Champion Country, Tuesday, October 11, 2005 - A17 'w,' ~ ~ r I 0/ ,Be our guest saf.ty mascot joins <tram kmf) Gary Helnz, Bryan Mesqulta and Jeremy Fesbourg lit invltifg ail rural resîdents to attend the CampbelIvIle tire station open house on Saturday fram 10 a.m. ta 2 p.m. The day Includes a children'a combat challenge, face painting, air baunoe, smoke trailer and a bar- becue. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE BUYING 100 MUCH SALI? Start saving TODAY When you purchase a HIGH ___EFFICIENCY CALL FOR DETAILS!! 4n- wM' -À90M AL àl *@ Vour Time *a Vour Gasoline @ Vour SA CKI! Order 9 (36kg) bags of sait and receive the nom