Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Oct 2005, p. 33

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iro'fessional s The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 11, 2005-33 If you have any questions these 'Ask 1 he Professionals c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. *1 Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 »i>OMFI INTERIORS "Where we marre you tee/ et home Carpo/ Vinyl - Ceramics - Hardwood Paint -Wallcoverings Showroom RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL ~ Geradmine Hesketh 845 Main St. E. Milton 878-4280 Imagine, Explore & Discover What are xx e talkîing about'! The lie\\ generaion of Armistroîig, Resis/ant Floori îî. of course. Not ex eryone xx ail/s ceG/iic or familiale. exen xx /1/d. Hosx exet x mxi tlooring bias alxvay s been a stro/îg contender. \,. armrer on the teet, con/ours be//erto any surface especialINiIh xx Ii esco a/cas /iî ieal \\ i/h. You can/I exen deteet i s is niiý I.. ainiîtes ',ou liaxe ii looîk /'x ice. Great toi \v ealabil itv toi. ixdax s b/îsv lesix lesI Natijial Fusion il flic/ la/est additioni t oti- Ii/le oii in\s sý I/i//fi Svx cet Hanîiboi \v itii a frencth ~,I/nî looîk ini netîtrals. t Iterson/aliv ti/tk il lo,, qite C(//iteiil)o/ ai-\ t,', Nleiterîaîîeaîî \ Walîîît stîbtîe ii rich plank xxo,îilIess e\pe/isixe C lttir real xx îîii toi). lt iiî'î put tl diixx 1 i i Ille eC 1-i011 ' Wsar//i/Il anl testtir1e a/e- a lusý. Ilieu aldî a lninkv 1-i t- a/nd î\i/lal Heiii/l/g Siate ar/ega/cil til/ies di,/ic/ . i//lit I,îik fatti lit 1 a /i'xcr, bt/ ori k//itc/h t/estl broxxIlt ns ime a fexx. 1 basve alxx axs Iiked s /i/1 t /]iinL, as 'o/ Ca// tsise x ir/utîIy in aîiv t/)/i/ tnd create unique decîirs. ex cil eut on the curse t' crea/e /n/eres/. reret/ I/i a 50/i ti//i/l tot that sou/hemn look. So if you xxant a great look xx itb greai desig-ris, l/ixs maintenance and cosi effective, a x inyl flooir c/bld be juxi tbe /bing for you. 12hh' Greg J. Lawrence B. Sc. D. Ch. GREG J. LAWRENCE B. sc., D. cm4. FOOT SPECIALIST le CHIROPOOIST 350 Main St. E., Milton, Ontario, L9T 1 P6 (905) 878-6479 1 A Princess Anne Or., Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4W4 (905) 702-1611 Member of the Ontario Socie/y of Ch/ropod/ats and The Ontario College of Ch/ropodis/s Q. V, hai causes. au iugrown ioenaîi, and bout, ian i//oe trea/rd? the ltatt h: the ttait plte sotutît.etttîttîî01tt.tttîe t, td, f pain t/t, etonpi i b rn ýjlj ii'I p4 a/t un antin i////u t/it/ *htttt,ttt/tt t/ot f t/t/t/ i t/tin t/t e 111, 1 110 ' (III: lt, I t/t 1// plitttt/titt// * Hawkins Animal Hospital ~ I)ebhie Hawkins B.Sc., DVM 1)octor iiiVeterinary Medicine 550 O)ntarioî Street Sou/h, Milto>n (Pizza Hut I>Iaza( DBbi Sawkin Phone. 1905) 875-6888 B. Sc., DVMFax (905) 875-6853 Ï THANKSGIVING BIIll fohh u u.ixvtdous a rî.adi 5/zi ,, .' i] aehpelev tI tl, t ttttt \/, ttt,tflt,ttt, t Sur/uta, andits i ik -i, I o e l it/1/l t'" Ih to Ii, '0', 1 hi 'l I ......t ti o Il'ý /4ALTO/4 COM MUNITY "MI5AUILITAION T/na Doney 17 Wilson Dr. #12 Connie Francaz PR SIOTHEPSTSs (corner of Wilson & Main) 876-1515 Q. 1 amn currcntly receiving physiotherapy and have heen told that 1 isill be f'ollowed by a physiotherapist and a kinesiologist. What is a kinesiologisi. and how could 1 hentefit frîîm workingAsith one? A. (er/tiild Kiniiiiîigis/s arie qutililicîl t/iI ried pr/lissiiît/Is \\ liii ae ctaptîble ofret/i/ilandlrex cniîl humaiit iiioi/hci/c//i Tls hîis leN lit/e a/ four/ yet/i îl iieî iii s//s/iilt.i Or 11//i//t/il Kiiietiis li/hi ouaai\ ba ltsîs. Tlîey Iî,îx beeii lritci/g, li flic prtx i/ti il1)it/i ii s//lie I 952 andî t//e giixcriieî by tile 4 iceititicîel orî ail Ite koiiîiiitîî s/tiIff. etîci of' xxîîîîîî hatve beii iraiiiedtl ii , sss xx i/h esc/ciscs. Kiilcsi/ll/g/is i//ty xxîîrk iii sextertl îîffcreîî/ ci]i /r/li/i/eil/s, suciI t/s iiieiiibc s, il' ta IiiUlti-i scipt i îtry te/i/i iii el/il se//iiigs. liiîîcss ctI)Sisiiî/iig ctir/.it//sir/ike reîîtîbîlî/t/îîîî ltiic/tiitil t/b/lily alt/ion////s, xxîrk co/i/i//l/l/lg iii lîîîîîe tîsscssîî1eîî/s andlî iii ci gii/ C tssess i//ci/s. tîcli if' iliese t/et/s re(ILtii c1 spcifi t ra/in/ing îîxer t/il/ t/b/xe flic U/ivers//y deoice. Foir more inforation/,//l cil/it/citlie Ht/litn ('îîîîîîîî/îîîy Relt/biliîaî/îîî C'entre 191151 876-15 15 i/r flic Oi/t/r/io Kîîîesiîîltgy Ass/ocitioîn at sxsvv. kaoîî,ca, Elayno Tanner & Associates 1 Il Elayne M. Tanner B.A. B.SW..M.S.W.,R.S.W., DP SOC. ADM. Counselling & Psychotherapy Milton (905) 854-0801 E/ayne M. Tanner www.etasolutions.com Q: My -/itasband and 1 are in t/te protes. of separating. Ai1thougit we agree t//at use l'oot w/lot ix best f'or t/te chltdret ive bot/t haie i/t/tw v/W/i t on fi5ch/ait t//at i5. Howi cati ue corne tii a mnttualls' satisfyietg agreemnt xo t/lat we bot/i stat' acti'eu ieti'ilied i/t i/t/t i'ildteni's lives but do n/ut tert the' 'hi/den oport doie/g 50 A: I/si. I xx,îilî like Io' îîiiîieî Nil/i foîr le/i/g, s//cIi gîîi patîeîî/san t/i/il ,- lii/tti r /îîidîeîs tieeîs ilietxof 1/ ti_ o,,xiI. Wliiixxtiiks test lt/i hilIitit ile/lelis t/i a/ iitinibe o1 ii/ereii/ I tltisuctt as. Ilie t/Ci' 1/fili cih. lIîx xxell fle cilt i/l/li' txtiîî chaniige. fili i/si îîîx,îlxe,îîeît/ of caiî parîent. flie si lîtîtl tiv ic/ieiiii. l ose ît î h par/eCit \h\:Il tie lîxilg Io Ilie cil/lîl sîllîll n amIa offre[-x tî lide, da l'ai/ils. l'ie it/is Ci \\Ill [le îlîlleîeîi lt/ icîiî illî il'lie besi î ixa ito ci îe iii ani ,,e, eeîîîeî filai xx Il be besi ltti ix eryune is ito li,îxe aî îîedîtîeî i.îreniiiîg /p/tn. This %\ ,îîld /111 i// îîî ti /i andîs,îîîl i/hI îl tîî s/ei t/sl d îîîysilenî ii/ir/vi//ig sktîîs t/I/i îîelîtîîîî. /x îikiiitî il/Hfile besi /lihle airranigement.l t'tîîtîf i/I r Nil/ildren«s tîîîlîx îîtii peî sîîntîties xx îttld be ciistileiel, tas thi i/I il/i andi h/lti Iiiisbtiîii's p.iieniiiig îieeîs. xx d i/u, iitiiiies. Wleii /i.îeniîg plan,,s aie dt,îîe t/rtis x ix. flie ci lîti'i are l//it less tîke/y Ioi si/lîi t/lN id xeisi cits ifilnt Ilie t/ht/ru. fle p/ire/lis tre morîîe t ikehî it' i/olu/Cie t//d iîîttx fle pla.i. exeryoinîis s ttiiîiei aind bei i/se xîoî t/le bîîîh xxii kîî /îîge/lîeî tri ci/i/i/ Il \x tIi yoli i/l/ il/t/i pl i i lithe lonig t/ut vit saixe îîîîîîeN Whti Il/l C iol oit % Ili/lit? " 1/h/i/ 1N G YIO I 1,/INi. Il/RP S 1,/1,1/ 1H1PARTNERS IN PLANNING Il FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD. Ftnania Planning Reitiremnet Planting Muiua Fundx 'G/C S.P.'se R.R .ix Tel: (905) 876-0120 Fax: (905) 876-2934 420 Main Street East, Suite 203, Lou Mullugan Milton, Ontario L9T 1P9 MA, CFP, R//.HU, IEPC Q: Are there any special tinancial planning issues that we should riînsider hefore the end of this year? A: i lere JIi se/Ci/I i/e/ns /shîeh y//n shîînld check be/îire year etîtl RF:SPs /txve x,,, ctîitihuîid the f//Il a/Oit/t/ aii/,///f $ 2000?ii l//h C oI x, iile aiIiitioil î,în/rhnins toi titih ilsstand/i/g Grtant (inal lnso( arciid, (aiissed i oti liti lt/ tiin 1t/ohe1titCi/ htkai îî tio e hI t/Ii/r\ i RRS ' i x e,,, : ha,, i t . Ilcar j hapeIl' axess nhx simpe gnî,ol \lîîl jýaîti i iiexlenes oitoir Ca xita li l,îssi nd Gais:tl/lfi uo ixtî/ n in îîa/i/ 12)t \li/i C /ic/ n tii/il/t teiri/ pln . 2/ i/t i eliliI ru t i n vi Thci/s ht/lat/r fi// iap itt ie e/s g lassues i/ denialxnr ecd Cnes in xxîî îîîpîe l s lis//inan iii( ti iou dnne n0xs1o iier.t Ica îîk li t/seC ia txîh 2 nîxînîl u petil i nu ah bei an Pase rontact,- Paur/rsI tin a PLanni n -Mito if ou a q(icuetionaothes eor n 205) ot ie ax sain e atgain ýour200 ta\s. Phyone 905-876-0)20 deta.%vrkdeid 1 00, . 1 - M 1 f ?1 1 . ý 1

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