The Canadian Champion, Tueaday October 11, 2005 - A25 French accepts head coaching job in Wichita Former Merchant excited about taking reigns at the pro level Mark French otffcially begins his firsi season as a professional hecad coach later this rnonth, alihougb he's anything but a rookie bchtnd the bench. At lust 34 years ot age. the native Miltonian and former Jr. B Mcrchant brings a svealth of experience to the Central Hockey Lcague's Wichita Thunder, who announced hjs signing fate fast rnonth. F'rench spent last season as an assistatt coach with the East Coast Hockey I eague's Atlantic City Boardvalk Bull tes w ho fellf l to Mil tot ait Scott Bertoli's Trenîton Titans it the tîrst round. Wbcen tbe Hullies mioved to Stockton, (Xiii fi ia titis pasi spring, F-rencs heen lissking foi othei oppootunities - md liiic \oliai lie ci isders iii hc an ideal fit ssifb Wichitai.MakFe c 'iprctfy C\CliiîBcng a pro head MakFec coiach bas al\\ ays been miy goal, and iii get my firsi chance ai ibat finals iii Belaois. years aîsd is alssays al cottndcr --rensclibas proven be cati turn aruid a strugglîng teanis sfotunes. %'O n th e u n for bis firisi fead Lilachsîtie aisstenîtsieiit ansd took tise ilfrnd I auner r, ~etîce finiRý ii iit a SSrIit\ ears. petes in the junior girls division at the recent North fro anNo Halton Cross-Country Meet at Sherwood Forest Park c- - the day, winning both the junior and intermediate Im Ill 2Yx f lu ei.)l Phots b SARIN BYNESwhile taking top spot among intermediate boys was CANADA Phots bySABRNA BRNESW.l. Dlck's MatI Dupont. T AE2 peweesW~fl Milton Lacrosse Association Mlîon AF2pevc rodea stIfl rformnc by lîltende JustinDavidso ni 4- vi oe iitngHepclrlat uesday Davidby ward anmer fetisceme pll ouet athd Mîcb Annual General M eeting Dathsoid suppor sscai red y itumberîfsîmss Piipl itut abd vicr McLaugblîn. Dylan Burkbolder led offlctssîsely wsish a goîal and ais is being held on Thursday, October i 3th, 2005, assîsi on Quinn Kerr's game ivinner. Alsis scîîrnng werc Russell Jolivet and Megan Watn. Kendall Aikinsîtt, C'lay Jonces, Paul at 7:30 pm in the Meeting Room at the Tonelli Community Marten. Kenny Pagua and Mason Wbîîîng pîcked up assisîs. Meanwbile, Milton's AA minor aîoms were dîsubled up 4-2 in Room, 21 7 Laurier Ave., Milton, for the purposes of Oakville Tbursday evening. Connor Hallyburton kepi tbîngs close wiîb suime big saves. Electing 2006 Board of Directors and amendments f0 the wbîle goals came f-rom Rîsurke Ferguson and Adam Wilson. Seîîîng tbem up were Aidan Atinson. Jacob Quinn, Ben Preisner M. L.A. Constitution and By-Lavvs. and Graydon Wessînger. VOLYBL A'iTLAG URA SPRT CU & z CO-ED ADULT VOLLEYBALL LEAGUES ,. Mifton at E.W Foster School pïW_ - Tliursday niglits between j, 8& 10 pm Oct 13 to Dec 15 95.407.GAME a FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: CALI SUSAN GRANT 905-878-1547 BETWEEN 6-9PM