A32 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Oclober 11, 2005 HA WTHORNE ANYMAN e. ves&Sr,, q , ý le'I *:-liiigfrY , *:~Rocfing Ir oir ** )i m le0S , l For i-REFE II il'E uIll fU (iri liannah iR -t 905.691.6936 e ' oe-alhwthrehnyman@cogeco.ca1 IESJî iA EK(TMR1C EL.Paelupgrdig roi.60100& 100-200 Aand op, Cage odfsbepnl ew broaker parrels. Wiriîrg home dditons ffic. st res nw baseorerrrs arrd or buildigs. R wirin old n rad toube %viring for roso copp r wrjng AIliitalltio s rrd .rn nrr specref hy EL afey AJthriP Fre etiiars AUj jobs ore or- (AIL 9O-8"8-«7b4-5 or -n 16-892-2601 Ask for JACOB WrSLA Specîali:ng in Custom Fitted DELREX iyi Windows aind ALUMINUM LIMITED Entrante Systems 4/rt inyl Siding, Soffit, Facia and Seamless AlIUMi fl'ugh Lai877-5383 betu-een 9am & 9pm 'rTI rr o rPN kfX Robert Noble Ltd. SEPTIC TANK PUMPINC EHV F t. ffqFr(o iLt i Hiýi Pr Lmr Fri Rtiri Kt epoi Ti-i kýr)Sn ,ý1 Radi Dja e (519) 853-0500 Acton Answering Service 905-878-6869 PC BOX 773, ROCKWOOD CONTRACTORS P.m. contpactinq N.du OFFICE AND HOME RENOVATIN0N T Tl' 1 M FREE ESTIMATES 8 0'TA tE 8 5l' il 8 Roc Rooms Ho m-467_7988 M 905-878-8825 905-467-7988 e Addition Bathrooms - Decks e carmes - Roc Rooms T M CONSTRUCTION Chimney & Fireplaces Cleaned & ~ 1? epaired FuIly Licensed Ca/i 905-6(11-9212 ALPINE DECK amily Orsîrres r-rlh 9) gral eoper ero(p plOforos & refererlrer arallaS le Book now for Faîl Specials alpinedleck.comn -FREE ESTIMATES 905-257-7058 *%U,,na1 I)tp.orN, >t>Io~- TEL: 519-853-2114 (AcTrON) On time. Done right. ..We'ro Canada's choice for ail your household jobs, large or small. Irom 11\11, l li,,cli MILT ON 905-875J5 HOM INTLAION 385 STMB.E AVE EUTSILTON MR (M)5 878-iffi Handymen Enterprises " B1at Iiriolil% * (hd Ioh% " llàIll 111 01 * IîîîîeOI1ces " I1igimî 0 lil lnake the IIt .. Fu iiîstired # Relrrne% diailable 903 i '~-8731I I'LATINUM RETAIL SHOWIROOM m Full Installation Complete Renovations Custom Work 18 Thompson lload, Milton 905-878-6666 wwwplatinumhomeimrprovemrents.com COnCHEp CAINETS $150 n Mitehem & Vanrty cahrote (ýj'o IFREE Ar-hitcral Cahnte i Accessîries £ oe FUr5 eo wi1h a new kîlchon Gu 785 Main St. East, Unid #3 878-9177_. PA mseýlr -~To advertise in cali 878-2341, ext 217 ProtessionaI Ceanîf GUARANT Residenîiî1 & Simai! 905-335-1 L 905-820-1 CQuality PERV ESsoaHoe '7àii~» Cleaning You Can Trust" n- Service Commiiercia YOUR FIRST 910 3 CLEANINGS 8 0Smnn reoticton pp.Cai o deils Companyd',' *Residential/Com merci ai *Interiors/Exteriors *Custom Work *Hardwood & Crown Moulding *Free Estimates davidspaintingeompany0cogeco.ca David Spenst P. 905-208-2C F. 905-875-9 www.davidspaintîngcomFp 92 39 - I.UA OPE IOS AMTU Open House and Farmn Tour at Eramosa EIk Country Store Sunday Oct 16. lOam-4pm 5633 5th Line Rockwood 519-856-0041 3.5 km North of Hwy 124 at Brucedale FoIIow the YeIIow signs A unique Country experience is closer than you think! This year, help us support the Rockwood Fire Fighters, When you buy a BBQ'd burger or Sausage. 5oW. Paindng Ceramîc Tiles # Hardwood Flooring # Roc Rooms# *Sto Studs # Docks # Bathroom Remodels é Diop Ceilings (905) 87654023 mtan SCore's Weil __ - Drilling & ff Pump Service Wef I Rehabifîfafron - Wefif Cîeaning ý Flow Rates - Weflf Decommiosioning -Cisferns Waîer Trealmenf - Reoerse Osmnoors Drinking Waîer Sysîem -UV Sîerifizaîron Sysîemo 905-878-4515 264 Bronle SI, Unit 10, Miltonr