"r The Conadian Champion, Tuesday October 11, 2005 - 27 g. 4- ~ '9 * - Ao :Index: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 9 e Rentais 170-196 te Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-29 Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: cIassified@miItoncanadianchampion.com ta Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470,@ HeIp Wanted 500-57 Mon. to Fri 9am-5pm BONUS! Al classified ads also appear on ww.haltonsearch.com: e Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION caîl: 905-878-5947 Payment: We accept cash cheqoe, Interac, Visa. MasterGara, Ainerîcar Express Ail ails placed are non-refundalile and no credit wiII be lsuc Bsns cout a eoened itir an approood credit application anaîlable from sionr Sales Consultant cHECK< YOUR AD THE FIRSI DAY IT RUNS ta ensune lire informatinis correut Conrtact your Sains Conisultarît oîitin 24- Hoors il an error appear irerri aE ulcainms e reponted no lter iran Mon il arn en FfasForReni oreni REsl^ vvvrasac MILTON. 3-bedroom towntrouse, inciuding Ar REALLY CAR WHP OUL appliances, finished BIRTHDAY ENGAGEMENT f1a irs <axil OrLat faatint srtiLs. $15 c ot garage ieis ' avaîlabie 24 hoii, No ipp upu,nf eqreins p,,TL Octobe 3I ACTON 905-876-4499 A, on vounris six) As3 4374 DARRIN and Robin Crowel are deighted te 4ii Max na n Fuxo ?5 & Cx rîco Si iannoance the sale arriva ef their second son bous, 4applancs, br 2th, 005at 11:0pmal Trillium Health MOIsd. 05 /6124 Fiishe re-rom, as ente, wighng 1lo, 5zs.A new playmate a me ni ti es ý Harny & Jean Croel and Oriente Berry. A GEORGETOWN 2 $l ondineshspecial thank yo00101te Midwfery Care of Peelý GOGTW 2- Ho-Des 416-578-5030 Pleseo UStaelbrae hebedroom legai base- o Pl a ej i u o ctbat h l & Ev e y W lkins on and men c r lmen In 3hoeDROO4M a0pî2cW eh Elzbt ibre ai o ciuded 954-78 placsYrd nd available îmmedîately RAAAIN&SIE et oehRENTALS garden maintenance wt eaaebt n 1bedroom apartmerrf for înciuded Availabie parking 0400/montS in- "GRND OO" Cngatuatonsinhistoric building in îmmedîarely, Fleer- clusive. 905-H64-6533. 161Chihoni r. ilonONRockwood $650 morriS onces $800 monrir Hoess For Sale OEAUTIFUL 2-storesi onora large lot in Georgetown South, 3- bedrooms, 2 fr2 balhs, backîng osto Green- bell, beside park. buytheomner, com/27495 $355.000 Cxi 905-702-1526. BRAND new 1900 sq. fi premîam lot, many opgrades, nener troed in. occupancy Decem- ber, $324.000, Private Sale 416-821-5093. SELLIERS Find Ouf What The Home Down Tire Street Sola For. haltonhonnesinfo.cam 10ie/LSneSl3% finlncna. Bad Sae credt. self-empieyed. fn proeî t ousicome - up ETB ISE i xc 100% financinai. *EAI -PRTO i Gall Doire 905-64« SE : 4561. DOWNTOWN Milton Share brîght 2-bedroom apanlment. Ground lev- et/separale entrance ix new custom irome, t acre lot, kîtchen/taux- dry/gas SP, A/C, 2-flt washrooms ProIes- sionaliNo smok- mng/pets. $600/month ai inclusive or $tt75îmnnth for flt apatnent. 416-998- 5968 MILTON immaculafe 1- bdrm basement ail in- clusive, non-omoker/no pets. 905-876-1159 euenîngs. MILTON, acceplîng ap- plications for f bdrm apt . plus den avaîtabie Dec 15, rate of $865/nrth no dogo. For apyf - cat 905-699- 139& MILTON f bedroom apt. for lent Nouember tnt 5870/mIS utirtres rocladed. Cai 416-723- 4801. ACTON, 2x 2-bedroom apargments avaîiahiv for October lt/Novem- ber lot. $8905month ail inclusive. Cati 519-853- 3309 or519-853-0719 AVAILARLE Nooem- ber 1tt 2-bedroom, Trafalgar Road (near Ern). Heat and Hydro încioded Cati 519-589- 6500. AVAILABLE NOWN 2- bedroam spacînous Cenfiai location in G e a i g i tW on ssso muorsi piOs ireat/irydro, Cuit 905- 4- r1350. 1Flos For Reni D10 you 650cr Tour rentai prnpenty vacant even one mont h takes 2 years lu, make upu Protect sieur investiment Aduegîise un Champion Ciassîfieds GEORGETOWN SEN TA ES f, 2, & 3 bedrooms. Check ouf wxh site wwwhaitonhiisrxs- GEORGETOWN t - bxdroom apartment. Garage parking, close le GO. $800imonth ait inclusiveý Firsi/last. 905-702-388& GEORGETOWN smaii 1-bxdroom apaeumeot. $495/month plus hear/irbydro, No pets, Avaitahie Oclober is1 Cai 905-873-3355. GEORGETOWN, 2- hedroem apadtment 1,200 sqft. on 2sd fleur, prolessuona couple or single. Applu- ances, ne pefs/smok- ng. Sl.180/month un- clusive. Availabix rm- medateiy, Cai John 416-574-7707 LARGE 2-bedroom apadtmen. main floor. Hydro extra Availahie November 15th Please cai aller 7 OOpm 905- 877-4704, SEMI- DETAC HE O Suse loi Lent Quiet streei big yard 3 bcd- rmoins, $910/mnuri plius utiîrou Cati Rob or Cynthua 905-873- ueracned bouse for . - - rel in Gaeorgetown. ru tnin iris newiy re- aine lor. grear nergir urored lurn-ol tire cen- bourirood. $1.800ý tury home Charmîng monte Cali Elizabethr Iwo storey brick home Doxill Johnxson Asso- wîtir double garage, cals Raltr 95-87-Dead end street ' aik 5raies Relo t957 downtown Tirrex bedrooms, fwa Satir - - roomo. separate dînîng SPACIOUS 3-bedroom room, tamlsi room off apartumenf near Acton kîtchen Frue appli- (Fooeeh Lne and Hîgh- ances. First/last. way 7). fu0 bafhs, $1,375 per month, plus iaundry, new interiot, utîlities. Pets at the dis- AJC and heat încluded. crefion efth1e Landlord. $1,300/month. Aoait- Non-smoker. Mîd-No- abie îmmie dately. vember occupancy. Credit references re- 905-873-6760. guîred. 519-853-5330 MLO eaîul Folpm 828 8OOmf renouafed 3 bedroom 4 otmbungalow iS main floor lauodry room, 6 new appliances C/A. ~ Hosoo Perfeot for retîred/pro- Fo et fesoronali coaplepoin. gIeý No -pets/smoking. MINT. 2-bedroom $1 200/mth plus utîl- gînunut floor of $5506 ruies. December lt home on 2-acres of roit- 905-876-3736. ing iandscape backîxg 2000 acres of foreuf & MILTON 2 FlOUSE onto Hruce Trait. Hwy for rent. Semi.- 25/t5 Sîderoad. Nemisi fached, 1600 sq.ft. 3- renoafe 1300 sq. M., bedroom 2-1/2 bath, all appliances. garage, CiA. C/V. $1350/month înciadîng Avaiable Nooember utîlîtres. hîgh speed Itf askîng tSOO/montir internet & TV. Aoaîiable -vutlltres. Cal November. Cai Rob Rick/Frances xl wnrk 4t6-836-8324. 905-693-0082, home 905 854-,3435ý MILTON 2-story, 3- MILTON 3-1Odrm Main bedroom house. Appi Fioor Hungalow, Oas onces. Large dnoveway. Frrepiace/2-parking Avariabie Oclober. upaces/Laund ry/ Fresr- $1300 /month +v utîl- ly Painted/New Bath- rires. 905-875-3750 room, $l300montr util rires Inciuded 416-505- 8314 3-OIEDROOM main fioor ot bungalow To oses Georgefown, 3 car ___ FrRn parking, exclusive use mm FrRn of yard, toitlitaon- OAK VILLE- 3-bcd- oirysrorage - central air, noom townhouse avî mou maîntaîned, close aile îmmedrareiy oc shropping, very dlean. Srough December t. 4 Novemirer 1t, apyliances. Hoyeîli St1 3 85 /m onrtihr Maii area Lakesiore Seat irydro included, Management 905 876- Gall 90b 334-8309, 3336 ferred, Guelpir Line & 40t, 5425/miS, 905- 854-0359 ROOM for rent, $450/mIS utlîltres ti cluded/close lu, park & downtown area/lur- nîshed if needed/non- smokerîfemae pre- ferred/parking for f car/ aoaîiabie îmmedîately. Cai 905-875-2015. ROOM for reof. large bedroom wîlh own hathroom/iaondry faot- ities/$450. mth ail inclu- sive, female preferred. 905-878-5151. ROOMS f rom $11 Olweek. Sirared washroom, oer dean 270 Main St. E. Mîtoný 416-882-925& MM Acmmdaton FEMALE professînnai lookrng oe sirare her Milton Tomnirome Fe- maies only, nu pets or cindren an omner iras cal. $7000mth plus shared utîlîfres. Aoait able Jan. 1,- 2006. Cal LORENZ, ERIC Taken away humn us on Thorsday October Sr6 2005 aI 15e age of 4t, Eric Lorenz, ioved sp000e ot Lina. Lvng dad and beut trîend of Brandon. Greaty mîosed by hîo mem and 510 sîster Greta and her irasband John. Esic ii aiways Se rxmembered Sp hîs famîly and ftriends. Famly and fruendo are îeeîted te, viit at the McKERSIE- KOCHER PUNERAL HOME 114 Masn St. Miton 90$ 878-4452 from 2-4 pmti and 7-9 pmi on Toesday. The lunferai service wil be held in the faneral home chapel on Wedsesday, Octoher 12th 2005 ai 1:0 pm. sterment te fl ow at the Milton Evergrexn Cemetery. "Sleep In Peace Eric" I M eram =-inMmoriam MORTON, HAROLD Youiiovrv-inev-i u.uitifiiyhu lex (;,,d iIkurk c riiyi- liitkogiuitig Muu iv Williivrrc . chancei.o ruiai (;vudiiye Icl ci ur hart, veutîî rîî osî y ru Sept Liie ia c on ri~irlanda ea i irruigot SoirncI)otel]vi yoiuuvemvdrnct agaux iennalcal rMretre e Aleuayvslovetand reeîeebeed 985 864-4329ý Wayne fixa é- Ren and grand/ ildrenAaroe Wes KyleandMe nies I The Milton District LE-IN Caregfr cu lS In~l Memricam doatny : exp FIT r t r (DIT willi[ 30 IDeoon d.naE.n IoH 50/Siel axD weuing 30" drR ta6 40raoeL lxrsm Milton, Ontario 41610053Foundation ILSI12X5 Avouale ~In Memoriams in the form of donations ta, The STAY-AT-HOME ruai iras Fvll Spaices avait Canadian Cancer Society aSie Palice check, Hamwthorne Village Ai- arc deeplly 7appreciated. ext 905-878-8185 AWARD-WINNING franchise nom anariabie for your communty. Largesf home and busi- ness mourng franchise sysfem in North Amen- ca. Great career moue 4 16 -2 04 -0 07 3 Jrm.Heîd@ tmomenandatruck.ca NO COMMUTE G01 DOIVE & DESIRE9 $Leam t0 Earn$ FROM HOME Nol MLM Contact: f 800-431-2084 S$MONEYSS 100% lot, 2nd and 3rd Mort- gages. Oad credît OK. Cai Ontario Wîde t1- 888-307-7799 $0.00 DOWNPAY- aà) new retaîl lccation b) lx assume your cor- lent lease or c) lu, share your eoîst- îng premîses, Please leaux a mes- sage wîth contact ino ar 905-877-8219 MILTON sflice space/ 8OOsq r 12 wasir roomo/ prînate Park- ing anaîlable irmdi aiÀp S$750imrSî i Sydro/Oronfe Sr 44 A 5yr@4.49%. Aiso eg- uuty meetgage programs regardiessof xlncome or credit. Cai Norm aI 905-844-1245 or ausît us ai mmm sunclaîrcock- boîn com Apeots & MILTON 3-brnu api., ir/appluannesi4 car gar- a4 $ 'S9 8 0 /m t fi Sydno/availabie imirnodi- ateiy Cai 905-897- 6391 oir952088