A12 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Ociober 11 2005 from DATELINE on page Ail lte glaties rîtîtît -llie tîsi lii ec aci. li is $2 fioi ieitibers antd $4 <tir tutu itcîtîbers. /Uidt ils, Wedniesdav Lunch Counter t.îkes pilace ss lbh a lit ital tir $6. Stu<n up ini ads atce ait te iet.eîtitii desk tir by callitu lte cenître. For more infoirmiation. s aI I9 ) I Thursdav Oct. 13 Thic Burliriglun ebalîter uil te Schizophrenia Society of Ontario bîtîts ils suippot gruul foi fi ieîds ittil fatinily tf ucple vvilb scbizophreia i 7 pi. iiiii tht bary Lit lui1 Nelsiti t ed Churcli. 3132 Simili Dr.. iii Buîrlingîîîî. [tir moîîre informattion, i.l (9X)5) 634-6797. VON Haltoit contîinîues ils free <(I seek hospice training course ai tlie VON oiffice, _23701 Spces Rd.. li Oaks îlle tîtîtîtI 1 t 4 pîi. Tii ssît uip. caîl (90(5) 827-88(X), est. 213<12 or est. 23<1 Tic Fie Ails Siici tif Miltois Es*ening (roup ni Artisis ieets Irtîn 7 iii 101 p. iii. l'lie it imiaI eus i îîeîî prîts îles artisis ss it ait ipporui to iii eercise ieu-î dnin ai i k) os ii motire M- One of llalton s most experienced and qualitied chartered accountants - Astrid Lakats - has opened a new office in Milton. ASTRID LAI<ATS Chareeed Accounitani In 199), I.tsi leii à rit I'. .i l iiî.t dttt fi h ii l.îîîîîîi ctifi iisb fier tîsn iir.tii -,ii tite reîîîrc iflît a chitnerîti ict-itiititt îhiiid di) mli ifldhn iu't trgani/i a i.ieititý titdniti.i tnuifluts,. Sfic fkl'iicss" tit aCA sfluuli) inturpret ibdi intîrnitit uit ) iii li<i .ý itcirîîî)î ii , i tt ani.i anti prîîitity. "I am nul a cîmpans' s fiini.ciai hîstîtrian. Ais iflir clidrieriti .îicîîsîit ani. I am une uttheir kes' butîinîss des'irittit retîlurees <ucs'\ trdin- ing alid enpîrîîn.e tii transldti «tir iinaniid iniinmdtiin iti iable<i growstfl strategies," saiti Atstrid L.aka.s, CA. intformaition,. cal iîs ait <9115) 854-5753. Milîton Diîstrici 'isilft Ho titis a breastfeeding clinic sst lb cci- tificd lac.taiti coinsultantti fîîîî 7 ii 9 <titi IFor titile infotrmaltin tir Ioi iake ait apintiiieii. i.all Jeant G alleti ait f9 ) 878-2383, est. 7(03(0. 'Flc Ialtiti braticî if fie ('attadfan Mentl Healifi Assi ationt suais ils sîs iseek Anger Management Plrugram fi-uit 7 iii 9 puti. iii Aciti.'l'ite ceti s $95.Fto regisîtr tr ortmre inform iationt, cal! 190(5) 693-4271. l'lal itilits irtiittieit.l Netwoîrk (HI' NI Itilts a free semi- nar Inuit 7 iii 9 p iii. ai St. Anufrets's United ('rlîui.f 89 Miiiititts test Rd. S., ii (Geîtrgeitowni feainrittg Jtobn Icigusîtî Otarioi speaki111 aboliit te prin tce 's ltisiriiiietal HBil! tif RigIils,ý I 'tir morîîe intformiationt, caîl (90(5) 849-551, e-miail info@the-hen. net lit sîsit www. the-hen. net. -l'fie Ctiiiis(enlie, suite 2<10 iii IItpeifale MaIl Lit Rebes ca Street atitî 'lii i.f I ti ut(aks ill <t' itldfs ils; free Ileer C.ounselling Astrid Lakats ' t/ id iti) it) Cîîî'î t d Aitts itit an te \,lit ,t l. 'l t. i id a11\ k.îîî < i su > 1 >c. i iI iit i )tle uiM itdiltitîi ali t ii iîî ils' .îîî \via l te u î1nv."ttt Sll o.t,3. itiit vâ I iu iii CM 'ut > Itîtl - dic'euîîîînci d t ii.ii'tt l lliiîti t hetîn'titlililio ultlg TIti' lest' tiii lii i l' îiti. mi u i i t l.i ig Chat' c te.\iîit ii t ut 22 Mdii tt i(re1ci fi ,I I .îî l.rti Sre pL iiitt ri fis' - ,îtîp î)îîîitîlis' .îîîd df hi ar.Iige h- i.p itî I-!1 1 )5) ta 75ll Il, 3 .d> iiii.i îiîîî,iî . 'Iaflî,t Ili si'î's '.Iak Iis it ý,I l1 la e i "WE DON'T JUSI ORGANIZE VOUR FUNANCIAL NUMBERS; WE INTERPRET THEM, TO HELP YOU UMPROVE YOUR BUSINESS' PERFORMANCE AND PROFITABILfTY.» Serving You In The Following Areas: ConsuLd«n " Profil Impruvement Analysis " Strafegie Planning " Business Plans " Succession Planning " Key Perfurmnance Indicators NiIÎfIN Proud Member Accounting @ Audts, Revîews, Fînatîcial Stafenenîs " Cash Flow & Budgeiing " Covemrmetît Filings * Bank ProposaIs Income Thx " Persunal andi Corporate %<i Rîturns " SR & El) %« Credifs *'ixanti E"stae Planninîg ACCUlAI QUAUTY K SERIUN A 1MEY, FI!DLY MANNER For mmr Infonu*a or to ma ahn i NMdumnis at Or vU ow WebuIe at by stilunteers in pei son iii isei the plione froni 10 ar. iiit 3 pi. loi svonien facino abuse, ,riel'/loss aind relaîionship issues. Ils lice Women's Caring and Sharing Cirdle takes place lrm 1 iii 3 pmi. lis Mature Women's Network (WISE) takes place fromn 10 a.im to niion l'or svimen over 50. And ils irl Spanish Social (;roup l'or Spanishi speaking svomen takes place from 12:301 to 2:30) p.m l'or more information or iii regisier, cal (905< 847-5520. The Miltoni Seniors' Activity Centre, 5(X() Childs Dr., holds ils Mad Hatter's Social leaturînj, a laie lunch and a hat fashion show preseiîied hy the Mobile Mîllînery Hat Museum. Tickets cosi $8. Il holds ils Seniors' Cinemas ai 1:301 put. feaiuring Findtng Neverlaiîd. The costi s $2. Il holds a foot cure clinic wîih a VON ntrse hy appoinimeni îînly from 1 t 4 p.m. The costi s $24. Bld euchre and contract bridge take place ai 1:30 p.m. The cosi for eaeh ai.iiviiy is $2 for mnemrbers aîîd $4 for inon-members. Foîr more informattin, cal! (91)5) 875-1681. ('atadiat Bloitî Sersvtees holds a donor clinic ai the Miltont Sports, ('enlie, 60<5 Santa Mania Blsd., (rîîm 2 bo 8 pin. Foi an appitiiiîiii cal! I 888-2DONAT' il 1888-236-6283). Friday Oct. 14 TIhe l)eck vouth centre, 2(M1) Main St. itear etîtratice). is opent i hiisci.lii stideitis lin (lto pIaý a Lime il potol lioîn 7 tii 11 'lie Miltoni ('ents'ti i>k lre, "il0) ('ldi. 3-.. hiîlds con- tract tbridge ait 10 a.iii ai cuchre ait 1 3< p. m. The cîlsi fori each aci i u s $2 loir inciners, and $,4 tir <ionn members, Il li î)ds ils- Friday Night Movie I un 7 ii il0 pin. Tire coti s $2150. Aitd ils ('arnpellsille Esening Euchre Party tikes place ait ibe Lionis Hall iii 'ainphclls île ait 7:3(1 p.ni. 'llie coti s $2.5). l'or mine informaîî,tionî, ,.aIl (90)1 875-1681. Sat urday Oct. 15 ( i itlct'en'ctre. suite 21I1) iii Hopedale MaIl, ai Rebecca Stciaîid <titi I ic. it Oaks île siants ils our sseek Relationship With Self sworkshop <t'un 10) tni. lto niion. The i.t is Foi- 'or te informantion, caîl 91X)5> 847-55201. 'llie Witincii s ('cnire, suite 2101 iii [Itpedale MaIl ai Rebecca Street and 'bird I tic. iii Oaks îlle hoIids ils frce Peer Counselling hý Si îiîîeeî s iii persiti orti tlite phonîe irttin 10) arni. lt tîlîl. tlti, ssoiiet tas lite, abuîse, atc îsnd îelatiislttp isues, tii titole îitoîîîî,î 1111ii ii reulsici. i.uil t 9Oh t 847-,352)). 'lie itoni llisii,,ti Su. tl hltids ils îtiiîtfly dessert euchre iii te (k iia lce Rîîii it IlIte \vutidie lilý,iistiitlt Sbîîp. 16 Jimes see more DATELINE on page A23 ~lt Za;ec 1partýy ose Live Musc by BackBeat Dresa ln the 60's style (c, Sh Baqe aloito prsCnr -2.0BfeI les al4628-80frdtis FULL HAIR & ESTHETIC SERVICES .CTO.N. - A/G e MATRJX flWÉ- YON-KA e O.L. e CREATIVE Etîftdeody nultod iietu Main ~ ~ &i ffsn u:n- 95 6307 a Astrid Lakats Chartered Accountant MILTON OFFICE NOW OPEN