ci ou. Cbuuopuactic adjustnionts ucututve intoufeuence tii the nounous sysctin thus allomvung our immuuneu systoni toi suuuk aI ils lullesi polential. In doing so. our body Pas more tuf a fugbring chance againt illnoss and diroaso. jr