Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Oct 2005, p. 20

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A20 - Champion Country, Tuesday, October il, 2005 Residents cali for changes in political system BF El,, BY ROBIN DOWNTON-POIRIFR 0~ ;_ loin the any people wio agree not to dhnk akobolic beverages..and to dose eseryone in their group homne safely. isealth-taie ansd imigratiîon sscie attîuîtsg tise Isot tspits dsiscus"sed ai tise tifS i hall mieetintg ltsed by MI hP iiîefuii (iarth Turtner Wedttcsclas isiglit ini Brtîtks lie. lise mseetinig held ai the Nassagasseya Cîîttissittty ('etstre oit Gutelphs Litte die\s about 4(0 area residets. Mr. lTurner, a Coisset s aise. iisuy accepted eaei commenti ansd erîticisisi htii tise auidienîce andîc stressed tisai he si sttd lîke tsi help) change tise poli tîcai s> stem in Cansada il lie atiains his goal ofi becornL!t ail MP is tse isexi ledet ai elecitits ansd reîs resenttng Haitons ils the Hitese ofi Cosnmons. 1I feel we îseed a better politteal sysîcîsi. Tbîngs are pretty aerttoenious and ugly and we need ts change that (before) peosple step back and beecime cynieal about i., lie à ie c t. Ï00 Iiitc il 'ii term vision in the political system now. The politicians are only seeing what will happen in the immediate future, but the next four years is flot good enough. They need to be thinking more long term, like the next 15 to 20 years." JOUAN CU3IlIE Jîshan Chemrer expressed his belief that there's a lack of long-termi planning and visioîn iii îoday's pesittical system. dlî 10i t,îk htîîitIIiilli ssi issspiins i tIieisi ansd 1 kmmit litai pasi esp)et teîtce fliai tisese t, îs tA sal tettsgs aea uîeat ss a> ii (Io tis.' Bssb Clasrk. i a ltoti lesîdeti commsîsent cd dtia isprsis eetts tit tite siîssllttill*iCa t(tost pîîicss aie tseeded. 'Wises y0 (i Mi. Turnser) ssere ait MW helise. inittalII tise commtisunicatioîn svas, a gisiiu tic 15 waiv street ibetîveeis tIe test- dlents ansd tise i lsisse ofCil ittiiîis andi ysu \Vs'iCi iid ke ilsîîasîiback tsi Ottawsa inuit HalIsts. but tiscî it clsatîed' he 'aid. "hbecatise a hu sa iesand issas als il xsit sveîe sellsîsg residenislts ntise hap- pentings ii Ottaswa. Re tssstillttsg cinti- deisce aîsd digîsîy ii Ottasva is teeded.- Many resîdenîs agrced \vtl Mr. Tunser antd Mr. Clark abosut the peiliticai sysiens antd passtinaiely iiffered their opinions. 3) ' Truestdr for Women- Nutrition & Fitness Cen ters Based on the wortd's Ieading heaith website C AL L *cardioi equipment and circuit training *weight Ioss and nutritional counseling *professional supplemnents and vitamins 310 T RU E AND "BE THE ULTIMATE YOU'î Ui N u TR i îoiNu1E xEuuR, i ; 1 .1iA iiu. Mo! 1AT T i E S 1P W WW. T R U E STAR. CGo M Milto - 57 Ontri Stee (t -r and Onaro When the discussion turned to immigra- tion, residenis îold Mr. Turner that Canada's healîh-care systemr ansd afford- able housing are hoih already stressed and allowîng more immigrants will only make thîngs worse. He said ihat the Conservative Party feels strongly that the 600,000 people in the "immigratton queue." ihose who have 9 applied for eniry toto Canada, should be h and led firsi heftsre any further immigra- tion is consîdered. He added people ihat can be a henefit to, Canada, such as doctors, should he gîven cosîderaton firsi. Other topses ihat were iouched one bu rtefly încluded taxation, conîrol over ~v gastine prices and the criminal justice sys- term. On each seat. Mr. Turner placed s Voier's Guide. t cîvers many osf the iopîcs dis- cussed as svell as sesme isîhers thai svere ratsed svhcs he does door-to-door canvass- sng for support. The MP hitpeful cîîîcluded the mseeting b> siattng ihai the politicai sysîemr bas hecîs reccîsîng a great deal tsf isegaîsse puhhicîey iaîely svith the Lîberals being accused of co)rrupion and cover-ups. as scel as the detecissn osf Belinda Stronaeh. He said he believes ihai ibis negative stigma can he allevîaîed, and the hesi svay to dos that is 'ione leader ai a urne." He added thai he's older and more expe- rieneed sînce hîs lasi urne in office in 1988 and bas a betier perspective now in order to fairly represet Halion constituenîs. Hop On Board With Sehool Bus Safety. Whiie you're on the school bus, follom, these simple safety rules: " Remain seaied ihroughout the ride. " Keep your amis. hands and head inside the bus. " Keep your beissngings away from the sisle. " Do flot distraci the bus driver with loud noises or sudden osovemtents. (f sets ici "lie îsîiitîuan ail e ist> eeîî sshat sviil happes is the iimedîate future but te siexi fourt yeai s is ssii gîîd ctougs. [bey need tsi be tiiking mrore lonîg îerm. lîke Isle sexi i15 ii 20i years." Asther toisiî. ihat svas dsscussed ai ieistih isas the healts care sysîcmn and the svay Canada is inssv tig tîîsard an 'Aietîcastsyie sysitrn". svheîeby people tiay basve tIo pay tior suime iseaith-care Ms. Tunerc exprcssed hîs cîticeroi thai svsîl ait agetng poipulation, mnedical dernands ssiii siserwiselm the healih-care systens. and ihat changes are îsceded to esimpeissate foîr shîs. He saîd the Conservative Party esf Canada helieves in explorîng ways to improve healîh care and pssssibly hlending public and prîvase care provtders to ensure Canadians have access to ail health care optioîns. Immigration bot topic 1*114

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