A14 -The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October il, 2005 u,-,siness Energyv saver The Cool Shops Clean Air Foundation had the local Iaunch of its energy-saving programn ast week ait Troy's Diner. Here (from left>, Mayor Gord Krantz, Halton MPP Ted Chudleigh, Milton Hydro -W President and CEO Don Thorne and Cool Shops Clean Air Foundation pro- ~4à4 gram manager Cara Sweeny join Troy's Diner owner Troy Newton in off icially kick-start- uing the initiative, which helps small businesses across S Ontario reduce energy con- sumption, save on utility ThetS and improve air quality. Teprogram is a joint ven- ture between the Ontario Min istry of Energy, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Natural Resources Canada and Milton Hydro. Photos by GRAHAM PAINE Duffà,erin receives North American award for environmental programs *)teri \egre, l g olden il ' en il corie to a Ni lNu ne i a cî iThe NlilsîIi qua~rr\ lîcccntlý caîl lich t l.iîî irmsinietL le GJoii \\Iiaid liii t ns ironnmental PiîaIîî ii ll e National Simnie. Sand andi Grias el iso.i tl'le a\ ards aie prescrecl aInaally to ei gieoperalions thiat liilsr os eratl I iil-i îiital e\cellence andc îîîîemîîn ilniloatiilî cil iii iînieiiial resulis beý,îîîîd the leilai cîquireîocît. the persîînal comitintîof i stafft and ci îîonoî lis Noo1liA\îîerc ii site, -,i\i) ai i ChI iadi \cc Iliiicî prouîiicl l iici cili loinIili sard I )fl ci iii geîl iaae Bill (ialliiiiii. t«I'ics ,ho\,% Ilt ailli,-,î ouiL pcsac sNordli \iiic , c unii ii \gcail s cacl u the is ay iii ens i i lii nmental sIeI. ai clshi1îprî ansTlcahe rî i tcheli/ i coillpan "s appriiacli li thc ldîilgeieîil il landch 55t aid nuliii. as wil aS OUlI ciillflillelll lii te CilliiîlitieS sîlîieoL fclicie lica cotiuon \IoIeC i-e ar iI cleli i i cîii biil i andc lake [~sclu it eliliaic es lie NIacalIa an cillci Iiililec cuiNri Sctii (I iih i*ciciSuiiill Iouelli ui)iiiiii/c SSiii iiliaILec mlenti ion site. I licie 1eluabililaccî Iadcî \i Il ciliiuiicl. bciîîe a helilc iil \î atli andc i ecicatiiail resildrce Iîîr flic cýiiiliiiiil5t ofl tlaltii alîîîîu S\i tll isiiu I ic sîrii. plîllir sîtipi SýitIi Scut' Ciacada andifilc IBhrlce Trail AýssoiicatiouIl Business series starting Huixsov.nil s lookinz to leaiii real îvorld strateoies %vill \ani (o kctp) Wednc sdai nioriinLiîc free for the lieut Iitl oýhilc. That's IOhen Halton Region's Businiess Excellence Sertes runs ai the Hilton Garden hIn in Burlingion. stariîg October 19. Put on hy ihe Flalton Resion Businîess Developrncnt Centre. tie nîne-wcek prograni -teaîuriiîg humnan resources execu- usve Fidon Elgie. seasoned CE() Mîkc Cooke and interniation- al businiess management expert Paul Kuttier -x wIl bcgin wiih Einployee Engagemnt:i Resource on Pros Cii Apprixîches. Future sessions \vill (<icus oit such aspects of business as fosterinag inceiltive foi resulis. performance man- agenieni aîîd launiching, a ness prctuci. Limiied to 25 participants, each session cosis $31) per per- son. Those inieresied in sigýiiing uip ean do so by calling (905) 825 61(111 ext. 790(1 or visiting svww.haitonbusiness.coi-n. Core's Pump Serviice YWell Drïllîng et* WeIf Rehabilitation e Reverse Osmosis Drinking *WeII Cleaning Water Systems FIow Rates e UV Sterilization Systems *Water Trealment e Complete Pumnping Systems Core Tel: (905) 854e4515 Ceil: (905) 69Fw6118