*1 30 -The Canadian Champion, Tuesday Ociober il, 2005 Sales HeIp Sales HeIp 1* ARti ae Hl M eallsHlp Hsitali Hospital, II. Actnts lm ~~~ &Aetats SaeslllpicaIaIleDental Meia. Dentlal aFL à7 UVRI/ A Sales Opportunity Floor Covering We c her an excellent reciieratieî bncc l j cii pi Ca and anc oppcrcnnrc roi avaa cnii Fax enîcf cesuîme vinte attention of Brac DcVnlil Fax 416-636-5161 or maii bduvai@agiantcarpet.com Local leader inCanadas #1 ndustry is seekxng individuals to join our team We now have pasitons available for New Car Sales and Leasing The right candidate must have. Excellent motiva- tion and be revoîts orîented. -A prvven abîlîty iv malie effective preventations. Excellent Customer Service vliills. Sales experience. A desîre ta exîn abave average incarne We provîde an excellent renameration plan, belle- fils and a campany demanvîralor. OMVIC certîfîed indîvîdoals preferred. Please torward resumne to Christine McGillvray, General Sales Manager By fax 905-333-3934 Or e-mail chrintinenx@leggataulogroup.com We thavk ail applîcaota for applyrvg bat only ihoe cavaîdered wil/ be cootace HEREWe GROW Again la hînîng Managers in Training & Sales Counselors Fnr HAMILTON, BI RLINGTON and OAKVILLE Experience nr retaîf management. teair building, ana voles FT Pernanenr (E) stephanie@lawlontario.com (F) 705-727-0180 ENGINEER-IN-TRAINING EFCO Canada Ca. a leader in coocrete tvrming technvlogy, veeks an Engîneer-ln-Traînîng al oct Georgetown, Ontario Distrnct office This pervon will design, prepare erection drawîngs, allocate in- ventary & manage ai avpectv af concrete forng vyatems for commercial convtruction Ideal candi- datev wîll have a BS/BA in Civil, Mechanical or Construction Engineering. Competîtîve salary and benllît înclade Senid caver letter. revumv Iv: hernie pvirier@efcoforms.tam 7ELOCOMIRELES7 CaaasLretRagera f for our Burlington MaillLocation. The vacceavful Candidate muvt have a proves trock record in Sales aod pvvvevs a vtrong 'Tvam Ployer attitvae, Please emaîl revîme s ta sleve@cellcomwireless.com, Fax 416-645-1023 TRUESTAR for Wvmen, the curling edge Nutrition and Fîtnevv center for womeni iv lovkîng fora: Manager and Management Trainees Iusd Prev. sales exp. a muvt. Remaneration to $50K+ înclodîng excellent bavas prvgram. If you're lvvktng for an eacîtîng career in the health and wellness îndast eave ven resame tai HosptalHospital, Medicl,e!ta Medîca1, Dental Required in Georgetown Practice for Monday and Tuesday evenings. Please fax resume ta: 905-8774003 A vi aîiic aira expu ing c> narlic relaîilutrcii ivre cin is seekIng higir> nccrîcaied sles proIes venrais cor ii, Scillil gin (Brarnt SI & QbW siciel Ide a 1candidates mvil pc suis a cri nimmn of 2 yea rs relvii sales eipetience in vie home fuînîsh îng indisti> ibis vs an cciîandîng appcîicniy ici Itîlcecers aitv stiang sales abîlîties gccd commat llaain and generai computer skuils inr a cisicmpi sericte driceir encîîînnrenî Ancse average cam missicns paîd an arîtien saIes beneftît package and oppnrivnfip 1cr adcancemeni Pleose fav yoar revarne iv: Stephen Lee 905-332-7351 AppI> an-line E-MAIL:Lee3383@yahoo.com HopialeHspital, Hospital, optl Medial, enal iaDnta l eici Dental 1M= Dental Arei ivI ii s s p .i iv anti dirin ini yous Ic nursviiin ari ini îni c anv cmireîitck op icitniiitiis f re uer a SatU gr iiirnîrc c tti rCîvie ncn theth he in i fv onitci e ofai nrigt lnuîrvlli vid iiltiv. Nci arind tiiii ni u i RNc to iti c v vin c sprt-et poiin v kcgi'.îcicti Niîin1 tic i niciitcl i vi 1 ri ha t o ceh rcIiîixcsîa, Iron jthc puhtîvîlt 'i c h for i icl xxnx l t i ag l it. aio ililci' ic 11nc l vi i i m lit coic ic cin lcicc cg cii ccii Nfic , ic ni c nh I o r( ý cil \ cli. d lit-h 1t4 Fi cii jxhsC')cliindata.ronsi Clinidata iae HlR etumnt =elRelRturnt FIGT AUITOW1 I Best Western Inn on the Hill I Isseiga mature, reliable perscn Iv voint Icvîtvam Approvîmately 32 hursweek * Midnight - 8:0 arn Monda> iv Tburvday j j~a Plaeap ith revme o 365 Guelph Street, Georgetxwn Wai i Ilui Miîîc yîîvv nisiîiîg( Pil 0îic i tntxl c o uiv i ldI iiiiiiî ' f Kn r'sînie tv Lauren ai (905) 854-5978 or Jr mail ta e/enxiesdayvpa@/èiellnit ca e. a Eaa*Op FeFR. 1375 Main Street East 90!5-878-2341 cIassified@miItoncanadianchamnion.com Blu - e Woe.ore PRICES SLASHED ON ALL FLOOR MODELS Frnda>, Octxben, 141h frnt tOcIOar - 6:OOpm Satxrday, Octxber t5th frxm Scitîse - 4c00pm t1998 Winstxe ChurohilîBoexvard.. t 112 Mites North ot Maytieid Ril7th Sdrd., Gexrgetxwn New Readî Tx Finish Handcrattet Furniture iV Armoire, TV VCR cabinet. cînssesrIs cih abres air noire varîroici quil racks ciace lic i kv, virner cabiners ccckcases, pariccv. pve ccilles hici and buffets scia talacs. deai0 bencnes plant staras, îee cainets, laicesi Ianle, jac cupinan coive and erd taires, drcss- ing canney ci cabinets.C t leers, china cabinvis, diy vcnk, vasisanis, hl icee mi tabies. nag rates, and Bring a TRUCK and take it with you! Custom Orders Welcome. CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE RUMMAGE SALE Sal. Oct. 15 8am - Nvon Holy Rosary Hall 139 Martin Street Donations acceptent onc Fr. Oct. 14 aen - 8pm GARAGE SALE Sait. Oct 15 Bfarr - Noon 8206 Appleby Line ibiveees tc Anvies1 ccin i cghl Fantastie itemsc Chrisas deven, ANTIQUES, lin- ens inciuding white qxilt, wite lhrow cshian, cltild'x table & chairs <aid, biees, china & glass, icke, Antiqxe baby cariaga gxxd tor dxii cxxcti basceïbal xat. NO OIxAPPOINTuMENi'a, GARAGE SALE Sal. Oc 15 9am - lpm 880 Cedarbrae Ave. lbivvlvscTbnmpsnn arcal CC skis. wickar baskets, collectibles, gxass wary, fiction books & more. YARD SALE Saf. OClober i Sth 9AM - NOON 545 Churchill Ave Avvoryed Items It pays to advertise in our classified section and gel a bonus ad on our website. Call today and see ho-w easy it is to mnake your ad work harder for less. bi1t(anbn (rbampiOn