Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Oct 2005, p. 28

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28 - The Cunudian Champion, Tuesday October 11, 2005 For S leCareers EM A= MaCarers artes er È E IHeal IIIII ummmmm _ MeIp Oînce tuas. Cali Pio- neer NOe' t 800 504- 7749 wcc pionner- hoitdîngs.ca BED, Amazing humgain, itiiOs xxthxpedîc pîi- laclsp sel, na in plus- lic . aarraaly S150 90as 567-4042 ciii detîser. BEDROOM Cherry- aood. Oed. chest. dresser. 2 nîghlslands Dovelaîl Constnuction. Neyer spenea Ccsî 95 000ý Sucrifice Or9 00509567-4042 CARPET i hase sevesi ai 1,000 yards of sec Oluîîîmusler & 100dI syloscuipel Wîii dc liv îsgrosom & hall Ion s3sit Inciodes carper, pao u instlaion (30 yurdsi Oleos, 905-633- 8192 HOT Tub OSpal Covers O Ocîmmîsg Pool Oufe- ry coses-Besi Once, Besi Ooaliy ail Shapns & Coicuns Asaîlabie, Culi r-866e 5e5-0056 cou Iheco- uerguy.ou HOT Tub, Opa. 2005 model, ail options, Cou- er. Neyer usea stlii n crapper Coal S8&900 Oeil S3.eo0 905-567- NEEO a home phono0 Locesl prions' Lac acc tivuatson monîhie mes 'rasie, for ires No de- posîls Ose stop Phone shoçc r-866- 92-5925 $ $$es $WantedAi China Oixer. Crystal Tea Caps. Roeul Ooui- 1Cr, Ocurooskî Giuss, ecIery. old isys cil lislOs eslales Culi John Trucy 905-331- 2477 L'lll as foi Sale 2000 Oidsmooîis In- tiîgue, 280 0kms, like sew, loaded. Asining s9,500 Cuti 905_e73- 6036 ~SmTrsfo ae 1994 Cheoy Blazer Loade, tearser, 4x4 4-door, A/C. E-restea. $3,50sa Col 647-202- 0884. taing p-no5nn--n of edil oùl prod<rts and a pr-nnd Part of Oa.ge Limited a globalI ag-lhuxsness and iniegaed oPer-aslnn tbal exlsnd firot t8e fara field to cnsuer prnducnl littr a- prtcipaIsunppliw- cofnotit alis jîotan ahana,) ,n,,,nnxlizedf-n a-nfnt BL Senior Financial Analyst ttupuiig ii the Assi.siaxi tiixnitr.r andu wuirking inicoixiuîi-ipx-ratioinihithe ,Mtage5riii opuraiecouiix5iin iîiiriiihixufieaial ad Aouiuniri Servcesand ihe (ii, hi xiti ii, urx-rpiixnnhIc oriinuiiraiinnxial aaI so irn-iasiiand huinuing coordniinainfor lii îaign inuna Kc% cr)ntiixuisinnnn mmm- sii-idalinof the oxnil ha-osnN piano, unasisr if diOiu-inii ius h ii -lu Ituai nn-niuii, plan, soit pniur loir coodinionii ii tho ninxiui quiununrnininuinarcrni ainlsu ni ait halaiu scaniiii. dva-nciincii indi nniniai-ioscii iuiiunsof in-1ncirinot andnuiiuuoini nd ouirecaitinio(C> iiiiiri nth end n3nniniunigi of esli, atilIeiinia innnuinns ams intrrniiicui fninunoien-uiiinie isituiirit gra uiiuriaiiigiuiiuuogai nd iino,ýNcss atrnnuoi(iiaia Lorti itnr Btatgnada 2190 South Se-reine Rttad SOnct )N G E ialoi rcealig.cn Carguide - Wuîld ot Wheela - Boatg sîde - Boatîng Business S.O.H.O Mugazine - West of the Cily Magazne - Journey Leiaxîeways - Goîng Places One ut Canuda's leadîng publîxhera ut consumer and business magazines ha un rîrrrîdiate opening for u: Publication Sales Manager The Publication Sales Manager is responaîbte for estabisfpng, di- reclîng and munagîng the sules and marketing efforts for West ot the City Magazine. n tisî rois yox virii eotablîsh suies gouls and sirulegies for rhe magazine's sales leam. In doîng sa, you wîll creure a clîmure of innovation white foarerîng positive relationahîpa aîlh current uc- couns and wiii work wîth the sales ream in deseiopîng risc huai- You wîill 6e an eotrxserred peraonulîly Ihat cun estabish and fos- ter mali communîly relatîonshîps thrsugh arlendance al sarîsus esenîng and weekend communîly esenla ru wîii undersraad the intrîcacs of our marketsaund will be the fuce of rhe muga- zine' 10 our largeled demogrupsic grxup. To succeed in rhîs rois you wili hase experience us u suies/mur- ketîng manugement cupacily, preferabty wîlh a muli-media buck- ground. Poat-secondury educalion in un Adserrîsîng, Murketîng discipline wouid 6e benefîci for succesa la thîs rois, If you could lîke ro, work for a leader in rhe media îodualry Ihîs op- portunîly map be rîght for you. We offer o comperîrîse compensu- lion and benefîl puckuge us weil us opportunîries for fururs cureer growth. If îoleresled pieuse forwuru your resurre and suiury eupecra- lions, by Oclober 17 200510o pmuttei@metrolund.com -fus (905) 632-0308 We upprecials the inlereol 0f uli applîcals however oniy Ihuse seIecled for us interview wîii bo conlucled. No phone cuils or agencies pieuse. STACKPOLE LTD. is ose of the colO's ieadîsg manufacturiers and uasmbles; of technolagîcaiy advanced poader metl componentlanud asoomblues torithe autamalîse induslry. Our Oew Ascarer division, Precîsîsa Metl Compassas, is xeekîng la tîli 1he faiiowîng position: We are iookixg foraself-molivalet indîsîduala who have apaaaîon for achîeviag and exceediog ai quali opecihicalioox and wanl lx make a positive contribution la the divisions auccexa. sors pou a ga usîn from a Manuracrurisg iechnaigy/ lecanîcian Pragram. or do you hase relevant eoperîsnce5 We are iaskîng for enthuaîastc, cammîOIed sn- dîxîduais. Youî pragram ai hase ncluded hanida an machînîng experience. SPC introduction, entry ieoei die deaîgn,boaîc knowiedge ai hydiaulîcai pneu- matîco. Idealiy ou hase completed pour ca-op termo in a related field. Manutac- turing osperience is ant asset. Ws offer an opportunily lo/lo a wodld ciasa tsum wîth pieolp of opporlanutis for career advancemenl, We ofter a compeîtive wage and excellent INTERIOR DESIGN / SALES AT LAZBOY Wie are looking for some talented people ta lais us as'Deslgn/Sales Consultants'. If yas are a gaduele of an accredited Interlor Design course who is laoking for a unique appartanfity ta use yosr skills and talents theni 1his may be the sob for yaui Wive hase apenings at sur niew store at the OakvilleîMlssissauga Border in aur sther loca- tions - Brampton, Burllngton and North Missis- sauge. Our Pragram tesches faou Sales Skilla and helpa you la inlegralo thase skilas with oui Design alls for succeas as a Sales Cansuiltant The dulies in- clodo ussisahng clients vain pralecla in aur show- roams and in aur client's homes. Yau a/il need ex- cellent communication skills, a fissible uchedule which wiii includle esenînga and asekenido, reliable transportaion and u deuiret l an. We ure now laking applicatians by phase- aîmply cuIt Charlie ut 905-568-2211-24 haurs a day- when you are prampled la 'enter an extension'- diat 150, ihen dial #6-151 la reapand ra sexerol questions. Real Estate Career Seinar Building a protfessional real estate career H-ave ysu considered u protessionat reut estate career euth Canudu's leading fanchis ganization? Ournewexcusie ad novais Succeed Agent Metrn -rga ra asityü nte rcensng proess orentle ou n te w rid of isuý srsis and~~~~~~~ shnpoieyuw ni-ffice business ss. rts cis 15 Weehi in prorn ferm uan fte fouis tîmev fed o ucr o the îongpositonswtth Resou rcesss asnnuîs package. ses k ppcrard t0 weicomiag pou ro tas teamIIr j a pe ? Par-rie Hetlj Parard rosume ta: Stactipole LtdI Precision Mettait Components Division a1325 Cormorant Drive, Ancaster, Ontario L9G 4V5j CLEANER. Mature per- C/O Humas ResourcesE-mail: PMCHR@stackpote.com son/couple requirnd ton For more information plasse visif sur veitel ut www.slackpole.ca. light duty cinanîng in Ws lhank ailappicanIs for theiruinlsrsst, Miton. 5 exen- however only those seiecled for an interview wull be conlacted.f,,aalOa.t îngs/ceek. Apprantaox.lttatntida 3hrs/day. Applîcars - -4il - f must he reliahis sou Masic & Dance ~v1Articles I '. rils --Y - nean appeanancen Fax~ a oflorl Fo Sal nesome la 9a5-e3/- GUITAR LESSON S A King iiacwtxp Mai- 7033. Pnoate guitar lsssas MOVER Macen, gas îress Onl. Nec in plus- Oei asaîlahin tram an pacernu, used ticce, tic. Cool $1600. ssii tor expertnencnd, bisou nec condition. $450. 905-567-9459.DIVR Oomestic Help prsfessianai instractor Fuîd $650. askungDRV S Available No registration Ion, S2aa000 B Cali vas-- - reasanahie rates. e878a04o0 "CLEAN as a cOistis' Ruck (905) 875-461aDeîelecIuk Cinanîng lady avaîiabie GE chnte Pnudge .& It? VS pal throughot the U.S.& Roasonahie rates. Par Tu tori in I Oloo, 2 ens ne w. I etors cîth asa trucks mois infarmation cal Servi!ces $1r0oaa Cuil 905-076 - ' ramu at Yoianda 905-275-9036,219l AdseS abie cîlh an experienc0 A cong room, chsn1rrp cl~ aef prosîdedc nughtiy PRIVATE home cloan loucher 0411 Tunua un aood. double pedesiai ltî Na cool ing ausishie us Milton, 647-206-2646 Evpn- lubie. 8 chairs. huflert,,, famîil meduca Reasanabte raies, rot- înçs huioh. doueluil con- jIaqeS)j- Frequent flyer milea erences. tise est r struction, Nec stîlli n '.sa j Must hase AZ lîcenso maies. Expeniencesu SeI(it todayin the~ houes. Casi $rraaa/OR /Te Catie 905-016- I~î~im.o Sacrifice $200 905 - ~ cORI 0371/905-693-0350 [pion.... 567-9409 ** au ust Fnd uii w"t, air Please Kecycle Ibis Paper JOB FAIR 20+ job positions Friday October 14, 2005 2:0Opm - 6:00pm Mitton Empîoyment Partners Centre (Southview Plaza) 550 Ontario St S. #203 -Foul lime -Varios Shifts - Benefîla Package -Order Selec * Bonus Plans * Generol Lob * Compelitise Wagea Co-Packing toss salera For more information please contact Pivotai Action Force 905-681-7744 Mondai Io Friday Between 9am and 5pm Friday October i 4th. 2005 9:OO am -5:00 Pm Saturday October 15th, 2005 9:00 am -1:00 Pm 42 Armstrong Avenue, Georgetown FULL TIME PRODUCTION WORKERS The ky daues include 9 usa and unisue muchine a Puckîage craies * Peso machine wIs ra muter ai * snspectrsg la shed prsducr Mureral HandOis MUST HAVE " Safeis Boots. CSA aop"'reo * AbO ic ork lttig shifts - duas uitrroons mîdnîgnîs uns weekendo " Ifs ho ubl o', lIl ard carry 201bs or a freQuent bus s urd 5OlOs os cocuasior * Workeoserîence cirn rimoi superision Go Coc crmunr'CurOr SIS *Provcr -rOOs'aIin g essorerc 0usd Grade t?! a~ n ussei WE OFFER * Croor 'rus ae ages ;Si? hoIu n soaitr e Berctei ý,d Peron Plar * Ooporýn:e t ar r obus omert Ail applicunts wll receive an on-site interview. uhe are sn reed of a dyrr mpOrioyOec ill delsive gieal service t0 Oui Irlrria and exisîsui cist O ior THE KEY RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE * Anacering iniiOihig cuslomner nquires * Durs Enlry a Murnruîsîng positive rusîsmer reluations * Lbase waIS internai cusîsmers Io essuie successflu deiîsery of produci * Preparatios of produciun truoeiers and prepurîag reports MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS 0 - eums of cuaromer sersice esperiesce sn masuulclurîsg escîrosmeol *Srosg communication and computer skîlîs Pisase suhmîi a reaume Ioa resînres-@olos com or Fan: 905-877-7383 Canada's Largest Independent Distributor WALLACE & CAREY INC. Lise Pictiers mast items pîcked 1 -51bs, Butk Pidrers sp tar 50160. NO EXPERIENCE NEIED WILL TRAIN P/T Mas.-Fni Dapa, Wsge $9-$lt0 based Line or Bath Picker & experience. Eady performance based încreases Good beheantl package Year rondxeady emplopmenl Fax# 90"-25-9709 or apply in person to 226 South Service Rd. W. Ostiville JOBS AVAILABLE Production work an the MILTON area. $112/b r. AUl shifts asailuble HCR Fax: 905-876-4090 or Tel: 905-876-4661 310 Main SI. E. L Ste. 205, Mutas :: 'f o I tit t If f

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