Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Oct 2005, p. 29

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday October 11, 2005 - 29 Geea Hl i eealHl W eea Hl WIGnra ep&kle SkilIed & iliIed & Skilled &Hli UMBB-M eclinical HeIp a Technical Heal Technical HeIp Tecnl Help~ 0 aical, Dena -, ,-i " FREE Training * You'Ii receive competîtîve compensation and opportonîrres for adoancenrent, " Throogh out remvaros programs, you'ii receive recognitioni foi a job weii dyne. " Our drîveru ate mothvrs, fattets, granopatears anrîcetîrees miro cure about thte neighaocirhoods wve verve. EDUCATION SERVICES hEXPANDING to meet the needs of our Community *Wetre hîtîag people who ate coaitteO ta excellence and whv want to make a dîfference. *But the greatest revvards cotve from the job itseif: varîety, betag ourdoors, respect, resjponsiaiiity, ani the jop of woring vvrth chiioren Immediate openings in Burlington & Oakville *Special Limited Time Offer Appîy with this ad from Now to October 21sf Begint doiog a reguar route ciefote Navemnber 28th and quajity for sp toi $400 in bonus money.- For details cai 1-877-914-KIDS (5437) We neei to acid ta aur work force. Wiretfer pas are iookîng for tait trme empirtymeet, part rime hauts, or a rewararnv cameer pieuse appiy in persan ai 40 Cfrîupoim Dr (no phrone caiis pieasei. Company pays 501. ot orovp insv- rance airer probation perrod Starting nase cage is $8.vO hr Pour avriîty ta produce in a faut pacecr team environ ment wiii ressit in an average wage ot Sto.oa ta $t5 OO hr corme in and see if we can Croate a war s chedufe that carks far yau. Laaking Car 8-4 Fuit turme & 4-12 Fuil iand Part imie. TRAFFIC SUPIERVISOIR Rathergien Scfiaol ru seeking un assertine, re sponsîbte and even-tempered individual a patra sur dîsmîssai truffic of uppr. 3a0 cars. The candi date must passes strong people skils. a sease of humour and fie wîftîng ta woru in ai weuther condi trans. The position is tram Mon Fr. 3-4pm and puys $30 per dan. Experience preferred. Fax resurne la 905-849-1354. No Phane cuis pteaue IGREA0PPRTUNIYIN AKVILLEI Profit by $600-$800 mo. plus gas subsidy i lssf ave Refiable V ic e 7 daw I 7ýsmllfaricbonfciliiOukotie requires ful and pssbppart-me operator l Sftan eknsare a passibiity. Dependabltîtt& a godattitude re prefer abe oner URequires Fu r IPatTmeçeanersl Pleuoe Cali 905-877-888M 1 50 Units Reuidential/Commercial. GeorgetownI Reurd odMuinteance. * Laidrd/tTenunt Matters I TOL2 YPL UAPAMENTlNCLVj Phone, 905-451-7220 Fus: 905-451-7399 Fuit Service IMonda - FdayDas325weekl I41andlTrafalar Road areal Cai Johin aI 90-88-62 J 7ATENDENT/CLEA -NER Pad -T me Georgetown area near GONIA Statton. Cali Rtck 416-565-1145 Mechanically Inclined Persan Fuil-Tirne Potenttal for carter opportunity, Must have clean drivers lîcense. Cali:1 416-117-9416 Appty today. We are seeking energetic, depend- cHlpleOl able people ta dlean our cusfsmers homes, Dayfîme fours Manday-Frîduy, Tranisportation prs- s- vrded, drivers ficense an asset, bot not essenfiat, WANTEDea 01D D 3i R Mosf have 2yrs min. Required immediatefy for Milton moving & eap.as aShipper/ Paal I lr utorage company. Compelifive wages and Receiver Position is performance bonus. f 2/hr-4hurs/week Temnporary, P/T Ils ffa resus foe Ords- 20-25hrs/wh, $12br SCees O 905-n-1545 e. Must haot Cait: 905-uu-2823 exil 22 PcesAcutn n Mousf haoe lyr eop., Acnigad $1O/hr-40hrs/week Computer eoperience ell yo ur f arrsity 4 f riendst Attn: Carol to Attn: Julie with Birth Announ-eh-sent5 905-825-9292 90582-163 APic'Lcnsed echanic Application Deadîune: Monday October 17, 2005 The Tovvn of Oakvttte is iookîng for a Lîcensed Mechanîc wîath diversîfied fteet maintenance eoperîence. This futl aime position is responsîbie for performîng scheduted inspections, maintenance and repaîrs in a capable and efficient vanner. Hours of wvork are 12 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Monduy an Thucsday. Yau wiii posseso a ctear drivers licence "DZ" caaegocy and valid 310 T and S certîfîcates. You are aiso computer tîterate wîfth strong communication and interpersonat skîiis. L egiciEýs, ie The owa is arr Equai Qiet Ni" tier iateri'st, Pueer, euey pPose applîcarîts uni VTFer mar etnuaquartier L () Century, LOVAThfas LO A upecu lzed in the custom desig aund mauacture of Tonnel Sa ng Machines (TBM uhulized ta the construction of metro, ruiiwuy, roud, oewer. wutec penotock, mine ucceso and tetecabie tunnels, We are curre ntlyrecruitin< torthe totlowîng r Respoîsbiîtîes wiii înciude the installitonof hy- druîc aystems.Yrtu criP have a minimum of 3 yeuro hund on vaperience in heuoy induotriai hy- druics Candidates must fie capable ta read biseprînt andaudaptuble ta Assemby Teumwork. HYDRAULIC ASSISTANTS Respanoîbîiîtîeo wîii inctude ussrstîng hydrsuiic technîcîuno us înstructed as weii us labat du- ries.Yau wiii hase basic hydrauic knawiedge, hunds on eep. an heuvy mechuncut uouemfiy. FITTERSWELDERS Candidateo must fie eeperîenced in fîttîng and/or weling heuvy Campanients usng MIG, FLUX- CORE, and or SMAW. CWB certification is re- qoired munt be capable of read blueprînt, Successua candidates wilt be affered a 6 - 8 mauffi contruct wîtfi the appartunîty of becomîng perma- nent. Att candidates must posseos goad communi- cation skis and fie witîng ta wsrh shift wark. Humun Resources, LOVAT tNC. 441 Curtîngnîew Drive Etobicoke, ON M9W 5G7, humanresources(@tanat.com, Fax: (416)1675-6702. Thank yas for yasr reply, oniyuapplîcanto oelected for interv'iews wîlî be contacted. Fraser Direct han an immedrute FT openîng tor a CriidNetwor Admta t in aur Georgetown of c amla wt maiteace/uset support in a mie aniomn cossig at Windows 98, 200ai PFmla wit sera dittetenit ver- sin fMS Offc icung O ttook Wiing ta fie Irie O uED prgra a nd îearn ather du- te nldn o rktt setsp verser Emai hmarr sQu ru serdirect.cu Nopoi al puese. MAwIJFACTURING SOLUTIONS SECURIT Manufacturing Solutions is tocated in Oakvilie ait Thîrd Lîne and the South Service Road. We're tookîng for a dynamic and energelîc person f0 jofO our feam. ADMIN COORDINATOR With SAP Experience (Maternity Leave Coverage) We'r tooking for someone wth 2 or more years eaperience in an adminisfrafive po- sifion. The rote involves wonk wifh our branches, cstfoms and vendors. The in- cumbenf wiii have sfrong organizationa skitts and sfrong compufer skilts. We are aiso iooking for somoe wif h eaperience ovino SAP lu, dppiy tovabsi 0015fr youî resume and salary eopecfafions f0 hr@artechreduction.com a - M ivrtuoty Ermployer WVe tfraok ail canttdates tor eeenngo, weekend eited fior are interview vîii be ezoitacted & relief in Burtington/Oakvite. - Benefits, campeîfîne ïJ rates, CME, - Fax resume loi Office HeD LU OfieHl 905-572-68O j BIINGIAILS WANTED 1 otl Restaant $30K -$50K West Mississauga: We have several bilingual office positions available. Please torward your resumre with salary eopectations fo: km@idffljpersonnel.corn IDEAL PERSONNEL Telephone: 905-279-8050 Applicunts must hune Pouf Secondury ttaining ini Accounting Must be profîcient in MS Office appi csftions iOstisok, Word, Exce), hase esperrence wîth compufet:zed accsuniting systemo aud must be abfle to mulfi-task in a fast paced envioirumentf 3 + yeats experience preferred. Pieuse forward ysur resume f0 Karen J. Hughes Fax: 905-87Ml970 or Emal. kýuhvtes@gtwcanada.com Applications mvst be recesven by Fridae October 21tst Fraser Oirect hus immediafe openingo for ORDER PICKERS AND RETURNS PROCESSORS. $9fr Monday so Fnday, 8-4 30 or 330 t t1 30ý Mini- mum 3-yeats work experience. Abls fa lift 351bs Fomifiar with barcode scanners an asset. No su- dents pisase Apyt t00 Armsfrong Avenue, Georgetown Fox 905-877-4410 Emaîl humaniressrces@raserdrect Ca Fraser Direct fias an immediate FT opeoing for a Certified Network Admînîstratur in our Georgetown office. Famîiir with maintenance/user support in a mîeed environnent Coflsîstîng of Windows 98. 2000 and XP Famîliar wîth seoera different oer- sions of MS Office încludîng Outtaok. Wîttîng ta fie truîned to rua EDI programu, and tearo other du- ties încludiog warkstatîan setup, server maintenance etc. Emuit: humanresources(afraserdîreccu No phone catis pteuse L A & B 0 y FURNITURE SALES PROFESSIONALS We'te oeeking fatenfed, eaperîenced Fuit Tîme Sales Consultants wîfh a praven track record in set iîng hîgh ticket items at refait. We hune open- ingu ut our new sfore ut the Oakville/Mississauga Border and in aur uther locutions -Brampton, Burlington, and Norfth We aller u generaus Compensation Progrum, Compuny Benefif Ptan, Profesusnut Training, op- partunîties for Advuncement and a chance fo, work in Northi Americu's fustest grawînig quutity furniture stares - Lazboy Furaîture Gatieries. Yau must have reiîahie transportation, excettent cammunicativn skîito, a witîngness ta ieurn and a tlexible schedvte that permîts pou ta work an weev- ertds and some evenîngs, OVrc-, nov iak rii ,,ppl;catione b,,f - 5800 whert prompted ta 'eoter art extenusort -pou dia[ 150, then dîia #6t51t o respand ta veverai questions. requites Mature WAITSTAFF Permanent PT MonFni 7:45-t1:45 Previous nopenience preferred. *Hilton Garden lm OAK VILLE Requires PT Guest Service Agent. Experienced preferred Fax resumne to: 9054829-4690 Attn: HR Dept. HA-STR C I.E' CRensrE OFFICE ASSISTANT computer skrills preferred. Part time with possiblity otf fulitime. Please fax resumne ta 905.878.1252 or ornait ta: infa@kîrnfamiy chirapractic.com e.OGAPE

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